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【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α

点击次数:9发布时间:2016/9/19 16:53:51

【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α

更新日期:2018/3/30 11:58:46

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α -Recombinant Human Macrophage Inflammatory protein-1 alpha (CCL3) ProSpec 货号:CHM-233 ¥800/5ug ¥2080/20ug ¥43700/1mg



MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎蛋白-1α齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物长期经营生化检测试剂盒及抗体(免费代测).分子学生物试剂盒.比色法,IFCC推荐法,化学氧化法,速率法.高效液相色谱法.可见分光光度法.紫外分光光度法.酶标法检测试剂盒等检测试剂盒.诚信经营,价格实惠,服务周到,质量保障!提供各种实验代测服务. MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎蛋白-1α齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司全国热线:400-991-0197网址:www.qiyibio.com

9012787       Shield safety, color code 9170, 120cm            CNY                           〖【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α〗

9012785       Shield safety, color code 9170, 90cm              CNY                          

931636  QIAsymphony RNA Kit (192)          CNY                          

929708  QX Cartridge Stand (with Cover)            CNY                          

133258  NeXtalStock HEPES sod. salt pH 7.8 (200)          CNY                          

133251  NeXtalStock Na/K phosphate pH 7.5 (200)          CNY                          

330611  RT² SYBR Green Fluor FAST Mastermix (8)        CNY                          

929611  QX Pro Reduction Agent (75 mg)            CNY                          

929610  QX Pro Labeling Dye (250 µg)         CNY                          

330503  RT² SYBR Green qPCR  Mastermix (24)            CNY                          

211035  QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit (1000)         CNY                          

9012769       Liquid Handling Kit Plato 7082/7282              CNY                          

979012  Fungi ITS2 Primers For PCR            CNY                          

61104    QIAamp DSP DNA Blood Mini Kit (50), CE     For 50 preps: QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, buffers, reagents, tubes, VacConnectors, and multilanguage handbook  CNY                          

59866    EpiTect Fast LyseAll Bisulfite Kit (200)           CNY                          

206672  Typeit CNV SYBR Green PCR +qC Kit (100)        CNY                          

978777  PyroMark Custom Assay (400)        CNY                          

978754  PyroMark CpG Assay 96 well (50)         CNY                          

978705  PyroMark PCR Kit (800)          CNY                          

929563  QX Size Marker 250 bp 8 kb v2.0(50 µl)              CNY                          

929559  QX Size Marker 100 bp 2.5 kb (50 µl)           CNY                          

53706    QIAamp UltraSens Virus Kit (250)   For 250 viral nucleic acid preps: 250 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Proteinase K, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), Buffers      CNY                          

53704    QIAamp UltraSens Virus Kit (50)     For 50 viral nucleic acid preps: 50 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Proteinase K, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), Buffers  CNY                          

52904    QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (50)     .For 50 RNA preps: 50 QIAamp Mini Spin Columns, Carrier RNA, Collection Tubes (2 ml), RNasefree Buffers CNY                          

9012691       Source rack (128 pos) for tubes 12 mm          CNY                          

133205  NeXtalStock Jeffamine M 600 pH 7 (200)            CNY                           〖【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α〗

133198  NeXtalStock HEPES pH 6.5 (200)         CNY                          

929524  QX Alignment Marker 15 bp/5 kb (1.5 ml)            CNY                          

9012662       Cable, Xmain to Xadapter, 10pol, BR800             CNY                          

9012660       Cable, Xmain to Xadapter, 20po, BR8000           CNY                          

9012577       Tube Holder, STS, 5ml (6)  Holder for accommodating 8 tubes (5 ml) in the sample tracking system; pack of 6       CNY                          

205213  Sensiscript RT Kit (200)     For 200 reversetranscription reactions: Sensiscript Reverse Transcriptase, 10x Buffer RT, dNTP Mix,* RNasefree water    CNY                          

9001900       QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (PC) PrioPLUS "QIAxtractor  Instrument

Installation of QIAxtractor instrument & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

On site service, 48 hr response

Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite pipetting head service and inspection per year)

Priority service provision over noncontract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"      CNY                          

50001275 Springs, DML2           CNY                          

50001270 35LB Monofiliment 100M, DML2           CNY                          

50001266 Power Input Module, DML2            CNY                          

50001262 PMT Socket PCB CTLER, DML2         CNY                          

60004111NLV2.2   RCS User Application Manual (Dutch)            CNY                          

50001426 Handle Clamping 099A, VTX2         CNY                          

50001422 Block Support FRNT 099, VTX2           CNY                          

50651010 Microtube Rack & Lid (Waterbath Rack)              CNY                          

9240745       Belt, Reagent Pump, Motor, AP96           CNY                          

9240727       Tube Assy, Vacuum Manifold, AP96/196        CNY                          

9240706       Oring Kit, Shaker, AP            CNY                          

9240691       Shoulder Bolt, Spindle Retainer, AP         CNY                          

9243715       RGQ, IQ/OQ Agreement   RGQ, IQ/OQ Agreement provides initial installation qualification and operational requalification services for reinstallation, following repair center service, preventative maintenance or relocation up to 5 onsite visits or a term period of 1 yr. The service includes IQ/OQ documentation and performance of qualification protocols (travel and labor costs included).       CNY                          

