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ShK(Stichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)

点击次数:11发布时间:2016/7/22 14:16:34

ShK(Stichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)

更新日期:2016/7/22 14:16:34

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:ShK(Stichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽) 货号:QY-09180  0.1mg/15800.5mg/58001mg/10500



 ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒35肽)齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.com


ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒35肽)齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品原装产品,正品原装质量,货期短价格优惠!欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.comShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒35肽)

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929611    QX Pro Reduction Agent (75 mg)        CNY                           

929610    QX Pro Labeling Dye (250 µg)            CNY                           

330503    RT² SYBR Green qPCR  Mastermix (24)           CNY                           

211035    QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit (1000)        CNY                            ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)】

9012769  Liquid Handling Kit Plato 7082/7282            CNY                           

979012    Fungi ITS2 Primers For PCR              CNY                           

61104      QIAamp DSP DNA Blood Mini Kit (50), CE     For 50 preps: QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, buffers, reagents, tubes, VacConnectors, and multi-language handbook      CNY                           

59866     EpiTect Fast LyseAll Bisulfite Kit (200)        CNY                           

206672    Type-it CNV SYBR Green PCR +qC Kit (100)            CNY                           

978777    PyroMark Custom Assay (400)            CNY                           

978754    PyroMark CpG Assay 96 well (50)              CNY                           

978705    PyroMark PCR Kit (800)              CNY                           

929563    QX Size Marker 250 bp - 8 kb v2.0(50 µl)          CNY                           

929559    QX Size Marker 100 bp - 2.5 kb (50 µl)             CNY                           

53706     QIAamp UltraSens Virus Kit (250) For 250 viral nucleic acid preps: 250 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Proteinase K, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), Buffers CNY                           

53704     QIAamp UltraSens Virus Kit (50)  For 50 viral nucleic acid preps: 50 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Proteinase K, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), Buffers CNY                           

52904     QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (50)   .For 50 RNA preps: 50 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), RNase-free Buffers CNY                           

9012691  Source rack (128 pos) for tubes 12 mm             CNY                           

133205    NeXtalStock Jeffamine M 600 pH 7 (200)           CNY                           

133198    NeXtalStock HEPES pH 6.5 (200)        CNY                            ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)】

929524    QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/5 kb (1.5 ml)          CNY                           

9012662  Cable, X-main to X-adapter, 10pol, BR800          CNY                           

9012660  Cable, X-main to X-adapter, 20po, BR8000         CNY                           

9012577  Tube Holder, STS, 5ml (6)    Holder for accommodating 8 tubes (5 ml) in the sample tracking system; pack of 6  CNY                           

205213    Sensiscript RT Kit (200) For 200 reverse-transcription reactions: Sensiscript Reverse Transcriptase, 10x Buffer RT, dNTP Mix,* RNase-free water CNY                           

9001900  QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (PC) PrioPLUS "QIAxtractor  Instrument

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Warranty extension to 3 yrs

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All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"   CNY                           

 QY-02055       胆囊收缩素抗体/缩胆囊素抗体(八肽)       Anti-CCK8(Cholecystokinin-8)                                

 QY-02056       克拉拉细胞蛋白(Clara细胞分泌蛋白)抗体       Anti-CC16(Clara cell protein 16)                              

 QY-02057       瓜氨酸环肽抗体    Anti-CCP (cyclic citrullinated peptide)                             

 QY-02058       调节活化的正常T细胞表达和分泌的因子(趋化因子)       Anti-CCL5/RANTESregulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted                               

 QY-02059       巨噬细胞炎性蛋白3α抗体        Anti-CCL20/MIP3αMacrophage inflammatory ptotein 3 alpha)                            

 QY-02060       嗜酸粒细胞趋化蛋白抗体    Anti-CCL11(Eotaxin 1)                             

 QY-02061       巨噬细胞来源的趋化因子抗体    Anti-CCL22/MDC(CC chemokine ABCD-1)                            

 QY-02062       淋巴细胞趋化因子CCL21抗体   Anti-CCL21/6CkineChemokine (C-C motif) ligand 21                             ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)】

 QY-02063       嗜酸粒细胞趋化蛋白22抗体      Anti-CCL22/MDC(small inducible cytokine A22 precursor)                                  

 QY-02064       嗜酸粒细胞趋化蛋白3抗体       Anti-CCL26(Eotaxin 3)                             

 QY-02065       细胞表面趋化因子受体1抗体    Anti-CCR-1(CC chemokine receptor 1)                                  

 QY-02066       细胞表面趋化因子受体2/5抗体        Anti-CCR-2/5(CC chemokine receptor 2/5)                            

 QY-02067       细胞表面趋化因子受体2A抗体  Anti-CCR-2A(C-C Chemokine receptor 2A)                            

 QY-02068       细胞表面趋化因子受体2B抗体  Anti-CCR-2B(C-C Chemokine receptor 2B)                            

 QY-02069       细胞表面趋化因子受体3抗体    Anti-CCR-3(CC chemokine receptor 3)                                  

 QY-02070       细胞表面趋化因子受体4抗体    Anti-CCR-4(C-C chemokine receptor 4)                                 

 QY-02071       细胞表面趋化因子受体6抗体    Anti-CCR-6/CD196(C-C chemokine receptor type 6)                             

 QY-02072       细胞表面趋化因子受体6抗体    Anti-CXC-R6(CXC-chemokine receptor 6)                             

 QY-02073       细胞表面趋化因子受体7抗体    Anti-CCR-7(C-C chemokine receptor 7)                                 

 QY-02074       CXCL10趋化因子10/干扰素诱导蛋白10抗体        anti-CXCL10/IP-10                                 

 QY-02075       细胞表面趋化因子受体8抗体    Anti-CCR-8(C-C chemokine receptor 8)                                 

 QY-02076       细胞表面趋化因子受体9抗体    Anti-CCR-9(C-C chemokine receptor 9)                                 

 QY-02077       粘膜相关上皮趋化因子MEC抗体     Anti-CCL28(CC Chemokine Ligand 28)                                  

 QY-02078       细胞表面趋化因子受体10抗体  Anti-CCR-10(C-C chemokine receptor 10)                              ShKStichodactyla helianthus Neurotoxin)海葵神经毒素(35肽)】

 QY-02079       细胞周期相关激酶抗体       Anti-CCRK(Cell cycle related kinase)                              

 QY-02080       CD10抗体     Anti-CD10/CALLA (Neutral Endopeptidase)                            

 QY-02081       CD105/转化生长因子β受体抗体       Anti-CD105/Endoglin/TGF-β receptor                                 

 QY-02082       干细胞生长因子受体/细胞表面分化抗原抗体   Anti-CD117/c-kit/SCFR                            

 QY-02083       抗磷酸化原癌基因c-kit抗体      Anti-phospho-c-kit/SCFR/CD117(pTyr936)                            

 QY-02084       造血干细胞抗原CD133抗体      Anti-CD133 antigen                                  





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  • 企业类型:生产商
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