您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 人源检测试剂盒 > 人ELISA试剂盒 > 人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货



点击次数:3发布时间:2016/8/13 16:31:02


更新日期:2016/8/13 16:31:02

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货 QY-H10722 48T/96T 血清,血浆,尿液,胸腹水,脑脊液,细胞培养上清,组织匀浆等 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货科研之路。您我并肩同行!齐一生物具有完善的ELISA试剂盒开发平台,成熟的抗原、抗体研发系统,熟练掌握各种酶联技术,如双抗夹心法、(直接)竞争法、间接竞争法、阻断法、间接法、双抗原夹心法等方法,结合我公司的诊断试剂开发团队我们可以有效的将试剂盒开发为临床诊断级别,质量处于全国前茅。人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货齐一生物针对中高端客户推出自主品牌QIYBO试剂盒为了保证客户用货质量,我公司采用纯进口原料现包被生产,质量稳定高. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490欢迎您的咨询购买


人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货科研之路。您我并肩同行!欢迎各科研单位在各种项目上与齐一生物公司开展不同层次的密切合作,以双赢求发展,共同进步,为中国科研检测事业的发展积累经验。齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

 QY-03049    晚期糖基化终末产物抗体   Anti-AGEs (advanced glycosylation end products)                                

 QY-03050     软骨蛋白聚糖/可聚蛋白多糖抗体      Anti-Aggrecan                                

 QY-03051     聚集蛋白抗体       Anti-Agrin                                

 QY-03052     血管组织血管紧张素Ⅱ1型受体抗体        Anti-Agtr1/AT1a(Angiotensin II receptor, type 1a)                                  

 QY-03053     芳香烃受体抗体    Anti-Ah Receptor(Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor)                              

 QY-03054     调亡诱导因子抗体       Anti-AIF (Apoptosis-Inducing Factor                                

 QY-03055     调亡诱导因子抗体       Anti-AIFApoptosis-Inducing Factor                             

 QY-03056     腺苷酸激酶-1       Anti-AK-1(Adenylate Kinase 1                                

 QY-03057     醛缩酶A抗体       Anti-ALDA (Aldolase A)                                 【人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货】

 QY-03058     间变型淋巴瘤激酶抗体       Anti-ALK/CD246Ag Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase                                 

 QY-03059     肝再生增强因子抗体    Anti-ALR(augmenter of liver regeneration)                              

 QY-03060     抗碱性磷酸酶抗体       Anti-AP/ALP(Alkaline phosphatase)                                  

 QY-03061     α-甲基酰基辅酶A消旋酶抗体      Anti-AMACR/P504S(alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase)                                 

 QY-03062     神经元突触前膜蛋白抗体    Anti-Amph(Amphiphysin)                              

 QY-03063     腺苷单磷酸活化蛋白激酶α1抗体    Anti-AMPK alpha-1 (AMP-activated Protein Kinase-α1)                               

 QY-03064     腺苷单磷酸活化蛋白激酶β1抗体    Anti-AMPKβ1 (AMP-activated Protein Kinase beta-1)                                  

 QY-03065     糖尿病相关肽/胰岛淀粉样肽抗体      Anti-Amylin                              

 QY-03066     β淀粉样肽1-42 (C端抗体)      Anti-β-Amyloid 1-42Aβ1-42(CT)                              

 QY-03067     β淀粉样肽(1-16)抗体   Anti-β-Amyloid1-16                              

 QY-03068     β淀粉样肽(31-35)抗体        Anti-β-Amyloid31-35                            

 QY-03069    β淀粉样肽(1-28)抗体   Anti-β-Amyloid1-28                              

 QY-03070     小鼠抗β淀粉样肽(1-28)抗体       Anti-β-Amyloid1-28                              

 QY-03071     β淀粉样肽(25-35)抗体        Anti-β-Amyloid25-35                            

 QY-03072     β淀粉样肽(1-40)抗体   Anti-β-Amyloid1-40)                                

 QY-03073     β淀粉样肽β-Amyloid 1-40/Aβ1-40 C端抗体      Anti-β-Amyloid 1-40/Aβ1-40CT                                【人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货】

 QY-03074     β淀粉样肽 1-40 C端抗体        Anti-β-Amyloid 1-40CTmouse                            

 QY-03075     β淀粉样肽(1-42)抗体   Anti-β-Amyloid1-42                              

 QY-03076     血管生成素-1抗体       Anti-ANG-1/(Angiopoietin 1; angiopoietin-like 4)                             

 QY-03077     血管生成素-2抗体       Anti-ANG-2 (Angiopoietin 2)hu, mo, rat, pig, dog, chi                            

 QY-03078     锚定蛋白G抗体   Anti-Ankyrin G/ANK-3/ankyrin 3                                 

 QY-03079     心钠肽(心钠素)抗体       Anti-ANP(atrial natriuretic peptide)                             

 QY-03080     血管紧张素Ⅱ-2型受体抗体       Anti-AT2RAngiotensin Type 2 Receptor                             

 QY-03081     血管紧张素II抗体        Anti-AT- (Angiotensin )                               

