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鱼类探测综合毒性分析仪 鱼类法毒性分析仪

点击次数:267发布时间:2009/11/2 0:00:00

鱼类探测综合毒性分析仪 鱼类法毒性分析仪

更新日期:1900/1/1 0:00:00

所 在 地:德国






the modern bbe fish toximeter observes fish in a fish tank flowed through by a stream of "sample" water. tracking all movements online the instrument records any change in behaviour. as a result of an accident the toximeter triggers an alarm at an early stage of exposure. this uncomplicated but sensitive instrument is designed for the surveillance in water bodies such as


water supplying systemswaterworkswater treatment plant intakesriverssewers

the bbe fish toximeter is well suited for the rapid detection of wilful or negligent damage to water systems.



technology for water quality monitoring

continuous biological monitoring with the bbe fish toximeter enables rapid detection of toxic substances in water and provides an online early warning system. live video camera images are recorded with a digital camera and analysed online by an integrated pc. toxicity computations and assessments are based on the measurement of the following behavioural parameters:

speedspeed distributionheightdistancescircular motionsnumber of active fish

the behaviour of the fish is examined permanently and analysed for significant changes. a combined parameter - the toxic index - is calculated. this method allows superior statement about the condition of the monitored water compared to other monitoring instruments.

different parameter settings are se-lectable adapted to the demands of the monitoring. adjustments are easy to perform and do not need expert knowledge. 

zebra fish (danio rerio)
the bbe software

contains all the components to operate the bbe fish toximeterevaluates behavioural parametersis compatible with other online toxicity assessment systemsallows for offline viewing and editing of stored data for subsequent          .analysis.


connection to a local area network with permanent access to dataremote maintenance of the computer systemremote or local automatic audio/visual alarmprepared to integrate other sensors for the measurement of oxygen, ph, conductivity, etc.standard size of the fish basin is 50cm x 30cm x 10cm. other sizes are available on request.





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:经销商
  • 注册资金:人民币万

