您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂 > 兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家



点击次数:18发布时间:2016/8/1 17:44:40


更新日期:2016/8/1 17:44:40

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家 QY-R95144 国产/进口原装 48T/96T 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家科研之路。您我并肩同行!齐一生物具有完善的ELISA试剂盒开发平台,成熟的抗原、抗体研发系统,熟练掌握各种酶联技术,如双抗夹心法、(直接)竞争法、间接竞争法、阻断法、间接法、双抗原夹心法等方法,结合我公司的诊断试剂开发团队我们可以有效的将试剂盒开发为临床诊断级别,质量处于全国前茅。兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家齐一生物针对中高端客户推出自主品牌QIYBO试剂盒为了保证客户用货质量,我公司采用纯进口原料现包被生产,质量稳定高. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490欢迎您的咨询购买


兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家科研之路。您我并肩同行!欢迎各科研单位在各种项目上与齐一生物公司开展不同层次的密切合作,以双赢求发展,共同进步,为中国科研检测事业的发展积累经验。齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

9018456       Linear guide, Y axis, QX           CNY                            【兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

9012421       MP-Slot Extention              CNY                           

9012397       Holder, vacuum trap, auto vac, BR8000        CNY                           

204854  QuantiFast Multiplex RT-PCR Kit (400)          CNY                           

133174  NeXtalStock CHES pH 10.0 (200)            CNY                           

133173  NeXtalStock CHES pH 9.0 (200)              CNY                           

291043  mericon Screen nos Kit (24)            CNY                           

290135  mericon Vibrio triple Kit (96)            CNY                           

290115  mericon Y. enterocolitica Kit (96)            CNY                           

9015402       O-rings, plunger, M96 (8)         CNY                           

9001731       QIAgility HEPA / UV Instrument         CNY                           

133088  NeXtalStock PEG 550 MME (200)           CNY                           

38025    MAL Cartridge (5ml)           CNY                           

292015  mericon Pig Kit (96)           CNY                           

133123  NeXtalStock Tris (200)              CNY                           

965672  QIAamp One-For-All Nucleic Acid Kit (12)             CNY                           

133192  NeXtalStock Ammonium tartrate pH 7 (200)          CNY                            【兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

133183  NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.5 (200)              CNY                           

9018513       Adapter, USB-serial, EZ1a        CNY                           

9001896       QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (w/o PC) System   QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (w/o PC) System combines the QIAxtractor system and installation. The Installation and Introductory Training is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It provides the user with a training on operation and user maintenance. All travel and labor cost included for Installation. The performance of the installation process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.       CNY                           

51104    QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50)      For 50 DNA minipreps: 50 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, QIAGEN Protease, Reagents, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)   CNY                           

133099  NeXtalStock Potassium nitrate (200)              CNY                           

133092  NeXtalStock PEG 8,000 (200)          CNY                           

9015516       Heat unit, complete            CNY                           

9018452       Piston, purge (1), QX         CNY                           

9012416       Microplate Station 8000, short  Station for accommodating a 96-well plate (or other labware with the same base dimensions) on the BioRobot 8000 or MDx worktable       CNY                           

133168  NeXtalStock CAPSO pH 9.2 (200)           CNY                           

9018424       Door, N2, QX        CNY                           

9015405       Board, PDB, M96        CNY                           

9015386       Manual, Service, BIOROBOT MDx          CNY                           

9001863       Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM (PC) Priority   Rotor-Gene Q 2plex HRM (PC) Priority includes the Rotor-Gene Q system, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with on site introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years with shipment to Repair Center Service has response turnaround time (repair) 7-10 days. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Replacement system (Loaner) provision included (provision time 2-3 days) with transportation cost coverage. The service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with installation performance and service visits documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents.       CNY                           

9001720       Rotor-Gene Q 6Plex no PC             CNY                           

QYD604 猪丹毒 - 抗体检测ELISA   96/                            

QYD605 猪丹毒 - 抗原检测ELISA   96/                            

QYD606 猪传染性胃肠炎 - 抗体检测ELISA   96/                            

QYD607 猪沙门氏菌 - 抗体检测ELISA   96/                            

QYD608 猪流感- 抗体检测ELISA    96/                             【兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

QYD609 猪流感- 抗原检测ELISA    96/                            

QYD610 猪副嗜血杆菌- 抗体检测ELISA 96/                            

QYD611 猪轮状病毒- 抗体检测ELISA    96/                            

QYD612 猪轮状病毒- 抗原检测ELISA    96/                            

QYD613 反刍动物弓形虫抗体检测ELISA       96/                            

QYD614 非洲猪瘟抗体检测试剂盒    96/                            

QYD615 鲤鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒       96/                            

QYD616 虹鳟鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒    96/                            

QYD617 鲑科鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒    96/                            

QYD618 斑马鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒    96/                            

QYD619 青鳉鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒    96/                            

QYD620 黑鱼卵黄蛋白原试剂盒       96/                            

QYD621 麻痹性贝类毒素(PSP)试剂盒       96/                            

QYD622 腹泻性贝类毒素(DSP)试剂盒       96/                            

QYD623 健忘性贝类毒素(ASP)试剂盒       96/                            

QYD624 组胺试剂盒    96/                             【兔子血小板活化因子(PAF)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

QYD625 葡萄糖试剂盒       96/                            

QYD626 果糖葡萄糖试剂盒       96/                            

QYD627 氨氮试剂盒    96/                            

QYD628 硝酸盐亚硝酸盐试剂盒       96/                            

QYD629 维生素C试剂盒   96/                            

QYD630 尿素试剂盒    96/                            

QYD631 果糖试剂盒    96/                            

QYD632 皮革水解蛋白试剂盒    96/                            

QYD633 物种鉴定(孔测)试剂盒      96/                             





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