9010634       Photometer+Washer-Frontabdeckung P7 7186          CNY                           

211492  Internal Control RNA (High conc.)           CNY                           

9012754       Syringe pump outlet tubing (4.7 m)         CNY                           

9010349       Modul, Shaker, 1-Plate, P3xxx          CNY                           

979104  PyroMark Q96 HS Capillary Tip (8)  "Re-usable capillary tips for dispensing nucleotides (CDTs) for use in PyroMark Q96 MD. Each package contains 8 tips


CDT = capillary dispensing tips"      CNY                           

61704    QIAamp DSP Virus Spin Kit (50)             CNY                           

311802  BioMag Protein A (10ml)    BioMag Protein A suspension (5 mg/ml)  CNY                           

301799  RNAi Human/Mouse Starter Kit        CNY                           

59864    EpiTect Fast LyseAll Bisulfite Kit (50)             CNY                           

9002270       PyroMark Q24 Advanced          CNY                           

979006  PyroMark Binding Buffer (200 ml)    For immobilization of biotinylated DNA to streptavidin coated Sepharose beads.   CNY                           

9012710       syringe pump inlet tubing Plato 3000             CNY                           

9012694       V-motor Plato 7           CNY                           

133229  NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 6.4 (100)           CNY                            【人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货】

9002124       QIAxcel Advanced, Priority QIAxcel Advanced, Priority includes the QIAxcel Advanced instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One annual inspection service is included for each year of the warranty; 2 inspection services total. Service package includes all parts, labor and shipping costs to Regional Repair Center with response time (repair) 7-10 days turnaround time. Provision of loaner system in 2 - 3 days. Performance of the installation and repair service are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents.    CNY                           

9002049       Rotor-Gene Q MDx 6plex, PrioPLUS       "Rotor-Gene Instrument

Installation of Rotor-Gene & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

Regional Repair Center service, 7-10 day turn around time

Loaner available in 2 days*

Annual Inspections (1 PM per year)

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (shipping, labor, parts)"       CNY                           

972032  PyroMark Q96 CpG MGMT (96)      For quantification of methylation level in region 17-39 of exon 1 of the MGMT gene. CNY                           

971470  therascreen® BRAF Pyro Kit (24) CE            CNY                           

133213  NeXtalStock MIB pH 4.0 (200)          CNY                           

301105  PolyFect Transfection Reagent (1.0 ml) For 25-65 transfections in 60 mm dishes or 50-100 transfections in 6-well plates. CNY                           

55114    QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (50)        CNY                           

54161    cador Pathogen 96 QIAcube HT Kit (5)         CNY                           

54106    QIAamp cador Pathogen Mini Kit (250)          CNY                           

9002003       Rotor-Gene Q MDx 2plex System           CNY                           

9002001       Rotor-Gene Q MDx 2Plex no PC             CNY                           

133197  NeXtalStock Ethanol (200)        CNY                           

929510  QX RNA Alignment Marker (1.5 ml)         CNY                           

9012638       Valve unit, vacuum             CNY                           

205922  QIAGEN LongRange 2Step RT-PCR Kit (100)      "For 100 PCR rxns a 50 µl:

cDNA Step, 50 RT rxns a 20 µl : LongRange RT enzyme, LongRange RT reaction buffer, dNTP´s, Oligo dT, RNAse free water

PCR Step: QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit (100)"   CNY                           

292035  mericon Chicken (96)        CNY                            【人抗网硬蛋白抗体(ARA)ELISA试剂盒现货】

9001916       PyroMark Q96 ID, PrioPLUS     "PyroMark Q96 Instrument

Installation of PyroMark Q96 & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

On site service, 48 hr response

Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite PM per year)

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"     CNY                           



5000-1275   Springs, DML2       CNY            

5000-1270   35LB Monofiliment 100M, DML2        CNY            

5000-1266   Power Input Module, DML2        CNY            

5000-1262   PMT Socket PCB CTLER, DML2      CNY            

6000-4111NLV2.2 RCS User Application Manual (Dutch)     CNY            

5000-1426   Handle Clamping 099A, VTX2      CNY            

5000-1422   Block Support FRNT 099, VTX2        CNY            

5065-1010   Microtube Rack & Lid (Waterbath Rack)       CNY            

9240745 Belt, Reagent Pump, Motor, AP96     CNY            

9240727 Tube Assy, Vacuum Manifold, AP96/196        CNY             【人抗中性粒细胞抗体(ANA)ELISA试剂盒厂家】

9240706 O-ring Kit, Shaker, AP      CNY            

9240691 Shoulder Bolt, Spindle Retainer, AP     CNY            

9243715 RGQ, IQ/OQ Agreement    RGQ, IQ/OQ Agreement provides initial installation qualification and operational requalification services for re-installation, following repair center service, preventative maintenance or relocation up to 5 on-site visits or a term period of 1 yr. The service includes IQ/OQ documentation and performance of qualification protocols (travel and labor costs included).   CNY            

1049791 Sealing Strips, 6 x     CNY             





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
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  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

