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Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

点击次数:15发布时间:2016/7/28 19:50:14

Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

更新日期:2016/7/28 19:50:14

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC) 货号K671-100 100 assays 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应

相关标签:Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC) 



 Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.com


Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品原装产品,正品原装质量,货期短价格优惠!欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.comAscorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

1061066  Sample Preparation Reagents, 30ml Z          CNY                           

1061122  HBV PCR REAGENT VI              CNY                           

9016585  Plate Stacker Ambient Temp, RCS1             CNY                           

9016567  Z-Rack, RCS1              CNY                           

9016534  Transportation box , Twister I             CNY                           

9016532  Transportation box 3, LiquiChip           CNY                           

9016531  Transportation box 2, LiquiChip           CNY                           

9016149  #App. Package, M48, Gene Expression        CNY                           

9011895  Tubing, teflon, M6, 3 x 0.5 mm, 2.5 m        CNY                           

9016514  Rect. Bucket Set (4), sealable with cap        CNY                           

9016270  Maintenance Kit, Multiflow BR MDx V2             CNY                           

9016265  MJR Microseal Pad for ALP 2296  MSP-1002    Package of 10 CNY                           

9019177  Motor - Plate lock, PyroQ96MD          CNY                            Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

9011866  Shaker adapter 8000, microplate   Adapter for accommodating four 96-well plates (or other labware with the same base dimensions) on the BioRobot 8000 4-plate high-speed shaker system; not for use with the robotic handling system       CNY                           

9011839  Tubing Set, Pipet, Immucor         CNY                           

9011833  Dilutor unit, BR8000             CNY                           

9019136  Cable - X/Y, PyroQ96ID              CNY                           

9019121  PCB 1 - Connection, PyroQ96ID         CNY                           

9019064  PyroMark Vac Prep Tool, PyroQ24VW        CNY                           

9019018  Board, motor driver, EZ1xl           CNY                           

9019001  Door, metal frame, EZ1xl             CNY                           

9018944  Adapter, Millipore Extraction Plate        CNY                           

9016001  Magnet head for medium 96 plate, BS96             CNY                           

9015970  Tube Holder, STS MDx, 9 mm (12)            CNY                           

9015636  Fuse-2, 3.15A (for PSB board), M48           CNY                           

9015588  EZ1 DNA TISS Card     Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 DNA Tissue Protocol   CNY                           

9015586  Lid, Cover, PlateReader         CNY                           

9015540  Belt, Y            CNY                           

9019159  PCB 1 - Connection, PyroQ96MD        CNY                            Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

9014004  Light, Barrier, Drawer, BR8 RD           CNY                           

9021165  QIAxcel ScreenGel Software (10 licenses)          CNY                           

9021059  Door Assy, Upper Right, DCU             CNY                           

9021053  Controller, Rotary, DCU        CNY                           

9020940  Vacuum chamber (aluminum), QXT            CNY                           

QY-AC096      中国仓鼠肺细胞CHL   CHL                            

QY-AC097      大鼠嗜碱性细胞白血病细胞RBL-2H3       RBL-2H3                            

QY-x01   DU145前列腺癌细胞   HTB-81                              

QY-x02   Lncap前列腺癌细胞    CRL-1740                                 

QY-x03   PC-3前列腺癌细胞      CRL-1435                                 

QY-x04   MOLT-4急性淋巴母细胞白血病细胞        CRL-1582                                 

QY-x05   5637膀胱癌细胞   HTB-9                                

QY-x06   RajiBurkitt's 淋巴瘤细胞      CCL-86                              

QY-x07   SCaBER膀胱鳞癌细胞        HTB-3                                

QY-x08   NAMALWABurkitt's 淋巴瘤细胞        CRL-1432                                 

QY-x09   T24膀胱移行细胞癌细胞   HTB-4                                

QY-x10   HuT78T淋巴细胞白血病细胞     TIB-161                             

QY-x11    SW-13肾上腺皮质腺癌细胞      CCL-105                                   

QY-x12   SW-13肾上腺皮质腺癌细胞      CCL-105                                   

QY-x13   Dami巨核细胞白血病细胞                                    

QY-x14   OS-RC-2肾癌细胞                                          Ascorbic Acid Colorimetric Assay Kit II (FRASC)

QY-x15   MEG-01  CRL-2021                                 

QY-x16   786-O [786-0]肾透明细胞腺癌细胞    CRL-1932                                 

QY-x17   786-O [786-0]肾透明细胞腺癌细胞   CRL-1932                                 

QY-x18   K-562慢性髓原白血病细胞        CCL-243                                   

QY-x19   K-562慢性髓原白血病细胞        CCL-243                                   

QY-x20   Hce-8693盲肠腺癌细胞未分化                                     

QY-x21   HEL299红白细胞白血病细胞     CCL-137                                   

QY-x22   CW-2结肠腺癌细胞                                       

QY-x23   A-375 [A375]恶性黑色素瘤细胞        CRL-1619                                 

QY-x24   COLO-320结肠腺癌细胞                                       

QY-x25   A172胶质母细胞瘤细胞      CRL-1620                                 

QY-x26   SW480 [SW-480]结肠癌细胞      CCL-228                                   

QY-x27   SHG-44胶质瘤细胞                                       

QY-x28   Caco-2结肠腺癌细胞   HTB-37                              

QY-x29   Caco-2结肠腺癌细胞   HTB-37                               





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

