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点击次数:18发布时间:2016/6/7 16:11:18


更新日期:2016/6/7 16:11:18

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:小鼠基质细胞衍生因子1β(SDF-1β/CXCL12)ELISA试剂盒 货号QY-M30286 国产/进口原装 48T/96T 美洲 品牌QYBIO elisa酶联免疫分析法 详细请见说明书




齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490










样品应保存在-20°C或更低的温度。长期储存,建议冻结他们在- 70余。





























1.    Do I have to run all of my standards and samples in duplicate?

Yes, the duplicates are run in order to monitor assay precision and increase confidence in the assay results obtained.

2.    Do I have to run all of my samples at one time?

No, each kit uses stripwell microplate. This allows the user to analyse different numbers of samples at different times.

3.    What types of reproducible results are obtained with the assays?

Each kit comes with a manual containing a graph of typical data obtained. Any variation in operator, pipetting and washing technique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age can cause variation in result. Each user should obtain their own standard curve.

4.    Is it possible to store the reagents other than indicated?

Storage of the kit components under conditions other than indicated is not recommended in order to assure proper performance of the test.

5.    How should I store my samples?

Samples should be stored at -20oC or lower temperature. For long-term storage, it is recommended to freeze them at -70oC -80oC.

6.    Can I modify the protocol?

BG ELISA kits have been optimized to provide the best possible results. Modifying the format or protocol may give inaccurate and wrong results.

7.    Can I use a sample type that is not recommended in the kit insert?

The kit has been validated for the sample types listed in the kit insert. Sample types other than those validated have not been tested. Contact Technical Service for further information.

8.    My samples generated values that were outside the dynamic range of the assay. Can I use these values?

It is recommended that only sample values that fall within the range of the standard curve be used. Values outside the range of the standard curve are generally non-linear, which can lead to incorrectly extrapolated values. Samples that generate values higher than the highest standard should be (further) diluted and the assay repeated. If samples fall below the range of the assay, the sample is considered to be non-detectable. 小鼠基质细胞衍生因子1β(SDF-1β/CXCL12)ELISA试剂盒

9.    Do I have to run a Blank or Zero Standards every time?

Yes, these are required for the calculations, and reflect any subtle but significant performance changes from day to day and assay to assay. They are also extremely helpful when troubleshooting the source of a particular assay problem.

10.  Can I alter the volume of sample I use in the assay?

It is not recommended that you alter the volumes since all BG kits are designed for optimal performance at the given volumes

11.  Can components from different kits be used?

Each kit contains components which have specific lot numbers to ensure that all of the components are performing optimally alone, as well as with all of the other components in the kit. QC testing is performed on these specific lots. It is never recommended to use your own components or components from other kits or vendors.

12.  My standard curve looked fine, but I didnt get a signal in my sample when I expected to, why?

The sample may not contain the analyte. A matrix effect may be masking the detection. Ensure that the recommended dilution was followed as stated in the kit insert. If dilution was recommended, check to be sure that the dilution was performed properly. Over-dilution may cause the sample to fall below the range of the standard curve.

13.  How do you recommend I wash my plate?

If you are using an automated plate washer we recommend that the calibration be checked on a regular basis, and that the system is flushed with the Plate Washing Buffer prior to washing. The same is true for a manual washer. A repeater or a wash bottle can also be used. The user should be careful to ensure that all of the contents are aspirated and the plate tapped dry on lint-free paper.

14.  Do I need to use a plate shaker?

Reliable results can be obtained without a plate shaker, but the O.D.'s will generally be lower than those obtained using a plate shaker.

15.  Why do I have to use wavelength correction between 450-570nm?

For the ELISA assay, reading at dual wavelengths is done to correct for the optical density contributed by the plastic well, the lamp and optical fluctuations. 小鼠基质细胞衍生因子1β(SDF-1β/CXCL12)ELISA试剂盒

16.  If I extract my sample, do I still need to follow the recommended dilutions given in the kit insert?

The amount of sample dilution needed after an extraction procedure will be affected by the effects of purification and concentration in the protocol used. The amount of dilution or concentration will have to be determined by the end-user.

17.  What is the expected concentration of analyte that I should expect to find?

The amount of a given analyte may vary not only from species-to-species, but also between tissue and cellular sources. The best source of this information is the current literature that is easily accessed through the Internet at multiple scientific databases.

