点击次数:21发布时间:2016/8/4 21:08:46

更新日期:2016/8/4 21:08:46
所 在 地:中国大陆
齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490
样品应保存在-20°C或更低的温度。长期储存,建议冻结他们在- 70余。
1. Do I have to run all of my standards and samples in duplicate?
Yes, the duplicates are run in order to monitor assay precision and increase confidence in the assay results obtained.
2. Do I have to run all of my samples at one time?
No, each kit uses stripwell microplate. This allows the user to analyse different numbers of samples at different times.
3. What types of reproducible results are obtained with the assays?
Each kit comes with a manual containing a graph of typical data obtained. Any variation in operator, pipetting and washing technique, incubation time or temperature, and kit age can cause variation in result. Each user should obtain their own standard curve.
4. Is it possible to store the reagents other than indicated?
Storage of the kit components under conditions other than indicated is not recommended in order to assure proper performance of the test.
5. How should I store my samples?
Samples should be stored at -20oC or lower temperature. For long-term storage, it is recommended to freeze them at -70oC -80oC.
6. Can I modify the protocol?
BG ELISA kits have been optimized to provide the best possible results. Modifying the format or protocol may give inaccurate and wrong results.
7. Can I use a sample type that is not recommended in the kit insert?
The kit has been validated for the sample types listed in the kit insert. Sample types other than those validated have not been tested. Contact Technical Service for further information.
8. My samples generated values that were outside the dynamic range of the assay. Can I use these values?
It is recommended that only sample values that fall within the range of the standard curve be used. Values outside the range of the standard curve are generally non-linear, which can lead to incorrectly extrapolated values. Samples that generate values higher than the highest standard should be (further) diluted and the assay repeated. If samples fall below the range of the assay, the sample is considered to be non-detectable. 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
9. Do I have to run a Blank or Zero Standards every time?
Yes, these are required for the calculations, and reflect any subtle but significant performance changes from day to day and assay to assay. They are also extremely helpful when troubleshooting the source of a particular assay problem.
10. Can I alter the volume of sample I use in the assay?
It is not recommended that you alter the volumes since all BG kits are designed for optimal performance at the given volumes
11. Can components from different kits be used?
Each kit contains components which have specific lot numbers to ensure that all of the components are performing optimally alone, as well as with all of the other components in the kit. QC testing is performed on these specific lots. It is never recommended to use your own components or components from other kits or vendors.
12. My standard curve looked fine, but I didn’t get a signal in my sample when I expected to, why?
The sample may not contain the analyte. A matrix effect may be masking the detection. Ensure that the recommended dilution was followed as stated in the kit insert. If dilution was recommended, check to be sure that the dilution was performed properly. Over-dilution may cause the sample to fall below the range of the standard curve.
13. How do you recommend I wash my plate?
If you are using an automated plate washer we recommend that the calibration be checked on a regular basis, and that the system is flushed with the Plate Washing Buffer prior to washing. The same is true for a manual washer. A repeater or a wash bottle can also be used. The user should be careful to ensure that all of the contents are aspirated and the plate tapped dry on lint-free paper.
14. Do I need to use a plate shaker?
Reliable results can be obtained without a plate shaker, but the O.D.'s will generally be lower than those obtained using a plate shaker.
15. Why do I have to use wavelength correction between 450-570nm?
For the ELISA assay, reading at dual wavelengths is done to correct for the optical density contributed by the plastic well, the lamp and optical fluctuations. 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
16. If I extract my sample, do I still need to follow the recommended dilutions given in the kit insert?
The amount of sample dilution needed after an extraction procedure will be affected by the effects of purification and concentration in the protocol used. The amount of dilution or concentration will have to be determined by the end-user.
17. What is the expected concentration of analyte that I should expect to find?
The amount of a given analyte may vary not only from species-to-species, but also between tissue and cellular sources. The best source of this information is the current literature that is easily accessed through the Internet at multiple scientific databases.
18. My optical densities were a little higher (or lower) than those in the manual that came with my kit. Why?
The optical density is affected by a number of physical conditions such as time and temperature. We suggest that you shorten or lengthen the final incubation with substrate solution to compensate.
19. What are the reasons for High Background?
1) Improper Washing: Check volume of washing buffer reservoir and make sure all recommended washing steps are performed.
2) Contaminated Substrate: Make sure there is no contamination of the substrate with metal ions or oxidizing reagents, before use. Keep the extra substrate solution separately during the ELISA substrate development time. 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
3) Substrate exposed to light: Exposure to light may result in a blue color of the substrate. Keep solutions in the dark (vial) until ready to dispense into the plate.
4) Wrong Incubation Times/Temperatures: Generally follow the test protocol regarding incubation times and temperatures. However, if all wells are intensely and equally colored with no intensity gradient observed in the standard dilution series, then it may be necessary to observe the substrate reaction as the color is developing, in order to stop the reaction sooner.
