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Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

点击次数:11发布时间:2016/7/28 21:28:52

Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

更新日期:2016/7/28 21:28:52

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit 货号K775-100 100 assays 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应



 Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit齐一生物专业经营销售通用试剂.分析试剂.标准物质.合成试剂.中间体.催化剂.生化试剂等化学产品,我们致力于以专业化的视角,提供丰富专业产品资料及其相关技术开发资讯,产品内容覆盖分析化学.无机化学.有机化学.生命科学.材料科学等领域. Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit已迅速发展成为国内科学试剂的运营商,是国家重点实验室指定供应商,并与国内多家科研单位紧密合作. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com


Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司经营试剂种类众多:覆盖分析化学品,无机化学品,有机化学品,生物化学品,材料化学品等.试剂信息齐全:包含试剂特性描述,详细质量信息,应用方法.标准科研 用途以及正在开发的前沿应用欢迎前来选购。齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

679191    ipsogen MLL-ENL e9e2 Standards              CNY                           

204056    QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR Kit (2000)             CNY                           

204052    QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR Kit (80)         CNY                           

201445    Taq PCR Master Mix Kit (1000 Units)  12 x 1.7 ml Taq PCR Master Mix‡ containing 1000 units Taq DNA Polymerase total, 12 x 1.7 ml distilled water CNY                           

200205    TopTaq DNA Polymerase (1000)  "4 x 250U TopTaq DNA Polymerase, 10x TopTaq PCR Buffer, 1x CoralLoad Concentrate, 5x Q-solutions, 25mM MgCl2


For highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivalled ease-of-use


The first fridge storage enzyme"   CNY                            Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

180612    GeneRead Library Quant Kit         CNY                           

159914    Generation Capture Column Kit (50)            CNY                           

158930    Glycogen Solution (500 µl)           CNY                           

158904    RBC Lysis Solution (1000 ml)              CNY                           

158489    Gentra Puregene Blood Kit Plus (1000 ml)           CNY                           

34924     Polypropylene Columns (1-ml)      50/pack, 1 ml capacity   CNY                           

32561     EasyXpress Insect Kit II (5)  "Kit for cell-free expression of proteins in cell-free insect cell extracts from DNA templates (PCR prodcuts or plasmid with T7 promotor)

The same kit as the EasyXpress Insect Kit II, but only with 5 instead of 50 reactions"     CNY                           

30430     Ni-NTA Superflow (100 ml)  100 ml nickel-charged resin (max. pressure: 140 psi)  CNY                           

30310     NTA Agarose (25ml)      25 ml uncharged resin (max. pressure 2.8 psi)     CNY                           

9021253  External Barcode Scanner, DCU           CNY                           

9021348  Power Jack 24V DC, Base plate, TLyser LT        CNY                           

9021357  Snap ring (2), eccentr. shaft, TLyser LT             CNY                           

9240511  CPU Update, Jaguar, AP196/98            CNY                           

30004     Strep-Tactin Superflow Plus (10 ml)           CNY                           

28706     QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (250)       250 QIAquick Spin Columns, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)  CNY                           

9013181  Tubing, pump outlet, DISU, BR8000           CNY                            Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

9011481  BGR Greiferkopf Plato 1xxx         CNY                           

6000-1240U    Microplate Heater I, 240V            CNY                           

9011334  Arm Mechanism, RCS1        CNY                           

330514    RT² SYBR Green Fluor qPCR Mastermix (6)              CNY                           

9011092  Mounting plate, power supplies, BR8000             CNY                           

150023    REPLI-g Mini Kit (25)   DNA Polymerase, Buffers, and Reagents for 25 x 50 µl whole genome amplification reactions (typical yield 10 µg per reaction)   CNY                           

9241806  Pyro Q24, Installation    Installation and Introductory Training PyroMark is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the installation and commissioning of the instrument and the handling of the PyroMark systems hardware. It trains the user on the operation of the PyroMark software and the setup and execution of a pyrosequencing run. After the training the user will be able to prepare samples, set-up and run the instrument, analyse the results and design new assays as well as troubleshoot new assays and perform basic maintenance on the sample preparation tool and instrument. All travel and labor costs and well as material for the demonstration run are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements      CNY                           

9241177  Power switch, 6A, 250VAC, QX          CNY                           

9241147  Transport  lock, X axis, M48             CNY                           

9241032  Tube insert, 2.0 ml,samp.carr., Qsym          CNY                           

9240986  PCB, main, cooling device, Qsym        CNY                           

9240981  Slide block, sample tracking, Qsym             CNY                           

9240974  Carrier locking, sample tracking, Qsym              CNY                           

QY-x2279       H-4-II-E 大鼠肝细胞瘤细胞                                         

QY-x2280       H9 人急性淋巴母细胞白血病细胞                                       

QY-x2281       HAC-84 人肺泡癌细胞                                   

QY-x2282       Hacat 人永生化角质细胞                                      

QY-x2283       HAL-01 人急性混合型白血病细胞                                       

QY-x2284       HAN 人羊膜细胞                                    

QY-x2285       H-bc 人膀胱癌细胞                                       

QY-x2286       HBF 人膀胱组织来源细胞                                     

QY-x2287       NRK-52E 大鼠肾细胞DMEM培养基,添加4 mM L-谷氨酰胺,含1.5 g/L 碳酸氢钠4.5 g/L 葡萄糖, 95%; 小牛血清, 5%                                     

QY-x2288       NRK大鼠肾细胞含1.5g/L 碳酸氢钠, 4.5g/L 葡萄糖, 4mM L-谷氨酰胺的DMEM90%;胎牛血清或新生牛血清,10% -                                     

QY-x2289       NIH/3T3 鼠成纤维细胞系 1.5g/L 碳酸氢钠, 4.5g/L 葡萄糖,4mM L-谷氨酰胺的DMEM90%BCS10% 与原始的...                                     

