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EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well,

点击次数:24发布时间:2016/7/30 15:13:54

EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well,

更新日期:2016/7/30 15:13:54

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 μm 货号K916-100 100 assays 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应

相关标签:EZCell™  Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I)  96-well  8 μm 



 【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm是我公司重点推广产品,我公司有专业的人员进行全程指导,请放心购买,发货时均会附上质检报告单。使用说明书和推荐用法用量,提供正规发票。


【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“*优质的服务”

CUSABIO   Randox-lifescience  Santa   Abcam  jackson  Sigma  Amresco  Qiagen  Cayman  millipore  invitrogen  merk  ebioscience prospec


齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490【EZCell™ Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm

9019489  ZLV PLATE ADAPTOR BIOHIT          CNY                           

9019544  ZLV Skirt, low raw white 2427, CASx         CNY                           

9019580  ZLV Reed Switch assembly, C34          CNY                           

9020583  X-Belt, DML3000 185 Teeth         CNY                           

9020592  Optical Head Assembly, DML 3000              CNY                           

9021015  Encoder, Z Axis, VR, DCU           CNY                           

9013209  Cabling kit, 5V/24V, BR8000         CNY                           

9013189  Wheel, retractable tubing, dispenser, BR              CNY                           

9011757  Reagent holder, 1-trough 20 ml     Holder for accommodating a single disposable trough (20 ml) on the worktable; must be used with the reagent holder tray   CNY                           

132632    NeXtal Stock Potassium formate (50)   10M Potassium formate - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)     CNY                           

761125    PAXgene Blood DNA Tube (100)  100 PAXgene Blood DNA Tubes   CNY                            EZCell Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm

679291    ipsogen MLL-ELL e8e2 Standards        CNY                           

203209    HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase (25000)   "HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase Kit (25000)

100 x 250 units HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, 100 x 1.2ml HotStarTaq Buffer, 100 x 2.0ml Q-Solution, 100 x 1.2ml MgCl2

Old SAP # 1009302"      CNY                           

200201    TopTaq DNA Polymerase (50)      "For highly reliable end-point PCR with unrivalled ease-of-use


The first fridge storage enzyme"   CNY                           

180211    GeneRead rRNA Depletion Kit (6)        CNY                           

159315    Multibarrier Pouch Small (100)            CNY                           

158908    Cell Lysis Solution (1000 ml)        CNY                           

677513    ipsogen NPM1 mut A MutaQuant Kit (24)           CNY                           

35023     Ni-NTA HisSorb Strips (24)   2 racks of 12 x Ni-NTA-coated 8-well strips in 96-well format   CNY                           

34450     RGS.His HRP Conjugate Kit   125 ul RGS-His HRP Conjugate, 5 g Blocking Reagent, 50 ml Blocking Reagent Buffer (10x concentrate)   CNY                           

30971     Glutathione HiCap Cartridges (5 x 1 ml)              CNY                           

9238853  BR M48, Basic Agreement     The Basic Cover Agreement M48 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot M48. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.       CNY                           

9241214  Full Agreement Depot Repair, Heater, 1yr     "The Full Agreement Depot Repair, Heater provides full service coverage for the microplate heater used in the digene HPV application. The service is conducted as an instrument exchange service.

All shipping, labor and repair part costs related to an instrument exchange are included for 1 year. Instrument exchange time is 2 - 3 working days."       CNY                           

9241188  Gauge, pressure, rear, QX            CNY                           

9238826  Plate holder            CNY                           

9238814  Rect. carrier for 20 glass tubes 7 ml            CNY                           

9233426  Capillary, dispenser head, BR8000 (8pcs)            CNY                            EZCell Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm

