您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂 > 硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163-36-7



点击次数:36发布时间:2016/8/26 22:23:41


更新日期:2016/8/26 22:23:41

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163-36-7 英文名称:SB3-10 规格:BR,99% 包装:1克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物长期经营生化检测试剂盒及抗体(免费代测).分子学生物试剂盒.比色法,IFCC推荐法,化学氧化法,速率法.高效液相色谱法.可见分光光度法.紫外分光光度法.酶标法检测试剂盒等检测试剂盒.诚信经营,价格实惠,服务周到,质量保障!提供各种实验代测服务. 硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司全国热线:400-991-0197网址:www.qiyibio.com

"硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367   英文名称:SB310   规格:BR99%   包装:1      比重: 1·282

储存条件: RT

用途: Zwitterionic类型去垢剂,用于蛋白溶解。"

QY-16562       Anti-NT-3神经营养因子-3抗体                                    

QY-16572       Anti-NT-4/NT-5Neurotrophic factor 4/5)神经生长因子4/5抗体                                         

QY-16582       Anti-NTNNeurturin )神经生长因子抗体                                        

QY-16592       Anti-Nurr1核受体相关因子-1抗体                                       

QY-16602       Anti-OAS12',5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 1)寡腺苷酸合成酶-1                                     

QY-16612       Anti-OAT-1 (Organic anion transporter 1)human阴离子转运蛋白-1(抗人;RC-0607R 抗大、小鼠)                                        

QY-16622       Anti-OAT-1 (Organic anion transporter 1)mouserat阴离子转运蛋白-1(抗大、小鼠:RC-0606R 抗人)                                        

QY-16632       Anti-OAT-3(Organic anion transporter 3)阴离子转运蛋白-3抗体                                       

QY-16642       Anti-OAT4L/URAT1 (Urate Transporter 1)尿酸盐重吸收转运子1抗体                                     

QY-16652       Anti-OCT1 (organic cat-ion transporter1)阳离子转运器1抗体                                   

QY-16662       Anti-OCT2 (organic cat-ion transporter2)B细胞特异性转录因子抗体                                       

QY-16672       Anti-Oct-4 antibody胚胎干细胞关键蛋白抗体                                     

QY-16682       anti-ODCOrnithine decarboxylase)抗鸟氨酸脱羧酶抗体                                       

QY-16692       Anti-Omgp (olyigodendrocyte myelin glycoprotein)少突细胞髓磷脂糖蛋白抗体                                       

QY-16702       Anti-OPCML (opioid binding protein/cell adhesion molecule-like)阿片样物质结合蛋白/细胞粘附分子样蛋白抗体                                          【硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367

QY-16712       Anti-OPG (Osteoprotegerin)骨保护蛋白/护骨素抗体                                   

QY-16722       Anti-OPGL/RANKL (Osteoprotegerin ligand)骨保护蛋白配体抗体                                     

QY-16732       Anti-OPN(osteopontin)骨桥蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16742       Anti-OPN(osteopontin)骨桥蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16752       Anti-ORX-A orexin-A)增食欲素-A/欲激素A                                         

QY-16762       Anti-Osx (Osterix)成骨相关转录因子抗体                                    

QY-16772       anti-Os05g/0477200 protein抗水稻白叶枯病菌Os05g0477200蛋白抗体                                         

QY-16782       anti-OTR(oxytocin receptor)缩宫素受体抗体                                     

QY-16792       Anti-OVA鸡卵白蛋白/卵清蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16802       Anti-OXR (Orexin receptor)食欲素受体抗体                                        

QY-16812       Anti-P14ARF抑癌基因p14抗体                                    

QY-16822       Anti-P16/CDKN2A (Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor-2A)抑癌基因p16抗体                                    

QY-16832       Anti-P19ARFp19ARF抑癌基因抗体                                      

QY-16842       Anti-P21/WAF1/CIP1p21抗体                                        

QY-16852       Anti-P27/kip1 (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B)P27抗体/周期素依赖激酶抑制剂                                     

