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【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9) His Tag

点击次数:16发布时间:2016/9/19 18:38:13

【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9) His Tag

更新日期:2018/3/30 11:58:45

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9) His Tag -Recombinant Human MIG (CXCL9) His Tag ProSpec 货号:CHM-016 ¥800/5ug ¥2080/20ug ¥58650/1mg



MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .ProSpec进口蛋白、美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag欢迎咨询电话:400-9910-197;021-6034 8467 QQ741653262

EK0407 h IL-5-ELISA      IL-5酶联免疫试剂盒       Human IL-5 ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0410 hIL-6-ELISA       IL-6酶联免疫试剂盒       Human IL-6 ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0413 hIL-8-ELISA       IL-8酶联免疫试剂盒       Human IL-8 ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0416 hIL-10-ELISA     IL-10酶联免疫试剂盒     Human IL-10 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0421 hIL-12(p70)-ELISA      IL-12(p70)酶联免疫试剂盒   Human IL-12(p70) ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0423 hIL-12(p40)-ELISA      IL-12(p40)酶联免疫试剂盒   Human IL-12(p40) ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0426 hIL-15-ELISA       IL-15酶联免疫试剂盒   Human IL-15 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0430 hIL-17-ELISA       IL-17酶联免疫试剂盒   Human IL-17 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0434 hLaminin -ELISA 层粘蛋白酶联免疫试剂盒      Human Laminin ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0437 hLeptin-ELISA     人瘦素酶联免疫试剂盒  Human Leptin ELISA Kit    96 tests                〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

EK0439 hLeptinR-ELISA  人瘦素受体酶联免疫试剂盒 Human Leptin receptor ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0444 hM-CSF-ELISA  人巨噬细胞集落刺激因子酶联免疫试剂盒     Human M-CSF ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0450 hCCL4-ELISA    CCL4/MIP-1β 酶联免疫试剂盒   Human CCL4/MIP-1 beta ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0458 hMMP-1-ELISA MMP-1酶联免疫试剂盒 Human MMP-1 ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0459 hMMP-2-ELISA MMP-2酶联免疫试剂盒 Human MMP-2 ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0461 hMMP3-ELISA   MMP-3酶联免疫试剂盒  Human MMP-3 ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0465 hMMP9-ELISA   MMP-9酶联免疫试剂盒  Human MMP-9 ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0468 hMMP13-ELISA MMP-13 酶联免疫试剂盒      Human MMP-13 ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0469 hNGF-ELISA      人神经生长因子/神经生长因子β 酶联免疫试剂盒    Human NGF/NGFβ ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0472 hNT3-ELISA       人神经营养因子-3 酶联免疫试剂盒  Human Neurotrophin-3 ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0482 hOPN-ELISA      OPN酶联免疫试剂盒       Human OPN ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0484 hPDGF-AB-ELISA    PDGF-AB酶联免疫试剂盒     Human PDGF-AB ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0494 hRantes-ELISA    人趋化因子酶联免疫试剂盒 Human Rantes ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0501 hSELE-ELISA     E选择素Elisa试剂盒 Human E-Selectin ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0503 hSELL-ELISA     L选择素Elisa试剂盒 Human L-Selectin ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0505 hSELP-ELISA     P选择素Elisa试剂盒 Human P-Selectin ELISA Kit     96 tests                〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

EK0511 hTGF-α-ELISA TGFαElisa试剂盒      Human TGFα ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0513 hTGFβ1-ELISA TGF-β1Elisa试剂盒  Human TGF-β1 ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0525 hTNF-ELISA       TNFElisa试剂盒   Human TNF ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0528 hTNFR1-ELISA  TNFsRIElisa试剂盒    Human TNFsRI ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0530 hTNFsRII-ELISA       人可溶性肿瘤坏死因子受体IIElisa试剂盒      Human Soluble TNFRII ELISA Kit  96 tests                    

EK0532 hTRAIL-ELISA   TRAILElisa试剂盒      Human TRAIL ELISA Kit  96 tests               

EK0535 huPA-ELISA uPA/PLAUElisa试剂盒       Human uPA/PLAU ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0536 huPAR-ELISA     uPARElisa试剂盒 Human uPAR ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0537 hVCAM-ELISA  VCAM-1Elisa试剂盒  Human VCAM-1 ELISA Kit     96 tests               

