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Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒

点击次数:24发布时间:2016/7/24 18:37:57

Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒

更新日期:2016/7/24 18:37:57

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 货号: QY-25102  200次/80 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓测定试剂盒齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓测定试剂盒

Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓测定试剂盒齐一生科技(上海)有限公司感谢您的查阅与咨询!期待与您的真诚合作!

低价格现货供应,欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.comBradford Bradford 蛋白浓测定试剂盒

9015474  Cable bare, P         CNY                           

9015472  Motor, Y         CNY                           

960141    QIAwell 96 Ultra BioRobot Kit (4) For 4 x 96 ultrapure plasmid minipreps, 4 each: QIAfilter 96, QIAwell 96, and QIAprep 96 Plates; Flat-Bottom Blocks and Lids, Reagents, Buffers, Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml) and Caps, 96-Well Microplates RB and Lids, Tape Pads       CNY                            Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒】

955134    EZ1 Virus Mini Kit v2.0 (48)         CNY                           

953034    EZ1 DNA Tissue Kit (48)      48 Reagent Cartridges (Tissue), 50 Disposable Tip Holders, 50 Disposable Filter-Tips, 50 Sample Tubes (2.0 ml), 50 Elution Tubes (1.5 ml), Buffer G2, Proteinase K     CNY                           

9018454  Pivot pin, N2, w E-clip, QX         CNY                           

9015457  Motor, Z/P, M96            CNY                           

9015411  Unit, tip connector, M96              CNY                           

9012391  Bottle, system liquid, 10 l, BR8000              CNY                           

133177    NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 2.4 (200)          CNY                           

291015    mericon Screen 35S Kit (96)        CNY                           

290133    mericon Vibrio triple Kit (24)        CNY                           

290113    mericon Y. enterocolitica Kit (24)         CNY                           

9015384  Unit, spotlight, left, M96              CNY                           

133081    NeXtalStock PEG 200 (200)         CNY                           

9015382  Cover, heat/cool unit, M96           CNY                           

9018396  BioCalculator, Software CD, QIAxcel          CNY                           

9012274  Power supply (6A), color code 9170           CNY                           

37900     Qproteome Bacterial Protein Prep Kit           CNY                            Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒】

9015337  Regulator, DC5V           CNY                           

9015323  O-rings, plunger fixing, M48 (6)          CNY                           

133035    NeXtalStock Ammonium phosphate (200)           CNY                           

133033    NeXtalStock Cobalt(II) Chloride (200)         CNY                           

9001637  Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM (w/o PC) System       Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM (w/o PC) System includes the Rotor-Gene instrument and installation. The Installation and Introductory Training is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the handling of the Rotorgene-Q systems hardware and trains the user on operation of the Rotorgene software. All travel and labor cost included for Installation and service documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.    CNY                           

239045    GelPilot 100 bp Plus Ladder (100) Ready-to-use DNA marker, 600µl (100lanes), 11 fragments: 100 – 1500 bp      CNY                           

9015311  Unit, spotlight, left, M48              CNY                           

133147    NeXtalStock Ammonium sulfate (200)         CNY                           

133145    NeXtalStock ADA pH 6.0 (200)           CNY                           

133018    NeXtalStock Ammonium nitrate (200)         CNY                           

1034963  Buffer PKD (15/15),KG        CNY                           

QY-L0261       丹参素76822-21-4       Danshensu      76822-21-4     20mg                   

QY-L0262       二氢丹参酮Ⅰ87205-99-0     Dihydrotanshi I      87205-99-0     20mg                   

QY-L0263       隐丹参酮35825-57-1    Cryptotanshi   35825-57-1     20mg                   

QY-L0264       丹参新酮 27210-57-7 Miltirone       27210-57-7   20mg                   

QY-L0265       丹酚酸A96574-01-5     Salvianolic acid A   96574-01-5     20mg                   

QY-L0266       丹酚酸B115939-25-8    Salvianolic acid B   115939-25-8   20mg                   

QY-L0267       丹酚酸C 115841-09-3   Salvianolicacid C    115841-09-3 20mg                    Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒】

QY-L0268       丹酚酸D142998-47-8   Salvianolicacid D    142998-47-8   20mg                   

QY-L0269       紫草酸28831-65-4       Lithospermic acid   28831-65-4     20mg                   

QY-L0270       地肤子皂苷Ic96990-18-0    Momordin Ic  96990-18-0     20mg                   

QY-L0271       大豆苷552-66-9    Daidzin    552-66-9 20mg                   

QY-L0272       大豆苷元486-66-8       Daidzein  486-66-8 20mg                   

QY-L0273       黄豆黄苷40246-10-4    Glycitin        40246-10-4     20mg                   

QY-L0274       黄豆黄素40957-83-3    Glycitein  40957-83-3     20mg                   

QY-L0275       对甲氧基肉桂酸乙酯24393-56-4       ethylp-methoxycinnamate      24393-56-4     20mg                   

QY-L0276       去氢二异丁香酚2680-81-1  Dehydrodiisoeugenol      2680-81-1      20mg                   

QY-L0277       异丁香酚97-54-1  Isoeugenol     97-54-1   20mg                   

QY-L0278       丁香油(UV98%8000-34-8      Clove oil  8000-34-8      20mg                   

QY-L0279       丁香酸530-57-4    Syringic acid   530-57-4 20mg                   

QY-L0280       丁香醛134-96-3    3,5-Dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde       134-96-3 20mg                   

QY-L0281       丁香酚97-53-0      Eugenol   97-53-0   20mg                   

QY-L0282       原百部碱27495-40-5    protostemonine      27495-40-5     20mg                   

QY-L0283       原百部次碱169534-85-4    Protostemotinine   169534-85-4   20mg                    Bradford Bradford 蛋白浓度测定试剂盒】

QY-L0284       对叶百部碱6879/1/2    Tuberostemonine    1818546  20mg                   

QY-L0285       地榆皂苷Ⅰ35286-58-9 Ziyuglycoside I      35286-58-9     20mg                   

QY-L0286       地榆皂苷Ⅱ35286-59-0 Ziyuglycoside II     35286-59-0     20mg                   

QY-L0287       大茴香醛123-11-5 Anisic aldehyde      123-11-5 20mg                   

QY-L0288       党参炔苷136085-37-5  Lobetyolin      136085-37-5   20mg                   

QY-L0289       胆维他532-11-6    Anethole trithione   532-11-6 20mg                   

QY-L0290       甲基异茜草素-1-甲醚 7460-43-7   Rubiadin-1-methyl ether 7460-43-7      20mg                   

QY-L0291       甲基异茜草素117-02-2 "Rubiadin


"      117-02-2 20mg                   

QY-L0292       羟基茜草素(95%81-54-9       Purpurin  81-54-9   20mg                    





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