18.  My optical densities were a little higher (or lower) than those in the manual that came with my kit. Why?

The optical density is affected by a number of physical conditions such as time and temperature. We suggest that you shorten or lengthen the final incubation with substrate solution to compensate.

19.  What are the reasons for High Background?

1)     Improper Washing: Check volume of washing buffer reservoir and make sure all recommended washing steps are performed.

2)     Contaminated Substrate: Make sure there is no contamination of the substrate with metal ions or oxidizing reagents, before use. Keep the extra substrate solution separately during the ELISA substrate development time. 小鼠基质细胞衍生因子1β(SDF-1β/CXCL12)ELISA试剂盒

3)     Substrate exposed to light: Exposure to light may result in a blue color of the substrate. Keep solutions in the dark (vial) until ready to dispense into the plate.

4)     Wrong Incubation Times/Temperatures: Generally follow the test protocol regarding incubation times and temperatures. However, if all wells are intensely and equally colored with no intensity gradient observed in the standard dilution series, then it may be necessary to observe the substrate reaction as the color is developing, in order to stop the reaction sooner.


9236431Fuses set, fast acting, TWICNY

9239073Syringe 1,0 ml, KloehnCNY

9232698Calibration pyramid 1.02Unit for calibrating pipetting-probe positioningCNY


9238977Cartridge Rack for Reaction, V2CNY

9238800Bucket for up to 3 microplatesSigma 13220CNY

9238714Front panel, Zent1CNY

9232325Cable, power, LSB, BR8000CNY

9232150Clamp, tip, W-drive, BR8000v1.0CNY

9238907Upper casing, BS96CNY

9238905Shaft, turntable, BS96CNY

9238697Eprom 4K15, Zent2, imbalance sensor9238697 is a microchip that plugs into the microcontroller board which controls the imbalance sensor.CNY

9020060Casing incl. Keypad, TLyser 2CNY

9014967Z-Module 1100µl, Soldered, BR8 MDx v1.0CNY

9014835AC-Box, 400W, BR8, RD v2.0CNY

9014815RoboVac, Compete, BR8 RD v4.2robovac complete set. includes 9014152, 9014563, 9014154 and 9011275. This is the latest version-JenithCNY

9014805PCB, SamTrack ST2CON, BR8 RDCNY

9022579PCB, X-sledge, Pipettor, DCUCNY

9022497EZ1 Adv. XL DNA Invest.L.Scale Bone CardCNY

9022179Washer Bottle Assembly, RCSCNY

9022126Tool, bearing mounting tools, RGQCNY

9021979Lid (blue), QXACNY

9238782Swing-out rotor 32 x 2,2 / 1,5 mlCNY

9238778BioSprint96, Full Agreement, no PMThe Full Agreement BioSprint96 provides full service coverage for the BioSprint 96. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).CNY

9238770Tooth belt, BS96CNY

9238917LCD, BS15CNY

9238715Front panel, Zent2CNY

9232314Cable, flat, bridge, YZ-adapter to YZ-CPCNY

9238897IR-reader, BS15CNY


9238706Cooling aggregate T2168GKCNY

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HMSC-C PCR人间充质干细胞软骨形成检测试剂盒Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Chondrogenesis Detection Kit50 reactions
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HDF-f人真皮成纤维细胞--胎儿Human Dermal Fibroblasts-fetal5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HDF-n人真皮成纤维细胞--新生Human Dermal Fibroblasts-neonate5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HDF-a人真皮成纤维细胞--成人Human Dermal Fibroblasts-adult5 x 10^5 cells/vial
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KM 角质细胞培养基Keratinocyte Medium500 ml
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ALPr碱性磷酸酶染色检测(红色)Alkaline Phosphatase Staining Assay (Red)500 tests
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EpiFectagen® 上皮细胞转染试剂盒Epithelial Cell Transfection Kit100 Transfections
MesenFectagen® 间充质干细胞转染试剂盒Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transfection Kit250 Transfections
AstroFectagen® 星形胶质细胞转染试剂盒  Astrocyte Transfection Kit250 Transfections
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KeratoFectagen® 角质细胞转染试剂盒 Keratinocyte Transfection Kit200 Transfections
EpiFectagen II® 上皮细胞转染试剂盒  Epithelial Cell Transfection Kit250 Transfections无货
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  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

