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东莞市普赛特检测设备有限公司 公司和产品简介
Dong Guan Precise Test Instrument CO.,LTD NO.23 Twelve lane , Xinxibian Village , Niushan Town, Dongcheng District, DongGuan City, Guangdong Province, China东莞市普赛特检测设备有限公司是从事研究生产销售检测仪器.试验设备的权威制造商。主营产品有:胶粘制品检测设备,拉力强度试验机,万能材料试验机,环境试验设备和疲劳试验设备的高科技民营企业。 公司于2009年创立“普赛特”,于2011年正式注册成立。集机械制造、自动化设备研发、生产、销售于一体。自创建之始就致力于各类检测仪器设备和智能试验机的研制生产,推出高性能、现代化的智能检测设备仪表设备。 普赛特始终坚持“科技为先导,创新为灵魂”的发展方向,致力于检测仪器行业的拓展,凝聚了仪器行业的技术人才,致力于新产品开发和市场推广,产品广泛适用于:科研、质检机构、大中专院校及金属、塑料、橡塑胶、包装、建材、石化、、电线电缆、机械、电子、制鞋、皮革纺织、染整等行业,为新材料开发,物性试验、教学研究、品管管制、来料检验之必备仪器。 普赛特凭借一流的品质,实惠的价格及优质的售后服务团队,深得用户信赖。秉承“务实、创新、高效、共赢”的企业宗旨,恪守“不断创新,精益求精”的企业精神,铭记“品质,顾客至上”的生存之本,矢志不渝地以优质的试验仪器设备和高效的商务技术服务为用户创造更高价值。 企业文化:★ 企业宗旨:务实、创新、高效、共赢★ 企业精神:不断创新,精益求精★ 经营理念:以质量求生存,以管理求效益,以创新求发展★ 研发方针:科技为先导,创新为灵魂★ 用人理念:有德、有才、有用、有为、有效★ 服务理念:尽心、尽快、尽美 公司联系方式:TEL: FAX:-803全国统一服务热线:4007880769PST International Equipment Co., Ltd, which headquartered in Dongguan. since 5 years ago, with many years of superb professional manufacturing experience and perfect after-sales service, PST has become the important leaders in the precision testing instrument industry. Adhering to the "integrity, innovation, unity, and passion" as the core concept, and strive to create a technology and management innovation as the characteristics of the corporate culture. We have a rich vision and passion, the pursuit of innovation and vigorous team, with its unique technology products to enjoy the spirit of innovation, perseverance and the outstanding quality and a strong sense of dedication of the team constantly creating value for customers. PST is in the fields of Environment, rubber, plastic, paper products, packaging, ink printing, adhesive tape, hardware, electronics, toys, furniture, footwear, baby products and many other industries, and applicable to all scientific research units, quality inspection institutions, the academic fields of study. The testing instruments of our company mainly research, development, manufacture and sales: Paper package test instrument, Tensile testing instrument, Printing testing instrument, Adhesive tape testing instrument, Bags & luggage test instrument, Environmental Test Instrument, Sofa furniture testing instrument, Hairdressing product testing instrument, Plastic rubber Testing instrument, Baby buggy testing instrument, toy testing instrument, Clothing, shoes and hats testing instrument and so on all kinds of national standard, non-standard precision instruments. The products meet UL, ASTM, JIS, GB, ISO, TAPPI, EN, BS...and other domestic and international standards. PST International Equipment Co, Ltd is the universal manufacturer in precision testing equipments , PST owns advanced processing equipment, superb manufacturing process and emphasize in manpower resource develop and maintance, developing a powerful research & producing team for a long time, providing a strong pledge for producing high-quality product. We look forward to win-win cooperation with global new & old customers.Customers: to provide each customer with the satisfaction of products and value-added services.Staff: In order to provide room for growth and development.Shareholders: In order to maximize the interests of the shareholders investment.`Community: the creation of wealth through labor, in good faith to repay the society.The main products:Tensile Tester,Peel Strength Tester,Constant Temperature&Humidity Chamber,Industries Oven,Box Compression Tester,UV Weathering Tester,Salt Spray Tester,UV Tester,Muffle Furnace,Bursting Strength Tester,Board and carton box compression testing machine,Crush Test,Bobbin Compression Tester,