9242763 QS RGQ, Full Agreement "Repair service delivery QIAsymphony SP/AS: onsite
Service response time (repair) QIAsymphony: 48 hours/2 business days
Repair service delivery RGQ: send to Regional Repair Center
Service response time (repair) RGQ: 7-10 days turnaround time
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year
Cost coverage for Repair Parts : yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage
Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage
Replacement system (Loaner) provision RGQ: yes, included (provision time 2-3 days)
Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY
9242547 SDS Canbus Cable, LC CNY
5000-1289 DML 2000 - Power Cord - 220V Switzerland CNY
5000-1286 Fuse 2 AMP PKD 10, DML2 CNY
5000-1264 Cable Modem INST 9 PIN, DML2 CNY
5000-1507 Microplate Heater I - Fuse Inlet 3A 250V CNY
6000-00180 Plate Washer - Rinse Cap Assembly CNY
6000-00179 Plate Washer - Wash Cap Assembly CNY
5000-1424 Brush Motor 2 Required, VTX2 CNY
5000-1421 Block Support Back 099, VTX2 CNY
5080-1000 Screw Caps CNY 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
PUREGST2 GST-tag Purification and Detection Kit 2 CNY
5000-1411 Poteneiometer 100L OHM, VTX2 CNY
6000-5026 hc2 Sample Conversion Tubes 15mL CNY
L2127 hc2 High-Risk HPV DNA Test PI (CD-ROM) CNY
12943 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Midi Kit (25) "25 QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Midi Columns, Extender Tubes, Reagents, Buffers, 25 QIAfilter Midi Cartridges
QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits enable ultrafast, large-scale plasmid purification of pure plasmid DNA. The use of a vacuum manifold allows purification of up to 12 (Mega and Giga) or up to 24 (Midi and Maxi) samples in parallel with low hands-on needs. Low elution volumes yield highly concentrated plasmid DNA for direct use without ethanol precipitation. QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Kits also feature a novel wash buffer for endotoxin reduction." CNY
9240710 Filter, Pump, Jun-Air, Inlet/Outlet, AP CNY
9240709 Filter, Pressure, 5 Micron, AP196/98 CNY
9242094 QIAcube, Inspection Agreement "Repair service delivery: not applicable
Service response time (repair): not applicable
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, for Periodic Inspection parts
Cost coverage for labor: yes, included for Periodic Maintenance
Cost coverage for travel: yes, included for Periodic Maintenance
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included
Transportation cost coverage: not applicable" CNY
9242095 QIAxcel, Inspection Agreement CNY
9241331 #QIAxcel, Full Agreement, no PM The Full Agreement QIAxcel covers all travel, labor and repair part costs related to an instrument repair for 1 year. Service response time is 2 working days. CNY
9001772 careHPV test System CNY
275703 flocktype Salmonella Ab (5) CNY
270045 cattletype BHV1 gB Ab (20) CNY
274013 flocktype AIV Ab (5) CNY
289993 virotype Tissue Lysis Reagent (250 ml) CNY
281807 virotype CSFV RT-PCR Kit (480) CNY 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
273403 pigtype Toxoplasma Ab (5) CNY
9011875 ZLV Vacuum Trap CNY
9016874 Kit, Maint. Prot. Plasticware, BR UNIV CNY
9232338 Cable, RS232, internal chain, BR8000 CNY
9238945 H-motor, BS15 CNY
9238927 Linear conductor, BS15 CNY
DMEM DMEM DMEM with High-Glucose - L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 500 ml
DMEM DMEM DMEM with High-Glucose - L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate 1L
DMEM DMEM DMEM with L-Glutamine - Sodium Pyruvate and 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
DMEM DMEM DMEM with High-Glucose - L-Glutamine - Sodium Pyruvate and 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
DMEM-prf DMEM-prf DMEM with High Glucose - L-Glutamine and Sodium Pyruvate - phenol red-free 1L
Ham's F-10 Ham's F-10 F-10 with L-Glutamine and 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
Ham's F-12 Ham's F-12 F-12 with L-Glutamine and 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
DMEM/F-12 DMEM/F-12 DMEM/F-12 with L-Glutamine 500 ml 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
DMEM/F-12 DMEM/F-12 DMEM/F-12 with L-Glutamine and 15 mM HEPES 500 ml
RPMI 1640 RPMI 1640 RPMI 1640 without L-Glutamine - with 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
RPMI 1640 RPMI 1640 RPMI 1640 with L-Glutamine and 25 mM HEPES 500 ml
IMDM IMDM MDM with L-Glutamine and 25 mM HEPES; without alpha-Thioglycerol - 2-mercaptoethanol 500 ml
rhSCF 重组人干细胞因子 Recombinant Human Stem Cell Factor 2µg
rhG-CSF 重组人粒细胞集落刺激因子 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg
rhGM-CSF 重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子 Recombinant Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 5µg
rhM-CSF 重组人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子 Recombinant Human Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 2µg
rhTNF-α 重组人肿瘤坏死因子-α Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 10µg
rhTNF-α-His 重组人肿瘤坏死因子-α,His Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha,His 10µg
rhTNF-α Vari 重组人肿瘤坏死因子-αVariant Recombinant Human Tumor Necrosis Factor- alpha Variant 10µg
rhBAF 重组人B细胞活化因子 Recombinant Human B Cell Activating Factor 5µg
rhOSM 重组人抑瘤素-M Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M 2µg
rhOSM 209a.a. 重组人抑瘤素-M209a.a. Recombinant Human Oncostatin-M 209a.a. 2µg
rhAK1-3 重组人血管抑素K1-3 Recombinant Human Angiostatin K1-3 10µg
rhEndostatin 重组人血管内皮抑素 Recombinant Human Endostatin 2µg 【大鼠抗精子抗体(AsAb)ELISA试剂盒现货】
rhaFGF 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子--酸性 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor- acidic 10µg
rhbFGF 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子--碱性 Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic 10µg
rhKGF-1 重组人角质细胞生长因子-1 Recombinant Human Keratinocye Growth Factor-1 2µg
rhFGF-9 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子-9 Recombinant Human Fibrobalst Growth Factor-9 5µg
rhKGF-2 重组人角质细胞生长因子-2 "Recombinant Human Keratinocye Growth Factor-2
" 5µg
rhFGF-19 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子-19 "Recombinant Human Fibrobalst Growth Factor-19
" 5µg
rhFGF-21 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子-21 "Recombinant Human Fibrobalst Growth Factor-21
" 5µg