1049791       Sealing Strips, 6 x        CNY                          

274502  flocktype Mycoplasma Mg Ab (2)           CNY                          

288315  cador Salmonella PCR Reagent (96)        CNY                          

289992  virotype Tissue Lysis Reagent (100 ml)            CNY                          

272705  pigtype PRRSV Ab (20)            CNY                           〖【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α〗

281605  virotype SBV RTPCR Kit (96)            CNY                          

9001902       #QIAgility (PC) PrioPLUS "QIAgility (PC)  Instrument

Installation of QIAgility (PC) instrument & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

On site service, 48 hr response

Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite pipetting head service and inspection per year)

Priority service provision over noncontract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"      CNY                          

9010791       Tiptray holder   Holder for accommodating a tip try containing 96 disposable tips CNY                          

9016588       Shaker, 4Plate, RCS1            CNY                          

QKT0634     乙型肝炎病毒核酸荧光定量检测试剂盒                                    

QKT0635     补体C3测定试剂盒C3免疫比浊法                                    

QKT0636     补体C4测定试剂盒C4免疫比浊法                                    

QKT0637     免疫球蛋白A测定试剂盒lgA免疫比浊法                                       

QKT0638     免疫球蛋白G测定试剂盒lgG免疫比浊法                                       

QKT0639     甘氨酰脯氨酸二肽氨基肽酶测定试剂盒GPDA连续监测法                                        〖【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α〗

QKT0640     α-L-岩藻糖苷酶测定试剂盒AFUPNPF-两点法                                    

QKT0641     α-L-岩藻糖苷酶测定试剂盒AFUCNPF-连续监测法                                   

QKT0642     α-淀粉酶测定试剂盒AMY      EPS连续检测法                                  

QKT0643     血管紧张素化酶测定试剂盒ACE两点法                                         

QKT0644     乳酸脱氢酶测定试剂盒LDHL 速率法                             

QKT0645     肌酸磷酸激酶测定试剂盒CK速率法                                        

QKT0646     肌酸激酶同工酶测定试剂盒CKMB速率法                                        

QKT0647     超敏C-反应蛋白测定试剂盒HCRP免疫比浊法                                     

QKT0648     α-羟基丁酸脱氢酶测定试剂盒α-HBDH速率法                                     

QKT0649     D二聚体测定试剂盒DDimer免疫比浊法                                     

QKT0650     同型半胱氨酸测定试剂盒HCY酶循环法                                         

QKT0651     二氧化碳测定试剂盒CO2    比色法                             

QKT0652     镁测定试剂盒Mg甲基百里香酚兰法                                         

QKT0653     载脂蛋白测定试剂盒APoA1       免疫比浊法                            

QKT0654     载脂蛋白B测定试剂盒ApoB     免疫比浊法                            

QKT0655     高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定试剂盒HDLC      直接法                             

QKT0656     总胆固醇测定试剂盒TC酶法                                       

QKT0657     甘油三脂测定试剂盒TG酶法                                       

QKT0658     低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定试剂盒LDLC直接法                                         

QKT0659     脂蛋白a测定试剂盒Lpa免疫比浊法                                        

QKT0660     胱抑素C测定试剂盒CysC   胶体金颗粒免疫比浊法                             

QKT0661     N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶测定试剂盒NAG两点法                                   

QKT0662     β2-微球蛋白测定试剂盒β2MG免疫比浊法                                   

QKT0663     肌酐测定试剂盒CRE酶法                                      

QKT0664     尿素测定试剂盒Urea谷氨酸脱氢酶法                                       

QKT0665     血清果糖胺测定试剂盒FA   终点法                              〖【MIP 1a】重组人巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α〗

QKT0666     血糖测定试剂盒GLU     氧化酶法                                

QKT0667     免疫球蛋白M测定试剂盒lgM免疫比浊法                                      

QKT0668     白蛋白测定试剂盒Alb溴甲酚绿法                                      

QKT0669     总蛋白测定试剂盒TP双缩脲法                                    

QKT0670     血氨测定试剂盒AMM终点法                                      

QKT0671     5′-核苷酸酶测定试剂盒5′-NT连续监测法                                   

QKT0672     血清总胆红素测定试剂盒TBil 胆红素氧化酶法                                  

QKT0673     L-γ-谷氨酰基移换酶测定试剂盒GGT连续监测法                                        

QKT0674     碱性磷酸酶测定试剂盒ALP速率法                                    

QKT0675     前白蛋白测定试剂盒PA免疫比浊法                                         

QKT0676     尿酸测定试剂盒UA尿酸氧化酶法                                      

QKT0677     腺苷脱氨酶测定试剂盒ADA连续监测法                                         

QKT0678     胆碱酯酶测定试剂盒CHE速率法                                       

QKT0679     总胆汁酸测定试剂盒TBA循环酶法                                    

QKT0680     总胆红素测定试剂盒TBil  化学氧化法                            

QKT0681     直接胆红素测定试剂盒DBil化学氧化法                                      

QKT0682     丙氨酸基转移酶测定试剂盒ALT       速率法                             

QKT0683     天门冬氨酸基转移酶测定试剂盒AST      速率法                             

QKT0684     肌酸激酶人N端中段骨钙素NMIDOsteocalcin定量检测卡         北京华科泰                     

QKT0685     25-羟基维生素D25OHD定量检测卡                                      

QKT0686     25-羟基维生素D325OHD3¬定量检测卡                                         





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  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

