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更新日期:2016/11/22 10:07:27
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【简单介绍】 Cyclex一级代理,Cyclex公司 代理商 【详细说明】 "进口品牌:CyclexCyclex公司 代理商古朵生物 一级代理Cyclex品牌世界品牌:Cyclex,原装正品,质量保证,价格优惠Cyclex公司产品订购周期3-4周,部分现货来源于美国,加拿大,英国,法国,德国等欧美国家其他进口品牌产品如下:(一站式采购专家-100万试剂等你来采购)keyword:Cyclex公司Silica gel 60 GF254 for thin-layer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.07730.5000(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Silica gel 60 H for thin-layer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.07736.9025(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Silica gel 60 H for thin-layer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.07736.2500(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Silica gel 60 GF254 for thin-layer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.07730.9025(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Aluminium oxide 60 G neutral (type E) for thinlayer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.01090.9025(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Aluminium oxide 60 G neutral (type E) for thinlayer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.01090.2500(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Aluminium oxide 60 GF254 neutral (type E) for thin-layer-chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.01092.0500(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Cellulose microcrystalline for thin-layer chromatography,Merck-默克货号:1.02330.0500(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 with concentrating zone 20 x 2.5 cm 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.11798.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 200 Glass plates 5 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05719.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 100 Glass plates 5 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05714.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 100 Glass plates 5 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05724.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05729.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 25 Glass plates 5 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05808.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 Multiformat prescored to 5 x 10 cm 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,,Merck-默克货号:1.05620.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 25 Glass plates 5 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05789.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05626.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05721.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 GLP 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05566.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 W F254s 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.16485.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 Multiformat pre-scored to 5 x 20 cm 20 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05608.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 100 Glass plates 2.5 x 7.5 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15327.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 with concentrating zone 10 x 2.5 cm 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.11844.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 with concentrating zone 10 x 2.5 cm 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.11846.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 500 Glass plates 2.5 x 7.5 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15341.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC LuxPlate?Silica gel 60 F254 25 Glass plates 5 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05802.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)UTLC Silica gel monolithic,10 祄 25 Glass plates 60 x 36 mm,Merck-默克货号:1.05007.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC LuxPlate?Silica gel 60 F254 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05805.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC LuxPlate?Silica gel 60 F254 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05804.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC LuxPlate?Silica gel 60 F254 100 Glass plates 2,5 x 7,5 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05801.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 40 F254 25 Glass Plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05634.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 F254 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05715.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 100 Glass plates 2.5 x 7.5 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15326.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 with concentrating zone 2,5 x 20 cm 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.11845.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-2 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05746.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)Silica gel 60 F254 silanized 25 TLC plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05747.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-8 F254s 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15388.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F254s 25 Glass plates 5 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15685.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F254s 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15389.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-8 F254s 25 Glass plates 5 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15684.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-8 F254s 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15424.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F254s 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15423.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Silica gel 60 RP-18 F254s 50 Glass plates 5 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.15683.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Aluminium oxide 60 F254, basic 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05713.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Aluminium oxide 60 F254, basic 100 Glass plates 5 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05731.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Cellulose 50 Glass plates 10 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05730.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Cellulose F 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05718.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Cellulose 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05716.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC PEI Cellulose F 25 Glass plates 20 x 20 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05725.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)TLC Cellulose 100 Glass plates 10 x 10 cm,Merck-默克货号:1.05632.0001(Calbiochem,Novagen,novabiochem)关键词:Cyclex公司