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点击次数:15发布时间:2016/9/18 20:12:18


更新日期:2018/3/30 11:58:47

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:【pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林) -Porcine Leutenizing hormone (Gonadorelin) ProSpec 货号:HOR-310 ¥800/100IU ¥2080/750IU ¥11270/10,000IU



pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林)齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490


9016874       Kit, Maint. Prot. Plasticware, BR UNIV         CNY                          

9232338       Cable, RS232, internal chain, BR8000            CNY                          

9238945       Hmotor, BS15         CNY                          

9238927       Linear conductor, BS15             CNY                          

9238767       Swingout rotor for microplate, sealable        CNY                          

9238755       24 Well Cooling Block 1,5ml            CNY                          

9238913       Power supply 40W, BS96         CNY                          

9232323       Cable, power, liquid pump, BR8000        CNY                          

9232126       Connector, base, dispenser head, BR8000             CNY                          

9238695       Voltage regulator 7805 DC, 5 V              CNY                          

9231780       Cable, BioRobot to vac.control box, 1500             CNY                          

9238676       Lid, speed measurement            CNY                           〖【pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林)〗

9231514       Screw, 3way dilutor valve, BR8000            CNY                          

9231009       Flex Cable 2x10P YQCon1 Yzadp          CNY                          

9230995       Predilutionrackaufnahme re.  PK80           CNY                          

9020080       Ratchet Holder Set (L&R), TLyser          CNY                          

9020076       Left Rocker Arm, preassemblied, TLyser        CNY                          

9020067       Front Panel, TLyser 2         CNY                          

9020064       Brake 105V DC, TLyser           CNY                          

9020057       Fan Blade, TLyser              CNY                          

9020049       Cover with magnet, TLyser        CNY                          

9015005       DT Adapter, 300µl, BR8 v3.03           CNY                          

9014944       ACBox, 1000W, BR8 RD v1.0           CNY                          

9014878       Card, xmain, shaker        CNY                          

9014840       Tubing Set, Syringe Inlet, BR8 RD           CNY                          

9014712       Cable, Rotor Door Lock, BR8 RD          CNY                          

9014634       PCB, RotorEdge, BR8 RD           CNY                          

9238607       Teflon disc, motor bearing protection        CNY                          

9238220       Clamp Tubing              CNY                          

9240669       Male Quick Disconnect, AP              CNY                          

9240606       Vacuum Gauge, Digital, AP196/98           CNY                          

9240601       Sensor w/Cable, Reagent Jar, AP96/196         CNY                          

9240584       Filter Assembly, Vacuum, AP196/98        CNY                          

9240557       Resistor, Brake, Eppendorf, AP196/98           CNY                          

9240543       Lower Header, Capper Head, AP96        CNY                          

9240541       Plate, Controller Mount, SiNug Upgrade         CNY                          

9240539       Cable Assy, Home Sensor, SiNug, AP96/196        CNY                           〖【pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林)〗

9240534       Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, Shaker AP96/196            CNY                          

9019216       Lead screw X robot, PyroQ96MD          CNY                          

9019206       Cable kit Gripper, PyroQ96MD              CNY                          

1066844       Influenza A RTPCR REAGENT LE            CNY                          

1054386       ResPlex II Panel v2.0 RUO (Pre)            CNY                          

1061070       UU Quantification Standards             CNY                          

1061071       PG AIVH5 RTPCR Assay (48)  Z        CNY                          

1061075       PG NDV Univ. RTPCR Assay (48) Z         CNY                          

1061085       TB PCR REAGENT II              CNY                          

1061098       HIV1 RTPCR REAGENT II           CNY                          

9016574       QIAamp Media MDx, PRO             CNY                          

9016538       Transportation box , BioRobot EZ1         CNY                          

9016528       Transportation box , Access. Cabinet              CNY                          

9016471       BR MDx Service, PRO             CNY                          

9016150       #App. Package, M48, Forensics             CNY                          

9016146       #App. Package, M48, Genotyping           CNY                          

QYL3059 腺嘌呤73245    Adenine  73245   20mg                   

QYL3060 泛酸钙137086       Calcium pantothenate   137086 20mg                   

QYL3061 富马酸 110178      Fumaric acid       110178      20mg                   

QYL3062 甘露醇87785    Mannitol 87785   20mg                   

QYL3065 L-色氨酸73223   LTryptophan   73223   20mg                   

QYL3067 维生素B2    Vitamin B2           20mg                   

QS5101    籽瓜细菌性果斑病菌      Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli                                 

QS5102    非洲木薯花叶病毒   African Cassava Mosaic Virus                              

QS5103    冰草花叶病毒    Agropyron Mosaic Virus                                 〖【pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林)〗

