齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. 【Q琼脂糖凝胶FF】欢迎咨询电话:400-9910-197;021-60348467QQ:741653262
Q琼脂糖凝胶FF 英文名称:Q Sepharose FF 规格:分离球蛋白4×106 包装:25毫升 储存条件: 2~8℃
QM101-6 Pfu DNA Polymerase(2.5u/ul) 250U
QM101-8 long taq DNA Polymerase(2.5u/ul) 250U
QM101-9 冷抑制热启动HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase 250U
QM101-09 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml
QM101-12 10x JumpStart Buffer 热启动缓冲液(不含酶) 1ML
QM101-14 2 x SY Green qPCR Mix 50200
QM201-1 2×Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 1ml5×1ml
QM201-3 2×Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 1ml5×1ml
QM201-5 2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-7 2×Taq Plus PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml 【Q琼脂糖凝胶FF】
QM201-9 2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-11 2×Pfu PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5ml5×1ml
QM201-13 2×Long Taq PCR Master Mix(含染料) 0.5m
QM201-15 2×Long Taq PCR Master Mix(不含染料) 0.5m
QM201-17 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(含染料) 0.5m
QM201-19 2×HotStart Taq PCR MasterMix(不含染料) 0.5m
QM301-1 超纯 dNTP Mixture(2.5 mM each) 1ML
QM301-4 超纯 dNTP Mixture(10 mM each) 1ML
QM301-5 dATP 100mMsolution 0.25 ml
QM301-6 dCTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-7 dGTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-8 dTTP 100mM solution 0.25 ml
QM301-9 PCR enhancer 100μ
QT101-4 TUREscript 1st Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(链反转录试剂盒) 2050
QT101-1 TUREscript H Minus M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase 5000U
QT101-6 TUREscript One Step RT-PCR Kit(一步法反转录试剂盒) 2050 【Q琼脂糖凝胶FF】
QT101-8 TUREscript SY Green qRT-PCR Kit (两步法荧光定量反转录试剂盒) 2050
QD101-1 DNA MarkerⅠ(条带100.200.300.400.500.600) "50T
QD101-3 DNA Marker Ⅱ(条带100.300.500.700.900.1200) "50T
QD101-5 DNA Marker Ⅲ(条带300.500.800.1500.2000.3000.5000) "50T
QD101-7 DNA Marker Ⅳ(条带500.1000.1500.3000.5000.8000) "50T
QD101-9 DNA Marker Ⅴ(条带200.400.700.1000.1500.2000) "50T
QD101-11 DNA MarkerⅥ(条带250.1000.2500.5000.7000.10000) "50T
9002028 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex, Priority Rotor-Gene Q 6plex (w/o PC) Priority includes the Rotor-Gene Q system, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with on site introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years with shipment to Repair Center Service has response turnaround time (repair) 7-10 days. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Replacement system (Loaner) provision included (provision time 2-3 days) with transportation cost coverage. The service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with installation performance and service visits documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
9002023 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex System CNY
9002021 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5Plex no PC CNY
970042 PyroMark Q24 CpG LINE-1 (4 x 24) For quantification of global methylation level in transposable elements CNY
133206 NeXtalStock Potassium formate (200) CNY
929523 QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/10 kb (1.5 ml) CNY
929500 QX Intensity Calibration Marker (1.0 ml) CNY
9012623 Pippeting Station, 3 microtitre plates CNY
291073 mericon Mon 810 Corn (24) CNY
9001917 PyroMark Q96 MD, Priority PyroMark Q96 MD, Priority includes the PyroMark Q96 MD instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with a service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
133113 NeXtalStock Sodium Iodide (200) CNY
967152 RNeasy 96 BioRobot 8000 Kit (12) For 12 x 96 total and cytoplasmic RNA preps on the BioRobot 8000: 12 RNeasy 96 Plates, Elution Microtubes CL (1.2 ml), Caps, Square-Well Blocks, RNase-free Reagents and Buffers CNY
9018464 Printer, EZ1a CNY
9018543 Anti-corrosion oil (rotor), QIAC CNY 【Q琼脂糖凝胶FF】
9018466 Transport Box, EZ1 Advanced CNY
9001881 QIAsymphony SP, PrioPLUS "QIAsymphony SP Instrument
Installation of QIAsymphony SP instrument & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
On site service, 48 hr response
Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite PM per year)
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)" CNY
955235 MagAttract Viral RNA M48 Kit (96) For 96 viral RNA preps: MagAttract Suspension F, Buffers CNY
9015456 Board, T-net main CNY
9015437 CD, Manual, Service, BIOROBOT MDx CNY
9016646 Tubing, syringe outlet, BR8 UNIV CNY
9016612 Documentation, IQ/OQ, BR MDx DSP CNY
9016572 Tip Wash, RCS1 CNY
9016519 Round Carrier Set (4), 4 x 50ml Falcon CNY
9016511 Rect. Bucket Set (6) CNY
9016241 QIAsoft M48, Directory Upgr. Tool CNY
9016187 EZ1 Test Card CNY
9016147 #App. Package, M48, Genetic Screening CNY
9016145 #App. Package, M48, Inf. Dis. (CD) CNY
9016121 Maintenance Kit, RoboVac, BR8000 II,SBS CNY
9019171 Heating block, PyroQ96MD CNY 【Q琼脂糖凝胶FF】
9011915 Tubing set, BR96OO, 1.02 CNY