您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 鼠源检测试剂盒 > 小鼠ELISA试剂盒 > 小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家



点击次数:11发布时间:2016/8/3 21:46:38


更新日期:2016/8/3 21:46:38

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家 QY-M30411 国产/进口原装 48T/96T 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司是一家专业销售酶联免疫试剂盒,抗体蛋白、生化试剂,标准品和对照品的大型化学科技公司.自公司成立以来,本着始终拥有的创业激情,公司的销售额保持高速增长,企业规模不断扩大. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家齐一生物科技有限公司主要经营进口原装Elisa试剂盒,种类齐全,价格实惠,货期短.购买我公司产品新老客户,可享全程技术指导(包括售前标本收集、后期实验、实验结束后数据分析等技术问题,我公司会有专业的技术即时给您去电沟通、解决.) 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

201223  Taq PCR Core Kit (250)  "250 units Taq DNA Polymerase, 10x PCR Buffer,* 5x Q-Solution, 25 mM MgCl2, dNTP Mix†


NEW! Now with 10x CoralLoad PCR Buffer


Taq DNA Polymerase is now supplied with CoralLoad PCR Buffer, which has all of the advantages of QIAGEN PCR Buffer but can also be used to directly load the PCR reaction onto an agarose gel without the need to add a gel loading buffer. CoralLoad PCR Buffer provides the same high PCR specificity and minimal reaction optimization as conventional QIAGEN PCR Buffer. Additionally, it contains two marker dyes: an orange dye and a red dye, that facilitate estimation of DNA migration distance and optimization of agarose gel run time."  CNY             【小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

180840  GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green/ROX MM (2)     CNY            

180830  GeneRead qPCR SYBR Green/Fluor MM (2)       CNY            

158767  Gentra Puregene Cell Kit (8 x 108)      CNY            

34650   RGS·His Antibody, BSA-free (100 µg)    100 ug mouse anti-RGS(H)4 (lyophilized, BSA-free, for 1000 ml working solution)   CNY            

32582   EasyXpress Disulfide Insect 10 rxns Kit     CNY            

32149   QIAexpress Type IV Kit  5 ug each: pQE-30, pQE-31, pQE-32 (N-terminal 6xHis); 10 ml Ni-NTA Agarose. pQE-40  CNY            

31014   Ni-NTA Spin Columns (50)    50 Ni-NTA Spin Columns, Collection Tubes    CNY            

30600   Ni-NTA Fast Start Kit (6)       CNY            

9021350 Piston, connecting rod, TLyser LT       CNY            

9022027 Sensor, Y-axis, with cable, QXA     CNY            

9002142 careHPV test Controller     CNY            

286115  cador N. caninum PCR Reagent (96)       CNY            

282603  virotype Influenza A RT-PCR Kit (24)        CNY            

282607  virotype Influenza A RT-PCR Kit (480)       CNY            

280373  virotype BVDV RT-PCR Kit (24)       CNY            

280445  virotype BTV pan/8 RT-PCR Kit (96)      CNY             【小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

9018703 EZ1 Adv. XL DSP Virus Card      CNY            

9001252 BIOROBOT 8000 Platf.Promo,Reaction Setup        CNY            

9019515 ZLV Y-piece, pinch valve tubing, CX1        CNY            

9020575 LED Assy, Green, 15" Long, DML 3000     CNY            

9020593 Lid, DML3000        CNY            

9022383 Original Transport Box, QXA     CNY            

9013308 Base, vacuum manifold, v1.04        CNY            

9013298 Top plate, vacuum manifold96 plate , 4      CNY            

9013236 Tubing set, vacuum, 200, 0      CNY            

9013224 Gripper set, V-handler, BR3000      CNY            

9013197 Tubing, L1 outlet, auto vac,BR8000 v1.00        CNY            

9011702 Cable, PCON98 to AC-box (level sensor),     CNY            

9011681 Dispenser drive, BR8000     CNY            

132635  NeXtal Stock Zinc chloride (50) 0,1M Zinc chloride - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)    CNY            

132578  NeXtal Stock PEG 2,000 DME (50) 50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 2,000 dimethyl ether - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)   CNY            

P/S 青霉素/链霉素溶液   Penicillin/Streptomycin Solution    100 ml             

AMS 抗真菌溶液 Antimycotic Solution    50 ml              

ABAMS   抗菌/抗霉菌溶液 Antibiotic/Antimycotic Solution 50 ml              

CCGW    细胞培养超纯水 Cell Culture Grade Water    500 ml             

MDS     肌细胞分离液    Myocyte Detachment Solution 100 ml              【小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

BPE 牛脑垂体提取物 Bovine Pituitary Extract    25 mg              

BPE 牛脑垂体提取物 Bovine Pituitary Extract    100 mg             

ITS 胰岛素铁硒传递蛋白  Insulin-Transferrin-Selenium, 100x  10 ml              

L-Glu   左旋谷氨酰胺溶液    L-Glutamine Solution, 200 mM    100 ml             

NEAA    100X非必需氨基酸    100X Non-Essential Amino Acids  100ml              

HGL PCR 人胚层检测试剂盒    Human Germ Layer Detection Kit  50 reactions               

Ored    油红O染色试剂盒    Oil Red O Staining Kit  100 ml             

StemDS  人胚胎干细胞分离液  StemDS® Human Embryonic Stem Cell Dissociation Solution 100 ml             

BPF 牛血浆纤维粘连蛋白  Bovine Plasma Fibronectin   1 mg               

HCF 人细胞纤连蛋白  Human Cellular Fibronectin  100 μg            

BPV 牛血浆玻连蛋白  Bovine Plasma Vitronectin  100 μg            

rHSA    重组人血清白蛋白    "Recombinant Human Serum Albumin

"   1g             

BPF 牛血浆纤维粘连蛋白  Bovine Plasma Fibronectin   1 mg               

CCCSCK  胶原I-细胞培养表面包被试剂盒   Collage I-Cell Culture Surface Coating Kit  10 mg              

PLL 多聚赖氨酸 Poly-L-Lysine 1 mg/ml   1 ml               

PLL 多聚赖氨酸 Poly-L-Lysine 10 mg/ml  1 ml                【小鼠丙二醛(MDA)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

STEMium 人胚胎干细胞无血清培养基    Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Growth Medium   500 ml             

STEMium-XF  无异种人胚胎干细胞生长培养基    Xeno-free Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Growth Medium 500 ml             

STEMium-ACF 无动物成分的人胚胎干细胞生长培养基  Animal Component-free Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Growth Medium  500 ml             

StemDS  人胚胎干细胞分离液  StemDS® Human Embryonic Stem Cell Dissociation Solution 100 ml             

StemCryo    人胚胎干细胞冻存液  Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Cryopreservation Medium 50ml               

StemCryo    人胚胎干细胞冻存液  Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Cryopreservation Medium,    5 x 10mL               

MEF 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞  Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts 5 x 10^5 cells/vial            

MEF-mt  小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞--处理    Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts-mitomicine treated  5 x 10^5 cells/vial            

MEF-mt  小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞--CD1小鼠C处理   Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts- Mitomycin C treated from CD1 mouse     1 x 10^6 cells/vial             





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

