Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1
点击次数:23发布时间:2016/7/19 23:18:59
更新日期:2016/7/19 23:18:59
所 在 地:中国大陆
【Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1c抗体】齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“*优质的服务”
CUSABIO Randox-lifescience Santa Abcam jackson Sigma Amresco Qiagen Cayman millipore invitrogen merk ebioscience prospec
齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1c抗体】
卵巢微血管内皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
子宫内膜上皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
淋巴内皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
淋巴成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
淋巴管内皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
脐带单核细胞 5 × 105 1m
外周血白细胞 5 × 105 1m
乳腺上皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
乳腺成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
前列腺上皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
胰岛β细胞 5 × 105 1ml
前列腺平滑肌细胞 5 × 105 1ml
前列腺成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
胰腺星状细胞 5 × 105 1ml 【Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1c抗体】
颅盖造骨细胞 5 × 105 1ml
滑膜细胞 5 × 105 1ml
骨骼肌细胞 5 × 105 1ml
真皮微血管内皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
真皮淋巴上皮细胞 5 × 105 1ml
胎儿表皮角化细胞 5 × 105 1ml
新生儿表皮角化细胞 5 × 105 1ml
成人表皮角化细胞 5 × 105 1ml
胎儿真皮成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
婴儿真皮成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
成人真皮成纤维细胞 5 × 105 1ml
皮下脂肪细胞 5 × 105 1ml
内脏脂肪细胞 5 × 105 1ml
软骨细胞 5 × 105 1ml
表皮黑色素细胞 5 × 105 1ml
9232628 Bottle, 500-ml, green fitting CNY
9238950 Free wheel assembly, BS15 CNY
9238790 Angle rotor 20 x 10 ml CNY
9016884 Sealing ring, 2.5mm, POM black CNY
9016873 Kit, Service Prot. Plasticware, BR UNIV CNY 【Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1c抗体】
9232547 Power Cord, UK CNY
9238943 Drive motor assembly, BS15 CNY
9238929 Fuse 1.0A slow CNY
9238781 Swing-out rotor for microplates CNY
9238920 Tooth belt axle, BS15 CNY
9238720 Adapteraufnahme CNY
9238710 Service manual Zent1/2, german CNY
9232018 Tubing, probe connector, BR8000 CNY
9238683 Eprom and controller 4-15, Zent 3 CNY
9238679 Anticorrosion oil, 20 ml This is the slushing oil for the Sigma centrifuge. Former cat no 2000683. CNY
9231595 Sealing ring, 3/2 mm CNY
9231123 Cable, X-adapter to X-motor, encoder, BR CNY
9231119 Flat Band Cable 16P Xadp - Yzadp CNY
9230933 SlidingSheet, front, 12-Samtrack CNY
9020081 Power Board, TLyser 2 CNY
9014976 Software QIAsoft BR8000 Service CNY
9014779 Cable, Ac-Box/Pump, BR8 RD CNY
9014773 PCB, X-DISU, BR8 CNY
9014581 Automated Vaccum Base 3000 CNY 【Anti-ZNF268 (zinc finger protein ZNF268)- middle (1c)锌指脂蛋白-1c抗体】
9014575 Motor, Z, with gearbox + encoder, HF CNY
9022626 Cable Guide, VRA, DCU CNY
9022582 PCB - Mainboard (programmed), RGQII CNY
9022209 Cable, Alignment, DCU CNY
9022194 Cable Set - Dispensing, PyroQ24 CNY
9022181 Waste Bottle Assembly, RCS CNY
9022021 Purge line (incl. tubes & fittings), QXA CNY
9238537 Sealing ring, auto vac base, BR8000 CNY