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Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit

点击次数:98发布时间:2016/7/28 19:11:48

Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit

更新日期:2016/7/28 19:11:48

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 货号K653-100 100 assays 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490

相关标签:Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 



 Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit  齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司检测试剂盒产品已被广泛应用于化学.化工.生命科学的基础研究和开发应用.制药.疾病诊断与控制.人口与健康.生物技术等诸多领域. Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit  客户遍布国内各大学.研究所.医院.卫生防疫.商品检验检疫.制药公司.生物技术公司和食品工业等单位. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com


Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit  是我公司重点推广产品,我公司有专业的人员进行全程指导,请放心购买,发货时均会附上质检报告单.使用说明书和推荐用法用量,提供正规发票. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com

336835    Custom Cignal Finder Reporter Array          CNY                           

336111    Custom ELISArray        CNY                            Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 

940057    BioSprint 96 DNA Blood Kit (384)        CNY                           

334471    EpiTect ChIP OneDay Kit (12)             CNY                           

331260    miScript PreAMP Custom Primer Mix         CNY                           

331001    RT² miRNA qPCR Assay (200)            CNY                           

9010969  Plate stacker, detachable Unit for stacking up to ten 96-well plates; for use with the robotic handling system  CNY                           

9010928  Motor, X, SamTrack, P3xxx        CNY                           

979302    PyroMark Q24 Cartridge (3) CE   For delivery of nucleotides and reagents for use in PyroMark Q24. CE-Marked CNY                           

981303    Rotor-Disc 72 (240)             CNY                           

981005    PCR Tubes, 0.2 ml  (1000)          CNY                           

9012976  Gripper, left, landoplasted, MTP 120            CNY                           

931955    QIAsymphony Certal Vaccine NA Kit (96)           CNY                           

929707    QX Cartridge Stand Cover (1)             CNY                           

133252    NeXtalStock Sodium phosphate pH 7 (200)         CNY                           

929606    QX FA Separation Buffer (40 ml)         CNY                           

9010509  Motor, turntable 1/2 MTP, P3/7            CNY                           

69525     mericon DNA Bacteria Kit (100)           CNY                            Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 

69106     DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (250)  250 DNeasy Mini Spin Columns, 250 QIAshredder Mini Spin Columns, RNase A, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)  CNY                           

211015    QuantiTect Virus Kit (1000)          CNY                           

206674    Type-it CNV SYBR Green PCR +qC Kit (400)            CNY                           

9012763  Liquid Handling Kit Plato 1300             CNY                           

59568     EpiTect Control DNA (1000)        CNY                           

979014    MOTT 16S Primers For PCR              CNY                           

979011    PyroMark Q96 Vacuum Prep Trough (5)     Re-usable plastic troughs for use in all PyroMark Q96 Vacuum Workstations.       CNY                           

59932     EpiTect MethyLight Assay Hs-ONECUT2(100)    "10-fold primer TaqMan probe mix, for real-time MethyLight PCR


For TaqMan probe-based real-time quantification of methylated or unmethylated CpG sites"    CNY                           

59695     EpiTect PCR Control DNA Set (100)           CNY                           

206343    Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit (200) "The Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit is especially developed for to fast and reliable detection of mutations such as deletions, insertions,and translocations. It is also highly suited for multiplex PCR-based preamplification of SNPs as preparation for genotyping systems like the

SNaPshot Multiplex Kit from ABI


 Successful & reproducible analysis of multiple mutations

 Optimization-free multiplex PCR assay development

 Specific and sensitive coamplification of all fragments

 Optimized protocol for fast and reliable results"      CNY                           

206341    Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit (70)   "The Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit is especially developed for to fast and reliable detection of mutations such as deletions, insertions,and translocations. It is also highly suited for multiplex PCR-based preamplification of SNPs as preparation for genotyping systems like the

SNaPshot Multiplex Kit from ABI


 Successful & reproducible analysis of multiple mutations

 Optimization-free multiplex PCR assay development

 Specific and sensitive coamplification of all fragments

 Optimized protocol for fast and reliable results"      CNY                           

9012719  Set, Pins, (6 small, 4 large)           CNY                           

929561    QX Size Marker 50 - 800 bp v2.0 (50 µl)            CNY                           

 QY-25169      Anti-BNP/FITC荧光素标记脑钠素抗体IgG              0.5ml/1680                        

 QY-25170      Anti-BNP/HRP辣根过氧化物酶标记兔抗人脑钠素抗体IgG            0.1ml/480                          

 QY-25171      Anti-BrdU/FITC(Bromodeoxyuridine)荧光素标记兔抗溴脱氧尿苷抗体IgG            0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25172      Anti-CA125/Biotin生物素标记兔抗人CA125抗原抗体IgG             0.1ml/420                          

 QY-25173      Anti-Caspase-3/FITC荧光素标记Caspase-3蛋白抗体              0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25174      Anti-Caspase-3/RBITC红色荧光素罗丹明标记(RBITC)Caspase-3 蛋白抗体(标记抗体)              0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25175      Anti-CD133 antigen/FITC荧光素标记造血干细胞抗原CD133抗体IgG         0.5ml/1500                         Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 

 QY-25176      Anti-CD133 antigen/Biotin生物素化造血干细胞抗原CD133抗体           0.1ml/560                          

 QY-25177      Anti-CD133 antigen/RBITC红色荧光素罗丹明(RBITC)标记CD133抗体IgG               0.5ml/1600                        

 QY-25178      Anti-CD19/FITC荧光素标记CD19抗体            0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25179      Anti-CD20/FITC荧光素标记CD20抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25180      Anti-CD24/FITC荧光素标记CD24蛋白抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25181      Anti-CD3/FITC荧光素标记兔抗CD3抗体IgG         0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25182      Anti-CD34/FITC荧光素标记CD34抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25183      Anti-CD31/FITC荧光素标记血小板内皮细胞黏附分子-1抗体IgG               0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25184      Anti-CD4/FITC荧光素标记CD4蛋白抗体IgG         0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25185      Anti-CD14/FITC荧光素标记CD14蛋白抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25186      Anti-CD44/FITC荧光素标记CD44抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25187      Anti-CD45(LCA)/FITC荧光素标记CD45(白细胞共同抗原)抗体            0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25188      Anti-CK19/FITC荧光素标记细胞角蛋白19抗体IgG              0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25189      Anti-CD56/FITC荧光素标记CD56抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25190      Anti-CD90/Thy-1/FITC荧光素标记CD90抗体IgG          0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25191      Anti-ICAM-1/FITC荧光素标记细胞间粘附分子-1抗体IgG            0.5ml/1500                         Formate Colorimetric Assay Kit 

 QY-25192      Anti-IFN-β/FITC荧光素标记抗人干扰素-β抗IgG         0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25193      Anti-CD8/FITC异硫氰酸荧光素标记CD8抗体         0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25194      Anti-CDK4/FITC荧光素标记周期素依赖性激酶4抗体IgG            0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25195      Anti-ChAT/FITC荧光素标记ChAT抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25196      Anti-ChRM2/FITC荧光素标记毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25197      Anti-C-Myc/HRP MYC/MTLC)辣根过氧化物酶标记致癌基因C-Myc抗体IgG               0.1ml/750                          

 QY-25198      Anti-C-Peptide C-PEP /FITC荧光素标记C-肽抗体IgG           0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25199      Anti-CRP/FITC荧光素标记C-反应蛋白抗体IgG             0.5ml/1500                        

 QY-25200      Anti-CRP/Biotin生物素化C-反应蛋白抗体IgG         0.2ml/1500                         





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