9233274  H-motor Plato 1***              CNY                           

9237147  Optics Platform with Green LSR          CNY                           

9237127  Upgrade App., RNeasy 96 BR3000/9604             CNY                           

9237120  Upgrade App., QIAwell Ultra         CNY                           

9237118  Upgrade App., DT Sequencing Setup           CNY                           

9237092  Training, BR On-site Advanced     "The On-Site QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Advanced Training includes all travel and labor costs for up to three days of on-site training to introduce users to advanced software topics for the  QIAGEN BioRobot System users with a basic understanding of the use and programming of QIAGEN BioRobot

systems who want to write complex protocols for their instrument, the advanced training starts with a brief review of basic concepts such as teaching slots and racks before exploring the higher-level programming features of the QIAsoft Operating System. Topics include the structure and use of functions, using variable for programming flexibility, IF/ELSE/END boolean logic commands, and parameterized pipetting using tables.  Users will write, test and run protocols they have developed to demonstrate and reinforce training success."   CNY                           

9236358  Sample Holder Small, 1.2ml          CNY                           

QYBS5007     小肠耶氏菌生化鉴定管试剂盒   9种×5     耶氏菌鉴定用按GB/T4789.8-2008配制                          EZCell Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm

QYBS5008     李斯特氏菌生化鉴定管试剂盒   7种×10 李氏菌鉴定用按GB/T4789.30-2008配制                           

QYBS5009     发酵型革兰氏阴性杆菌生化编码鉴定管   16种×10 用于肠杆菌科和弧菌科细菌鉴定用                        

QYBS5010     弧菌科细菌生化鉴定管       16X10 用于弧菌科细菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5011      弧菌科细菌生化编码鉴定管GYZ-9v  9X15    用于弧菌科细菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5012     弧菌科细菌生化编码鉴定管GYZ-9V 9X10    用于弧菌科细菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5013     霍乱弧菌生化鉴定管    11X15   用于弧菌科细菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5014     副溶血性弧菌生化鉴定管    11X15   用于弧菌科细菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5015     副溶血弧菌生化鉴定管试剂盒   10种×5 副溶血性弧菌鉴定用按GB/T4789.7-2008配制                          

QYBS5016     奈瑟氏菌属细菌鉴定管(已加兔血清)    7X10    用于淋病奈氏菌鉴定用                           

QYBS5017     葡萄球菌属细菌生化鉴定管       11X10   用于葡球菌鉴定用                         

QYBS5018     葡萄球菌属细菌生化编码鉴定管TH-16S  16X10 用于葡球菌鉴定用                         

QYBS5021     酵母样真菌生化鉴定管       15X5    用于酵母科真菌鉴定用                         

QYBS5022     链球菌细菌生化编码鉴定管       12X10 用于链球菌鉴定                      

QYBS5023     乳酸菌微量生化鉴定试剂盒      7种×10    乳酸菌生化鉴定用按GB/T4789.35-2008配制                           

QYBS5024     非发酵细菌生化编码鉴定管       11X10   用于非发酵细菌鉴定用                         

QYBS5025     非发酵细菌生化编码鉴定管15n 15X5    用于非发酵细菌鉴定用                            EZCell Cell Invasion Assay (Collagen I), 96-well, 8 µm

QTR-101 沙门氏菌属诊断血清60  1ml×60                                

QTR-102 沙门氏菌属诊断血清30  1ml×30                                

QTR-103 沙门氏菌属诊断血清11  1ml×12                                

QTR-104 沙门氏菌属O多价血清A-F       1ml/                               

QTR-105 沙门氏菌属Vi因子诊断血清      1ml/                               

QTR-106 沙门氏菌属诊断血清138       1ml×160   诊断分型                           

QTR-107 沙门氏菌诱导血清       1ml/      诱导 H                      


QTR-201 志贺氏菌属诊断血清50  1ml×56                                

QTR-202 志贺氏菌属诊断血清22  1ml×26                                

QTR-203 四种多价诊断血清       1ml/                             

QTR-204 福氏多价诊断血清       1ml/                             

QTR-205 鲍氏多价诊断血清       1ml/                             

QTR-206 痢疾1型诊断血清       1ml/                              





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  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