EK0539 hVEGF-ELISA    人血管内皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒  Human VEGF ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0544 hVEGFR-ELISA  VEGFR2/KDRELISA试剂盒    Human VEGFR2/KDR ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0561 hECad-ELISA     人钙粘附蛋白ELISA试剂盒       Human E-Cadherin ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0563 hCT1-ELISA       人心营养素-1ELISA试剂盒  Human Cardiotrophin-1 ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0573 hCD40L-ELISA  人可溶性CD40LELISA试剂盒    Human soluble CD40L ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0575 hEGVEGF-ELISA      人内分泌腺来源的血管内皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒  Human EG-VEGF ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0581 hRes-ELISA 人抵抗素ELISAELISA试剂盒     Human Resistin ELISA Kit  96 tests                〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

EK0584 hTNF     TNFβELISA试剂盒  Human TNFβ ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0588 hVEGFC-ELISA VEGF-CELISA试剂盒      Human VEGF-C ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0641 hSurv-ELISA       人生存素ELISA试剂盒 Human Survivin ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0642 hTSP2-ELISA     TSP2ELISA试剂盒     Human TSP2 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0644 hCD105-ELISA   CD105ELISA试剂盒  Human CD105 ELISA Kit  96 tests               

EK0658 hAPP-ELISA       APP ELISA试剂盒     Human APP ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0663 hBAFF-ELISA    BAFF ELISA试剂盒  Human BAFF ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0667 hPCad-ELISA     P-CadherinELISA试剂盒   Human P-Cadherin ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0702 hCD40-ELISA     CD40ELISA试剂盒    Human CD40 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0706 hNCAM-ELISA  CD56/NCAM-1ELISA试剂盒 Human CD56/NCAM-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0744 hcMet-ELISA      c-Met/HGFRELISA试剂盒       Human c-Met/HGFR ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0756 hErbB2-ELISA    ErbB-2/Neu2ELISA试剂盒      Human ErbB-2/Neu2 ELISA Kit      96 tests               

EK0757 hFeuA-ELISA      "人胎球蛋白AELISA试剂盒

"      HumanFetuin-A ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0770 hHBEGF-ELISA  人肝素结合表皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒 Human HBEGF ELISA Kit 96 tests               

EK0777 hIL6Ra-ELISA    IL-6RaELISA试剂盒        Human IL-6Ra ELISA Kit  96 tests               

EK0779 hIL7-ELISA  IL-7ELISA试剂盒     Human IL-7 ELISA Kit      96 tests                〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

EK0799 hIL27-ELISA       IL-27ELISA试剂盒         Human IL-27 ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0807 hCSF1R-ELISA  CSF1R/M-CSFRELISA试剂盒      Human CSF1R/M-CSFR ELISA Kit       96 tests               

EK0816 hKal3-ELISA       Kallikrein 3ELISA试剂盒   Human Kallikrein 3 ELISA Kit   96 tests               

EK0829 hRANK-ELISA   Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK)ELISA试剂盒       Human Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK) ELISA Kit    96 tests               

EK0850 hMPO-ELISA     人过氧化物酶ELISA试剂盒       Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) ELISA Kit   96 tests               

970922  PyroMark Q24 Advanced CpG Kit (4x24)            CNY                          

970460  KRAS Pyro Kit (24)          CNY                          

133202  NeXtalStock Imidazole pH 8.0 (200)             CNY                          

133188  NeXtalStock Cobalt(III)hexammine (100)             CNY                          

133187  NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 5.0 (200)            CNY                          

51126    QIAamp DNA Blood Mini QIAcube Kit (240)             CNY                          

133096  NeXtalStock Potassium phosphate (200)        CNY                          

133095  NeXtalStock Potassium chloride (200)           CNY                           〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

959034  EZ1 RNA Tissue Mini Kit (48)  48 Reagent Cartridges (RNA Tissue) 100 Disposable Tip Holders, 100 Disposable FilterTips, 50 Sample Tubes (2 ml), 50 Elution Tubes (1.5 ml), Buffer RLT, RNaseFree DNase I     CNY                           

957336  MagAttract Direct mRNA M48 Kit (192)              CNY                          

9018448       Oring, purge port, QX           CNY                          

133172  NeXtalStock CHES pH 8.5 (200)           CNY                          

133171  NeXtalStock CAPSO pH 9.8 (200)        CNY                          

9018408       Regulator, N2, rear, QX            CNY                          

291045  mericon Screen nos Kit (96)             CNY                          

291025  mericon GMO Screen 35Spat  (96)          CNY                          

291013  mericon Screen 35S Kit (24)            CNY                          

9001866       RotorGene Q 5plex (PC) PrioPLUS    "RotorGene Instrument

Installation of RotorGene & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

Loaner available in 2 days*

Annual Inspections (1 onsite PM per yearr)