QS5104    苜蓿花叶病毒    Alfalfa Mosaic Virus                               

QS5105    六出花花叶病毒       Alstroemeria Mosaic Virus                             

QS5106    美洲李子线状病毒   American Plumline Pattern Virus                            

QS5107    安第斯马铃薯隐性病毒  Andean Potato Latent Virus                                  

QS5108    安第斯马铃薯斑驳病毒  Andean Potato Mottle Virus                                  

QS5109    苹果褪绿叶斑病毒   Apple Chlorotic Leafspot Virus                             

QS5110    苹果花叶病毒    Apple Mosaic Virus                                

QS5111    苹果茎沟病毒    Apple Stem Grooving Virus                                  

QS5112    苹果茎痘病毒    Apple Stem Pitting Virus                                

QS5113    南芥菜花叶病毒       Arabis Mosaic Virus                               

QS5114    秘鲁葫萝卜B病毒OCA  Arracacha Virus BOCA Strain                                 

QS5115    香蕉苞片花叶病毒   Banana Bract Mosaic Virus                            

QS5116    香蕉束顶病毒    Banana Bunchy Top Virus                              

QS5117    香蕉条纹病毒    Banana Streak Virus                               

QS5118    大麦轻度花叶病毒   Barley Mild Mosaic Virus                              

QS5119    大麦条纹花叶病毒   Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus                            

QS5120    大麦黄矮病 Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus Screen                                

QS5121    大麦黄花叶病    Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus                                  

QS5122    菜豆普通花叶坏死病毒  Bean Common Mosaic Necrosis Virus                                

QS5123    菜豆普通花叶病毒   Bean Common Mosaic Virus                                

QS5124    菜豆金黄花叶病毒   Bean Golden Mosaic Virus                            

QS5125    菜豆荚斑驳病毒       Bean Pod Mottle Virus                                  

QS5126    菜豆黄花叶病    Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus                             

QS5127    菜豆卷叶病毒    Bean Leafroll Virus                                 

QS5128    甜菜花叶病毒    Beet Mosaic Virus                                  

QS5129    甜菜坏死黄脉病毒   Beet Necrotic Yellow Vein Virus                             〖【pLH】猪促黄体激素释放激素(戈那瑞林)〗

QS5130    甜菜土传病毒    Beet Soilborne Virus                                  

QS5131    甜菜黄化病毒    Beet Yellows Virus                                  

QS5132    蓝莓叶斑驳病毒       Blueberry Leaf Mottle Virus                                  

QS5133    香雪兰花叶病毒       Fresia Mosaic Virus                                

QS5134    微囊藻毒素LR  Microcystin LR    95% by HPLC   50ug                           

QS5135    微囊藻毒素LR  Microcystin LR    95% by HPLC   100ug                         

QS5136    微囊藻毒素LR  Microcystin LR    95% by HPLC   250ug                         

QS5137    微囊藻毒素LR  Microcystin LR    95% by HPLC   500ug                         

QS5138    微囊藻毒素LR  Microcystin LR    95% by HPLC   1mg                     

QS5139    微囊藻毒素RR  Microcystin RR   95% by HPLC    50ug                           

QS5140    微囊藻毒素RR  Microcystin RR   95% by HPLC    100ug                         

QS5141    微囊藻毒素RR  Microcystin RR   95% by HPLC    250ug                         

QS5142    微囊藻毒素RR  Microcystin RR   95% by HPLC    500ug                         

QS5143    微囊藻毒素RR  Microcystin RR   95% by HPLC    1mg                     

QS5144    黑海绵酸,软海绵酸  Okadaic acid(OA)   95% by HPLC       25ug                           

QS5145    黑海绵酸,软海绵酸  Okadaic acid(OA)   95% by HPLC       50ug                           

QS5146    黑海绵酸,软海绵酸  Okadaic acid(OA)   95% by HPLC       100ug                         

QS5147    黑海绵酸,软海绵酸  Okadaic acid(OA)   95% by HPLC       500ug                         

QS5148    黑海绵酸,软海绵酸  Okadaic acid(OA)   95% by HPLC       1mg                     

QS5149    鳍藻毒素     Dinophysistoxins(DTX1)    95% by HPLC      1mg                     

me�}'wRp3�-hansi-font-family: "Times New Roman"'>-046      20mg                   


QYL0026 L-薄荷醇2216515 LMenthol  2216515      20mg                   

QYL0027 DL-薄荷醇15356704   Menthol  15356704    20mg                   

QYL0028 胡薄荷酮89805       Menthone      89805   20mg                   

QYL0029 巴豆苷1818719       2Hydroxyadenosine 1818719      20mg                    〖【mENA 78】重组小鼠上皮粒细胞激活蛋白78

QYL0030 贝母甲素23496415 Peimine  23496415    20mg                   

QYL0031 贝母乙素18059104 Peiminine       18059104    20mg                   

QYL0032 贝母辛19773241     Peimisine       19773241    20mg                   

QYL0033 西贝母碱61825987 Imperialine     61825987    20mg                   

QYL0034 西贝母碱苷 Sipeimine3β-Dglucoside              20mg             .     

QYL0035 土贝母苷甲102040039  Tubeimoside I       102040039  20mg                   

QYL0036 白当归脑26091792 Byakangelicol       26091792    20mg                   

QYL0037 白当归素19573014 Byakangelicin       19573014    20mg                   

QYL0038 欧当归内酯A88182336 Levistilide A   88182336    20mg                   

QYL0039 二氢欧山芹醇当归酸酯5058139       Columbianadin      5058139      20mg                   

QYL0040 二氢欧山芹素3804704  Columbianetin       3804704      20mg                   

QYL0041 白杨素480400  Chrysin   480400 20mg                    





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

