您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂 > 碱性木素CAS:8068-05-1



点击次数:29发布时间:2016/8/29 22:14:20


更新日期:2018/3/30 11:59:05

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:碱性木素CAS:8068-05-1 英文名称:Lignin alkalie 规格:BR 包装:25克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 碱性木素CAS:8068051齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490



低价格现货供应,欢迎前来选购碱性木素CAS:8068051齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司客服热:400 9910 197/021-6034 8496网站:www.qiyibio.com

碱性木素CAS:8068051   英文名称:Lignin alkalie   规格:BR   包装:25      储存条件: RT

QC203-1      pGEMX -T Easy 载体连接试剂盒       20                                

 QY204-1    pBLUE -T 载体连接试剂盒   20                                 【碱性木素CAS:8068051

  QY221-1  通用T载体菌落PCR鉴定试剂盒    80                                

 QY222-1    平末端DNAA试剂盒      25                                

 QY223-1    T4 DNA Ligase    50U                                  

 QY301-1    GenFectinTM基因转染试剂   0.5ml                                 

 QY101-01  非预染低分子量蛋白标准     2050                                 

 QY102-01  非预染低分子量蛋白标准Ⅰ 66KD,45KD,29KD,15KD.)     2050                                 

QC001  可溶型TMB显色底物试剂   100ml                                

QC002  沉淀型TMB显色底物试剂   500ml                                

QC003  BCA快速蛋白定量试剂盒    500T                                 

QC004  Bradford快速蛋白定量试剂盒     500T                                 

QC005  蛋白质银染试剂盒   100ml                                

QC006  SDS-page胶制备试剂盒 50T                            

QC007  快速考马斯亮蓝染色液(R-250型)   100ml                                

QC008  考马斯亮蓝染色液(常规法)   250ml                                

QC009  丽春红染色液    120ml                                

QC010  ECL底物发光试剂盒(试剂A:50ml,试剂B:50ml   50ml                                   【碱性木素CAS:8068051

QC011   HRP-DAB底物显色试剂盒   60ml                                  

QC012  超敏可逆蛋白显色试剂  100ml                                

QC013  碱性磷酸酶底物显色试剂盒(BCIP/NBT)  100 ml                               

QC014  胞浆总蛋白提取试剂盒  50T                            

QC015  植物细胞质膜提取试剂盒     50T                            

QC016  植物蛋白提取试剂盒      50T                            

QC017  细菌总蛋白提取试剂盒  50T                            

QC018  酵母总蛋白提取试剂盒  50T                            

QC019  胞浆和核蛋白分步提取试剂盒    50T                            

QC020  膜蛋白提取试剂盒   50T                            

QC021  动物组织蛋白裂解液      50ml                                  

QC022  真核细胞蛋白裂解液      50ml                                  

QC023  RIPA裂解液      50ml                                  

9012976       Gripper, left, landoplasted, MTP 120              CNY                          

931955  QIAsymphony Certal Vaccine NA Kit (96)            CNY                          

929707  QX Cartridge Stand Cover (1)         CNY                          

133252  NeXtalStock Sodium phosphate pH 7 (200)          CNY                          

929606  QX FA Separation Buffer (40 ml)            CNY                          

9010509       Motor, turntable 1/2 MTP, P3/7        CNY                          

69525    mericon DNA Bacteria Kit (100)             CNY                          

69106    DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (250)     250 DNeasy Mini Spin Columns, 250 QIAshredder Mini Spin Columns, RNase A, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)   CNY                          

211015  QuantiTect Virus Kit (1000)              CNY                          

206674  Type-it CNV SYBR Green PCR +qC Kit (400)           CNY                          

9012763       Liquid Handling Kit Plato 1300         CNY                          

59568    EpiTect Control DNA (1000)           CNY                           【碱性木素CAS:8068051

979014  MOTT 16S Primers For PCR          CNY                          

979011  PyroMark Q96 Vacuum Prep Trough (5) Re-usable plastic troughs for use in all PyroMark Q96 Vacuum Workstations.       CNY                          

59932    EpiTect MethyLight Assay Hs-ONECUT2(100)    "10-fold primer TaqMan probe mix, for real-time MethyLight PCR


For TaqMan probe-based real-time quantification of methylated or unmethylated CpG sites"  CNY                          

59695    EpiTect PCR Control DNA Set (100)             CNY                          

206343  Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit (200)   "The Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit is especially developed for to fast and reliable detection of mutations such as deletions, insertions,and translocations. It is also highly suited for multiplex PCR-based preamplification of SNPs as preparation for genotyping systems like the

SNaPshot Multiplex Kit from ABI


 Successful & reproducible analysis of multiple mutations

 Optimization-free multiplex PCR assay development

 Specific and sensitive coamplification of all fragments

 Optimized protocol for fast and reliable results" CNY                          

206341  Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit (70)     "The Type-it Mutation Detect PCR Kit is especially developed for to fast and reliable detection of mutations such as deletions, insertions,and translocations. It is also highly suited for multiplex PCR-based preamplification of SNPs as preparation for genotyping systems like the

SNaPshot Multiplex Kit from ABI


 Successful & reproducible analysis of multiple mutations

 Optimization-free multiplex PCR assay development

 Specific and sensitive coamplification of all fragments

 Optimized protocol for fast and reliable results" CNY                          

9012719       Set, Pins, (6 small, 4 large)         CNY                          

929561  QX Size Marker 50 - 800 bp v2.0 (50 µl)             CNY                          

972804  PyroMark Gold Q96 Reagents (5 x 96)   "For performing pyrosequencing reaction on the ID (5x 96) and Q96 MD (15x96)


ID needs more reagents"     CNY                          

301705  HiPerFect Transfection Reagent (1 ml)            CNY                          

54362    QIAamp cador Pathogen QXT Plus Kit (10)         CNY                          

9012680       Peristaltic Pump, 1 channel (A04897)             CNY                          

9012666       Pipetting system upgrade 2, BR3000        CNY                          

970480  EGFR Pyro Kit (24)           CNY                          

133204  NeXtalStock Jeffamine ED 2001 pH 7 (200)         CNY                          

929204  QIAxcel Protein Kit (1200)              CNY                           【碱性木素CAS:8068051

929004  QIAxcel DNA Screening Kit (2400)        CNY                          

9012624       Pippeting Station, 2 microtitre plates         CNY                          

206145  QIAGEN Multiplex PCR Kit (1000)       "contains

1 x Multiplex PCR MasterMix 2x, (1 x 25 ml)

(Mastermix contains HotStarTaq® DNA Polymerase, Multiplex PCR Buffer*, dNTP Mix)

1 x Q-Solution (10ml)

1 x RNase-free water (20 ml)

Handbook"    CNY                          

205311  QuantiTect Rev.Transcription Kit (50)      "For 50 x 20 µl reactions: gDNA Wipeout Buffer, Quantiscript Reverse Transcriptase, Quantiscript RT Buffer, RT Primer Mix, RNase-Free Water.

Suitable only for cDNA synthesis followed by real-time analyses."       CNY                          

205211  Sensiscript RT Kit (50)       For 50 reverse-transcription reactions: Sensiscript Reverse Transcriptase, 10x Buffer RT, dNTP Mix,* RNase-free water  CNY                           





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

