【 β分泌酶抗体】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司经营试剂种类众多:覆盖分析化学品,无机化学品,有机化学品,生物化学品,材料化学品等.试剂信息齐全:包含试剂特性描述,详细质量信息,应用方法.标准, 科研 用途以及正在开发的前沿应用欢迎前来选购。齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com
9236365 Filter Fan XYP CNY
9232932 Reader(VIS), with auto plate positioning CNY
9232931 Reader Verdrahtung Netz-Mainboard Plato7 CNY
9236350 Pressure Regulator, 10 Psi CNY
9236327 PMT CNY
9236300 Gasket, auto vac, top BR8000 v1.00 CNY
9230316 Container, SystemLiquid, 10 l CNY
9230312 Power cables for 4 syringe pumps CNY
9235273 Bottle, condensate, auto vac, BR8000 CNY
9230280 Cable, card-X to bar-code camera Denso CNY 【 β分泌酶抗体】
9230058 Toothwheel, Z-Motor, P1/3 / BR3/96 CNY
9234860 Tubing coupling piece for system liquid CNY
9238666 Pneumatic spring, 200 Nm CNY
9238661 Filter dryer CNY
9238660 Temperature sensor CNY
9242029 QIAxcel, Repair Fee "Repair service delivery send to Regional Repair Center
Service response time (repair) 7-10 days turnaround time
Periodic inspection/maintenance: 0
Cost coverage for Repair Parts : yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable
Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY
9241895 QIArent&go - Rent out fee QIAsymphony AS CNY
9241814 Pyro Q24, PM Agreement An agreement for preventive maintenance provides coverage for travel, labor, and parts, plus the cost of consumables required for the maintenance visit. Work carried out during the preventive maintenance visit is fully documented in accordance with GMP/GLP directives. CNY
9241165 Board, smart key, QX CNY
9019855 72-well High Profile Locking Ring CNY
9019833 Cable, RS232, external, V2, QX CNY
9019763 Motor, Y, V2, QX CNY
9019732 Board, LED scan, V2, QX CNY
9013659 BGR DT Adapter 1100ul P3xxx CNY
9013444 Reagent holder, 3-trough 20 ml CNY
9013437 Maintenance kit, annual, BR9600 (F) CNY 【 β分泌酶抗体】
9013426 Maintenance Kit BR 9600 (C) CNY
9019661 Manometer, PyroQ96VW CNY
9019659 Screw set VPT, PyroQ96VW CNY
9019654 Springloaded pins VPT, PyroQ96VW CNY
HNPCEpiC 人无色素睫装上皮细胞 Human Non-Pigment Ciliary Epithelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HTMC 人小梁网细胞 Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HOCF 人眼脉络膜成纤维细胞 Human Ocular Choroid Fibroblasts 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HConEpiC 人结膜上皮细胞 Human Conjunctival Epithelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HVCEC 人绒毛膜毛细血管内皮细胞 Human Villus Capillary Endothelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HAmEpiC 人羊膜上皮细胞 Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HVT 人绒毛膜滋养层细胞 Human Villous Trophoblasts 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
HVMF 人绒毛间充质成纤维细胞 Human Villous Mesenchymal Fibroblasts 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HAMEC 人脂肪微血管内皮细胞 Human Adipose Microvascular Endothelial Cells 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
HPA-v 人前脂肪细胞--内脏 Human Preadipocytes-visceral 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
HPA-s 人前脂肪细胞--皮下 Human Preadipocytes-subcutaneous 1 x 10^6 cells/vial
HOMEC 人卵巢微血管内皮细胞 Human Ovarian Microvascular Endothelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HOSEpiC 人卵巢表层上皮细胞 Human Ovarian Surface Epithelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HOF 人卵巢成纤维细胞 Human Ovarian Fibroblasts 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMMEC 人乳腺微血管内皮细胞 Human Mammary Microvascular Endothelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMEpiC 人乳腺上皮细胞 Human Mammary Epithelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMF 人乳腺成纤维细胞 Human Mammary Fibroblasts 5 x 10^5 cells/vial 【 β分泌酶抗体】
HAMSC 人羊膜间充质基质细胞 Human Amniotic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HCMSC 人绒毛膜间充质基质细胞 Human Chorionic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMSC-bm 人间充质干细胞--骨髓 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-bone marrow 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMSC-ad 人间充质干细胞--脂肪 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-adipose 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HMSC-hp 人间充质干细胞--肝脏 Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-hepatic 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HUMSC 人脐带间充质干细胞 Human Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HPMSC 人肺间充质干细胞 Human Pulmonary Mesenchymal Stem Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HVMSC 人脊椎间充质干细胞 Human Vertebral Mesenchymal Stem Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HUVEC 人脐静脉内皮细胞 Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HUAEC 人脐动脉内皮细胞 Human Umbilical Artery Endothelial Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial
HUVSMC 人脐静脉平滑肌细胞 Human Umbilical Vein Smooth Muscle Cells 5 x 10^5 cells/vial