QY-x2290       NCI-N87 [N87]人胃癌细胞 RPMI 1640 medium with 2 mM L-glutamine adjusted to contain ...                                      Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

QY-x2291      NCI-H292人肺癌细胞(淋巴结转移)2mM L-谷氨酰胺,10mM HEPES1mM 丙酮酸钠,4.5g/L 葡萄糖,1.5g/L ...                                          

QY-x2292       NAMALWA Burkitt's淋巴瘤细胞B 淋巴细胞;Burkitt淋巴瘤形态: 淋巴母细胞含1.5g/L 碳酸氢钠, 4.5g/L 葡萄糖, 10mM HEPE...                                         

QY-x2293       MRC-5 人胚肺细胞 1.0mM丙酮酸钠,0.1mM非必需氨基酸和1.5/升碳酸氢钠的EMEM90%;胎牛血清,10% MRC-5细胞系来自...                                         

QY-x2294       MGC80-3 人胃癌细胞RPMI 1640+10%胎牛血清或新生牛血清 从一位53 性原发性胃低分化粘液腺癌患者建立。                                         

QY-x2295       MFC小鼠胃癌细胞 RPMI 1640+10%胎牛血清或新生牛血清 源自615小鼠。狗肾细胞 MDCK (NBL-2) 询价 ATCC                                         

QY-x2296       MDCK (NBL-2) 狗肾细胞含 1.5g/L 碳酸氢钠,0.1mM 非必需氨基酸,1.0mM 丙酮酸钠,2mM L-谷氨酰胺和Earle'...                                          

QY-x2297       MDCK犬肾细胞系添加2mM L-谷氨酰胺,1.0mM丙酮酸钠,0.1mM非必需氨基酸,1.5g/L碳酸氢钠的EMEM90%FBS10% 1...                                         

QY-x2298       MDBK (NBL-1) 牛肾细胞 1.5g/L 碳酸氢钠,0.1mM 非必需氨基酸,1.0mM 丙酮酸钠,2mM L-谷氨酰胺和Earle&#39...                                        

QY-x2299       MDA-MB-453 人乳腺癌细胞 L-15+10%胎牛血清 从胸水中建立的人乳腺癌细胞株。                                        

QY-x2300       MDA-MB-231 人乳腺癌细胞转移性胸膜渗出液形态:Leibovitz’s L15培养液,添加10%胎牛血清。 MDA-MB-231...                                         

QY-x2301       MCF7人乳腺癌细胞EMEM1.0mM丙酮酸钠,0.1mM非必需氨基酸和1.5/升碳酸氢钠,添加0.01毫克/毫升牛胰岛素和10%胎牛血... 恒河猴肾细胞 LLC-MK2 询价 ATCC                                          

QY-x2302       LLC-MK2 恒河猴肾细胞 1.68g/L碳酸氢钠的199培养基,99%;新生牛血清,1% LLC-MK2细胞株源自六只成年绿猴的肾细胞悬液。 据报...                                        

QY-x2303       LLC小鼠肺癌细胞 DMEM+10%胎牛血清或新生牛血清 小鼠Lewis肺癌细胞                                      

QY-x2304       L929小鼠成纤维细胞RPMI 1640+10%胎牛血清或新生牛血清 亲本L的亚克隆,是*早建立的连续培养物。 L细胞源自100天的...                                     

QY-x2305       L6 大鼠成肌细胞含4mM L-谷氨酰胺,1.0mM 丙酮酸,4.5g/L 葡萄糖和1.5g/L碳酸氢钠的DMEM 90%;胎牛血清 10% ...                                         

QY-x2306       JurkatT淋巴细胞白血病细胞 RPMI-1640 10%FBS 细胞株来源于一个14 孩的外周血。 经佛波酯和外源凝集素或抗T3单克...                                     Phosphoglucose Isomerase Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit

QY-x2307       Huh-7 人肝癌细胞 DMEM 10%FBS 据说产甲胎蛋白,胰酶α抗体,血浆铜蓝蛋白,纤维蛋白原,纤维粘连蛋白等。                                     

QY-x2308       HT-29 人结肠癌细胞 McCoy’s 5a 10%FBS 1964年,该细胞系由J.Fogh 用移植培养方法和含15%FBSF12...                                      

QY-x2309       HT-1080 人纤维肉瘤细胞系DMEM 10%FBS 这株细胞含有活化的N-ras癌基因。                                       





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