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美国ABI Optical 384-Well Blue Reaction Plates with Barcode

点击次数:264发布时间:2015/7/17 17:37:05

美国ABI Optical 384-Well Blue Reaction Plates with Barcode

更新日期:2023/10/7 10:38:30

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:美国ABI qPCR/PCR MicroAmp EnduraPlate Optical 384-Well Blue Reaction Plates with Barcode



Applied Biosystems® MicroAmp® EnduraPlate plastic consumables offer excellent PCR or qPCR performance in formats developed to meet your experimental needs. All of our plastic consumables are validated with Applied Biosystems® instruments for optimal fit and performance. With the new EnduraPlate reaction plates, there is now a solution for work that requires special handling and an even greater degree of durability for use with multi-instrument experiments.

Key Features and Benefits:

 Optimized for performance with Applied Biosystems® instruments
 Certified DNA-, RNAse-, and PCR inhibitor-free with in-process sampling tests
 Constructed to ANSI/SBS standard, well suited to high-throughput laboratories and robot handling
 Available in multiple colors for easy organization of laboratory assays
 Excellent mechanical stability and flatness for your complete workflow needs

Use of polypropylene and a high temperature molding process helps prevent DNA, RNA, and enzymes from binding, while polycarbonate provides mechanical stability, flatness, and excellent durability. ANSI/SBS compliant construction combined with mechanical durability during and after thermal cycling makes EnduraPlate? reaction plates an ideal choice for use with automation/robotics and multi-instrument experiments (e.g., thermal cycler -> real-time thermal cycler -> genetic analyzer). 

EnduraPlate? reaction plates have a thin-wall construction that allows for a snug fit to thermal blocks with excellent heat transfer from thermal block to sample. These plates are optimized for performance with Applied Biosystems® instruments. Easy-to-read, black well identification text helps to minimize pipetting mistakes and improves sample preparation productivity, while five color choices provide a convenient way to organize your laboratory assays. A GPLE (For Laboratory Use) version is also available; all other versions are For Research Use Only.



Platform: 3130xl Genetic Analyzer, 3130 Genetic Analyzer, QuantStudio, 7900HT System, Veriti® Dx Thermal Cycler, QuantStudio? Dx, GeneAmp® 9700, 3500xL Genetic Analyzer, 3500 Genetic Analyzer, ViiA 7 Dx System, 3500xL Dx Genetic Analyzer, 3730xl DNA Analyzer, 3500 Dx Genetic Analyzer, ViiA 7 System, 3730 DNA Analyzer, Veriti® Thermal Cycler
Format: 384-well plate
Reaction Speed: Standard
Barcode: Includes Barcode
Material Type: Optical, Blue
Product Size: 20 plates


Store at room temperature.
4483320 MicroAmp® EnduraPlate Optical 384-Well Blue Reaction Plates with Barcode(20PLT)               1864
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  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币100万

