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EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well,

点击次数:18发布时间:2016/7/30 15:12:33

EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well,

更新日期:2016/7/30 15:12:33

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 μm 货号K915-24 24 assays 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应

相关标签:EZCell™  Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin)  24-well  8 μm 



 【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司是一家专业销售生化检测试剂盒、酶联免疫试剂盒,抗体蛋白、生化试剂,标准品和对照品的大型化学科技公司。自公司成立以来,本着始终拥有的创业激情,公司的销售额保持高速增长,企业规模不断扩大。【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司检测试剂盒产品已被广泛应用于化学、化工、生命科学的基础研究和开发应用、制药、疾病诊断与控制、人口与健康、生物技术等诸多领域。客户遍布国内各大学、研究所、医院、卫生防疫、商品检验检疫、制药公司、生物技术公司和食品工业等单位。【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com

9021982  Gas strut, door, QXA            CNY                           

9021614  Kit, upgrade QSAS Cabinet, Qsym              CNY                           

9021282  Drop catcher, waste chute, v1, Qsym          CNY                           

9238177  QIAplate Holder, silver          CNY                           

9240647  Internal BCR,  MS-3 CCD, AP196/98         CNY                           

9240637  UPS, 240 Volt, AP         CNY                           

9240629  Supplemental Fuse Pack, AP196/98             CNY                           

9240618  Fuse, TE5, 1.6A, PCB, AP96/196         CNY                           

9240598  Brake Cylinder, AP96/196             CNY                           

9240588  Vacuum Switch Assy, Capper, AP96            CNY                           

9240578  Vacuum Switch Assy, Elevator, AP96           CNY                           

9240563  Fuse,PCB, 630, Eppendorf, AP196/98         CNY                           

9240526  Cable, Motor Axis #3, Capper I/O, AP98             CNY                            EZCell Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm

9240500  Fluidic Valve, Reagent Pump, AP          CNY                           

9240240  Collet nut, TR        CNY                           

9240099  #Re-Installation, BR M48      The Re-Installation, BR M48 facilitates quick implementation of system back into lab routine by minimizing  instrument set-up phase. It covers hardware and software check of instrument and provides user with operator refesher overview.  Re-installation includes labor and travel costs. Re-installation performance process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.     CNY                           

9239855  Compressor, v2.0          CNY                           

9019494  Measurement Gauge Kit, RCS              CNY                           

9238863  LiquiChip, Premium Agreement     The Premium Cover Agreement LiquiChip provides full service coverage for the LiquiChip workstation. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day).     CNY                           

5000-1251      Motor Control PCB, DML2          CNY                           

5000-1513      H-Spring, DML2           CNY                           

6000-3119      Plate Washer I - Rinse Cap Assembly           CNY                           

5000-1417      Overlay 099A, VTX2            CNY                           

5050-1078      LIS Information Package             CNY                           

9240717  Lead Screw Assy, Axis 5, TR, AP        CNY                           

9240703  O-Ring, Valve, Reagent Pump, AP        CNY                           

9020806  Rotor Timing Calibration Dye, RGQ            CNY                           

338134    Microbial DNA Positive Control           CNY                           

288105    bactotype Mycoplasma Mg/Ms PCR Kit (96)              CNY                            EZCell Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm

275002    flocktype NDV Ab (2)           CNY                           

285515    cador C. burnetii PCR Reagent (96)             CNY                           

285115    cador TKP PCR Reagent (96)              CNY                           

9001901  #QIAgility (PC) Priority QIAgility (PC) Priority includes the QIAgility instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One on-site pipetting head service is included for each year of the warranty; 2 pipetting head services in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with an on site service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents.       CNY                           

800331    PCR Amplification         CNY                           

QYBS6312     人狂犬病病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T                            

QYBS6313     动物狂犬病病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6314     破伤风IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6315     出血热IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6316     风疹病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6317     麻疹病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6318     脊髓灰质炎病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6319     腮腺炎病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6320     乙型脑炎病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6321     甲型肝炎病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6322     百日咳IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6323     白喉IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6324     A群脑膜炎IgG抗体测定试剂盒 48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6325     C群脑膜炎IgG抗体测定试剂盒 48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6326     流感病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6350     梅毒甲苯胺红不加热血清试验诊断试剂    96T                             EZCell Cell Invasion Assay Kit (Laminin), 24-well, 8 µm

QYBS6351     弓形虫IgM抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6352     弓形虫IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6353     风疹病毒IgM抗体测定试剂盒   48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6354     麻疹病毒IgM抗体测定试剂盒   48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6355     巨细胞病毒IgM抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6356     巨细胞病毒IgG抗体测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6357     单纯疱疹病毒I+IIIgM抗体测定试剂盒      48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6358     狂犬冱疫苗效力测定试剂盒       48T 供研究用                           

QYBS6359     乙型脑炎疫苗效力测定试剂盒    48T 供研究用                           

QYBS5001     肠杆菌科细菌生化编码鉴定管    11X15   用于肠杆菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5002     肠杆菌科细菌生化编码鉴定管GYZ-15e    15X10 用于肠杆菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5003     肠科生化编码管GYZ-15E   15X10 用于肠杆菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5004     肠杆菌科细菌生化编码鉴定管GYZ-11e    11X15   用于肠杆菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5005     肠杆菌科细菌生化常规鉴定管    11X15   用于肠杆菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5006     阪崎肠杆菌生化鉴定试剂盒       9种×10    GB/T4789.40-2008配制                       





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