您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂 > PS-1(NT),Presennillin-1(S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)



点击次数:5发布时间:2016/7/23 13:46:09


更新日期:2016/7/23 13:46:09

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:PS-1(NT),Presennillin-1(S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原) 货号:QY-00240  0.5mg/6501mg/1100 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)齐一生物专业经营销售通用试剂.分析试剂.标准物质.合成试剂.中间体.催化剂.生化试剂等化学产品,我们致力于以专业化的视角,提供丰富专业产品资料及其相关技术开发资讯,产品内容覆盖分析化学.无机化学.有机化学.生命科学.材料科学等领域. PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)已迅速发展成为国内科学试剂的运营商,是国家重点实验室指定供应商,并与国内多家科研单位紧密合作. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com


PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司经营试剂种类众多:覆盖分析化学品,无机化学品,有机化学品,生物化学品,材料化学品等.试剂信息齐全:包含试剂特性描述,详细质量信息,应用方法.标准科研 用途以及正在开发的前沿应用欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

QPH00168      Recombinant Murine IL-12    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00169      Recombinant Human IL-13    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00170      Recombinant Murine IL-13    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00171      Recombinant Human IL-15    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00172      Recombinant Murine IL-15    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00173      Recombinant Human IL-17    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00174      Recombinant Murine IL-17    Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                            PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)】

QPH00175      Recombinant Human TNF-a  Peprotech       10ug/50ug/                         

QPH00176      Recombinant Murine TNF-a  Peprotech       5ug/20ug/                           

QPH00177      Recombinant Human VEGF165     Peprotech       10ug/1mg/                          

QPH00178      Recombinant Human VEGF165     Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00179      Recombinant Murine VEGF   Peprotech       2ug/10ug/                           

QPH00180      Recombinant Human EPO     Prospec   5ug/50ug                     

QPH00181      Recombinant Human HGH     Prospec                              

QPH00182      Recombinant Human IFN-α2a       Prospec   20ug/100ug/                       

QPH00183      Recombinant Human IFN-α2b      Prospec   20ug/100ug/                       

QPH00184      PeproGrow- hESC 胚胎干细胞培养基              500ml                         

QPH00185      PeproGrow-hESC 胚胎干细胞培养基        100ml                         

QPH00186      人树突状细胞培养试剂盒 (HDC)             1pack                          

QPH00187      小鼠树突状细胞培养试剂盒(MDC)           1pack                          

QPH00188      人树突状细胞(Dendritic cells, DC)培养用细胞因子套装(无动物成分)             1pack                          

QPH00189      小鼠树突状细胞培养用细胞因子套装(无动物成分)        1pack                          

QPH00190      人造血干细胞扩增试剂盒 (HHSC3)          1pack                           PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)】

QPH00191      小鼠造血干细胞扩增试剂盒 (MHSC3)             1pack                          

QPH00192      人造血干细胞扩增试剂盒(HHSC6)            1pack                          

QPH00193      小鼠造血干细胞扩增试剂盒(MHSC6)              1pack                          

QPH00194      人造血干细胞扩增用细胞因子套装(IL-6)(无动物成分)          1pack                          

QPH00195      人造血干细胞扩增用细胞因子套装(IL-3)(无动物成分)          1pack                          

QPH00196      正常小鼠IgG 1000ug                                     

QPH00197      正常兔IgG 500ug                                    

QPH00198      正常山羊IgG 1mg                                   

QPH00199      (BioGems)重组人转铁蛋白 10g                                    

9020901  Multi.Carrier (2) for 7 cult.tubes 50ml         CNY                           

9020709  Cable, y, z, & p motor harness, C34            CNY                            PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)】

9020645  Waste chute, bent, AS, Cabinet Qsym          CNY                           

9020558  Tubing, complete vacuum assembly, CX1           CNY                           

9020485  Stepper drive assembly, GSC        CNY                           

9020320  PM kit, C12 & QIAgility (HEPA), CG1        CNY                           

9017624  Drive tooth wheel, y-drive, BR8RD V2.1            CNY                           

9017601  Wash Pump, BR8 RD           CNY                           

9020260  Front door, Qsym          CNY                           

9020259  Side Pannel, top right, Qsym        CNY                           

9017267  SOW QIAsoft  MDx Dispens. RNase-free.PRO        CNY                           

9017258  BR 8000, Plasmid Purification Package        CNY                           

9020223  PCB, USB, QXT           CNY                           

9020220  Cover, Pipettor, 1 ch. (silver), QGY             CNY                           

972022    PyroMark Q96 CpG MLH1 (96)   For quantification of methylation level in MLH1 promoter   CNY                           

133226    NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 5.0 (100)        CNY                           

301307    SuperFect Transfection Reagent(4x1.2 ml)  For 160 transfections in 60 mm dishes or 640 transfections in 12-well plates       CNY                           

56404     QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (50)            CNY                            PS-1NT),Presennillin-1S182)早老素蛋白-1(抗原)】

133210    NeXtalStock MES pH 7.0 (100)           CNY                           

133200    NeXtalStock Imidazole pH 6.0 (200)           CNY                           

293033    mericon Apricot kernels (24)        CNY                           

292075    mericon Ruminant Kit (96)           CNY                           

9012656  Cable, pressure sensor, BR8000           CNY                           

9012599  Disposable Filter-Tips, 300µl (960)      Conducting disposable filter-tips    CNY                           

9001941  QIAxcel Advanced         CNY                           

205920    QIAGEN LongRange 2Step RT-PCR Kit (20)      "For 20 PCR rxns a 50 µl:

cDNA Step, 10 RT rxns a 20 µl: LongRange RT enzyme, LongRange RT reaction buffer, dNTP´s, Oligo dT, RNAse free water

PCR Step: QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit (20)"    CNY                           

205310    QuantiTect Rev.Transcription Kit (10)         CNY                           

291063    mericon GMO Screen bar (24)            CNY                           

9001920  PyroMark Q96 MD Automated, PrioPLUS   "PyroMark Q96 MD Automated Instrument

Installation ofPyroMark Q96 MD Automated & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

On site service, 48 hr response

Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite PM per year)

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"   CNY                           

133117    NeXtalStock Succinic acid salt (200)           CNY                           

133110    NeXtalStock Sodium phosphate (200)         CNY                            





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  • 企业类型:生产商
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