Priority service provision over noncontract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"      CNY                          

9012326       Set Peristaltic Pump Tubing Plato 3000           CNY                          

9012322       Tubing set, peristaltic pump, 1x15 cm              CNY                          

1070195       VacValve Tool (1)        CNY                          

1067933       Buffer RWT (concentrate, 80 ml)             CNY                          

133080  NeXtalStock PEG 20,000 (200)             CNY                          

38071    AIL Cartridge (1ml)            CNY                           〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

38015    #WGA Cartridge (5ml)              CNY                          

204754  QuantiFast Multiplex PCR +R Kit (400)         CNY                          

204643  QuantiTect Multiplex RTPCR Kit (200)             CNY                          

204574  RotorGene Probe RTPCR Kit (400)       The RotorGene Probe RTPCR Kit is dedicated for use with the RotorGene Q cycler, providing ultrafast, highly sensitive quantification in realtime onestep RTPCR using sequencespecific probes.       CNY                          

204363  QuantiTect Probe PCR + UNG Kit (200)       The supplied, readytouse master mix contains HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, ROX passive reference dye, and a dNTP mix in an optimized buffer. The dNTP mix includes dUTP, allowing optional treatment with UNG. The UNG enzyme is provided separately. For convenience, the master mix can be stored at 2–8°C.   CNY                          

9015350       Board, terminal            CNY                          

9015349       Board, motor controller             CNY                          

9018402       Kit, purge filter, QX            CNY                          

9018389       QIAcube Tip Adapter Ring Replacement Kit          CNY                          

9012283       Power Supply, 6 amp for P 90, (7135)            CNY                          

9012180       Syringe pump inlet tubing           CNY                          

9012034       Base plate, gripper motor, handler, BR80        CNY                          

950254  Wash Reagent (VXW) (650 ml)        CNY                          

950240  Binding Additive (VX) (4.0 g)           CNY                          

38001    ConA Cartridge (1ml)         CNY                          

678291  ipsogen MLLAF4 e11e5 Standards            CNY                           〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

678091  ipsogen MLLAF1p e10e2 Standards          CNY                          

34705    6xHis Protein Ladder   6xHistagged marker proteins (lyophilized, for 50100 lanes on western blots)    CNY                           

33223    Factor Xa Protease (400 Units) 400 units Factor Xa Protease (2 units/ul)  CNY                          

30622    NiNTA Superflow Columns (12 x 1.5 ml)   For 12 6xHistagged protein preps: 12 polypropylene columns containing 1.5 ml NiNTA Superflow     CNY                          

9021359       Rubber (3), spring foot, TLyser LT           CNY                          

9013184       Tubing, retractable tubing, DISU, BR8000             CNY                          

50001512 L19 FIRMWARE, DML2         CNY                          

60002240E      Rotary Shaker I, 240V              CNY                          

9240988       Solenoide, handler, Qsym          CNY                          

677013  ipsogen NPM1 MutaScreen Kit (24)              CNY                          

676991  ipsogen WT1 ProfileQuant Standards             CNY                          

9011327       Motor,  X, with gearbox + encoder        CNY                          

9011237       Kabel Level Sensor PK80         CNY                          

9011220       Cover, bridge, BR8000             CNY                          

9010982       Shaker unit, 1plate, color code 9170           CNY                          

158389  Puregene Blood Core Kit C              CNY                           〖【MIG His】重组人干扰素伽玛诱导的单核细胞因子(CXCL9 His Tag

158222  Gentra Puregene Mouse Tail Kit (100 mg)             CNY                          

150243  REPLIg FFPE Kit (25)   DNA Polymerase, Buffers, and Reagents for 25 x 50 μl whole genome amplification reactions CNY                          

133289  NeXtalStock TRISHCl pH 8.6 (200)         CNY                          

997199  Starter Pack QIAsymphony AS        CNY                          

337829  qBiomarker SYBR ROX Mastermix 25 ml            CNY                          

9018919       Adapter, 96x0.2ml PCR Tubes         CNY                          

9018902       Loading Block 72 x 0.1 mL Multichannel           CNY                          

9018558       Door, w/o hood and reflector, EZ1a         CNY                          

9013112       Vacuum Manifold 2.03        CNY                          

670291  ipsogen BCRABL1 mbcr Standards           CNY                          

387016  Investigator Quantiplex Kit (200)             CNY                           





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

