点击次数:17发布时间:2016/6/4 15:59:19

更新日期:2016/6/4 15:59:19
所 在 地:中国大陆
【人β位淀粉样前体蛋白裂解酶2(BACE2)ELISA试剂盒】凡购买齐一生物目录任何一种检测试剂盒,您只需将需要检测的动物种类和检测指标及标本数量(48T/96T)通知公司业务员即可.在接到客户标本当日起,现货产品一周内将检测报告交到客户手中!齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490;【人β位淀粉样前体蛋白裂解酶2(BACE2)ELISA试剂盒】
9239517Temp, Flex CircuitCNY
9239497Retrofit, DeBubbler a/Level Sensor kitCNY
9239480EX Optics Platform, UniphaseCNY
9232802Filter, Interference, 450nmCNY
9232801Filter, Interference, 405nmCNY
9232895Pump, Peristaltic, incl. 4 TubesCNY
9016645Tubing Set, Syringe Inlet, BR8 UNIVCNY
9016605Tip Disposal Bags MDx(Set à 15 pcs.)CNY
9016516Round Bucket Set (4), sealableCNY
9016449Vacuum Tray, complete, BR8 RDCNY
9016443Base Plate, Robovac, BR8 RD4.2 UTPCNY
9016434Right Hand End Cap, Wash Head 8-foldCNY
9016299PCB, Turntable, X-MainCNY
9011900Holder, tip rack, unit 6-foldCNY
9011779Handle, HS shaker adapter plate, BR8000CNY
9019086PyroMark Q96 MD Software (5)"For use with PyroMark Q96 MD instrument.Software for setting up a run and analyzing mutations.
5 licenses"CNY
9019068PyroMark CpG SW 1.0 (5)"Software for PyroMark Q96 ID and PyroMark Q96 MD for analysis and quantification of CpG methylation in epigenetic studies.
Five additional software licenses for PyroMark CpG SW 1.0"CNY
9019031User Manual, EZ1xlCNY
9019021Damper, door, EZ1xlCNY
9019004Grid, UV lamp, EZ1xlCNY
9019003Hinge, for door, EZ1xlCNY
9018951RBlock, 16x0.2ml PCR 8x2ml/1.5ml Flat/TaCNY
9018930Adapter, 33x2ml flat base TubesCNY
9022739Rotor-Gene AssayManager SOW(10 licenses)CNY
9022707Retainer, PMT Baffle, DML3000CNY
9016027Extension set (Z), 4 x 50mm, Pos. Sys.CNY
9015911Connecting Tool, Disp.Head, BR8 V2.0CNY
9015864EZ1 FNSC CardPre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 Forensic protocolsCNY
9015638AC fuse, 115 V, 250 8A, M48CNY
9015537Window, for doorCNY