QY-16862       Anti-P2Y1 receptorP2Y1受体抗体                                         【硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367

QY-16872       Anti-P311 protein神经再生相关蛋白抗体                                     

QY-16882       Anti-P38 MAPK(MAPK14 non-phospha)丝裂原活化蛋白激酶p38抗体                                    

4501205  artus EBV RG PCR Kit (96) RUO         CNY                           

4500265  artus HSV-1/2 RG PCR Kit (96) CE             CNY                           

949008    Autopure Precipitation Soln (3800 ml)         CNY                           

335001    EpiTect Methyl qPCR Assay (200)              CNY                           

990332    Filter-Tips, 200 µl (1024)             CNY                           

939011    Buffer ATL ( 4 x 50 ml)         CNY                           

9010929  Motor, Y, with gearbox encoder           CNY                           

9010855  ZLV BGR DT-Abstreifer 4-fach Plato 7...D         CNY                           

133246    NeXtalStock Sodium phosphate pH9.2 (200)              CNY                            【硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367

330601    RT² SYBR Green FAST Mastermix (8)        CNY                           

929604    QX Wash Buffer (40 ml)              CNY                           

9010810  Source rack (96 pos) for tubes 16mm x 1           CNY                           

9010636  Microplate station, tall    Station for accommodating a 96-well plate (or other labware with the same base dimensions) on the worktable       CNY                           

69581     DNeasy 96 Blood & Tissue Kit (4)       For 4 x 96 DNA minipreps: 4 DNeasy 96 Plates, QIAGEN Proteinase K, Buffers, Square-Well Blocks, AirPore Tape Sheets, Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml), Caps, 96-well Plate Registers       CNY                           

63206     DyeEx 2.0 Spin Kit (250)      250 DyeEx Spin Columns, Collection Tubes (2 ml)     CNY                           

207043    QuantiTect Whole Transcriptome Kit (25)           CNY                           

9010253  Gripper, right, landoplasted, MTP 120          CNY                           

979101    PyroMark Q96 HS Plate (100)      For sample analysis of DNA template on MD.      CNY                           

979009    PyroMark Annealing Buffer (250 ml)    For annealing of sequencing primer to DNA template.  CNY                           

62124     EZ1 DSP DNA Blood Kit (48)       CE-IVD Certified Kit for Extraction of DNA from human whole Blood. To be used in combination with EZ1 DSP Instrument (SAP 9001360) and EZ1 DSP Blood Card (SAP 9017713). Available Input Volumes 350 µl, selectable elution volumes 200 µl. Processing time for 6 samples 25 Minutes.   CNY                           

301709    HiPerFect Transfection Reagent (100 ml)            CNY                           

9002199  RGQ 6plex, PC, PrioPLUS, no PM       "RGQ 6plex, PC Instrument

Installation of RGQ 2plex & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

Repair Center service, response 7-10 days

Loaner available in 2 days*

No preventive Maintenance

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & repair report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (Shipping, labor, parts)"     CNY                           

9002196  RGQ 2plex HRM, PC, PrioPLUS, basic,no PM    "RGQ 2plex HRM, PC Instrument

Installation of RGQ 2plex HRM & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

Repair Center service, response 7-10

Loaner available in 2 days*

Preventive Maintenance (RRC,  1 PM per year)

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (Shipping, labor, parts)"     CNY                           

206546    Type-it HRM PCR Kit (2000)        CNY                           

206541    Rotor-Gene Type-it HRM Discovery Kit              CNY                            【硫代甜菜碱10CAS:15163367

9012731  Diluent Trough + lid PK 80 white         CNY                           

9012721  syringe pump inlet tubing Plato 3100           CNY                           

978803    PyroMark OneStep RT-PCR Kit (200)         CNY                           

133231    NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 6.8 (100)        CNY                           

59445     EpiTect HRM PCR Kit (100)         CNY                           

381215    Investigator HDplex Kit (100)              CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

