您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > ATCC细胞株 > ATCC细胞 > Eca-109食管癌细胞 



点击次数:14发布时间:2016/6/14 17:40:10


更新日期:2016/8/2 16:43:49

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:QY-x75 Eca-109食管癌细胞 




Eca-109管癌细胞 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司产品已被广泛应用于化学、化工、生命科学的基础研究和开发应用、制药、疾病诊断与控制、人口与健康、生物技术等诸多领域.客户遍布国内各大学、研究所、医院、卫生防疫、商品检验检疫、制药公司、生物技术公司和食品工业等单位. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490Web:www.qiyibio.com

Eca-109管癌细胞 下面是细胞株培养的具体无菌技术要点:

1. 实验开始前,无菌室和无菌操作台需要紫外光照射3060分钟完全灭菌,用70%ethanol擦拭无菌操作台面,并且打开无菌操作台风扇运行10分钟之后,才可以进行实验操作。每次操作只能处理一株细胞株,即使培养基完全相同也不可共用培养基,以避免细胞间污染或失误混淆。实验完成后,请将实验物品拿出工作台,用70%ethanol再次擦拭无菌操作台面。操作间隔应该让无菌操作台运转10分钟到15分钟后,才能进行下一个细胞株的操作。

2. 无菌操作工作的区域应保持清洁和宽敞,必要物品(试管架、吸管、吸取器或吸管盒等)可以暂时放置,其它实验用品使用完毕后应移出,有利于空气流通。实验用品需70%ethanol擦拭后方可带入无菌操作台内。实验操作过程应在台面的中央无菌区域内完成,请勿在边缘非无菌区域进行操作。

3. 小心取用无菌实验物品,避免细菌污染。请勿触碰吸管尖头部和容器瓶口处,也不要在打开的容器正上方进行操作。容器打开后,请用手夹住瓶盖并轻握瓶身,倾斜大约45°角取用,尽量不要将瓶盖口朝上放置于桌面。

4. 工作人员应当首先注意自身安全,必须穿戴齐实验衣和实验手套后才能进行实验。对于病毒感染或是来自人类的细胞株应当特别小心操作,并选择适当等级的无菌操作台进行(至少是Class II)。操作过程中,应避免引起aerosol的产生,小心有毒性药品,例如DMSOTPA等,并避免针头的伤害等等。

5. 定期检测下列项目:

5.1. CO2钢瓶的CO2压力

5.2. CO2培养箱的CO2浓度、温度、和水盘是否有污染(水盘的水需用无菌水,每周定时更换)。

5.3. 无菌操作台内的airflow压力,定期更换紫外线灯管和HEPA过滤膜,预滤网(300小时/预滤网,3000小时/HEPA)。

6. 水槽内可添加消毒剂(Zephrin 1:750),需定期更换水槽中的水。


Eca-109管癌细胞 齐一生物友情提醒,本产品仅供科研使用,不得用于临床及诊断使用!




2、 2RPMI-1640 培养基(不含 Hepes+ 10%胎牛血清+ 1%双抗

30.25%  W/V)胰蛋白酶(含 0.02% EDTA



2、种属:Homo sapiens 


1、培养基:RPMI-1640 培养基(不含 Hepes+ 10%胎牛血清+ 1%双抗


3、气体:空气  95%CO2 5%

Eca-109管癌细胞 五、培养方法


 如果细胞未长满,用 75%酒精喷洒整个瓶消毒后放到超菌台内,严格无菌操作,打开细胞培养瓶,留10ml 培养液继续培养。如果细胞已长满(达 80-90%)。即可进行传代,具六、体步骤如下:

1,弃去培养液,用PBS 1-2次。

2,向瓶内加入 1.0-2.0ml 胰蛋白酶液,在倒置显微镜下观察细胞消化情况,若细胞大部分变圆,迅速拿回操作台,吸取胰蛋白酶,加含有 6ml  10%血清的培养液,轻轻吹打细胞。





2、细胞漂浮:培养瓶不开封,瓶口酒精擦拭后平躺放置在培养箱。次日观察,如细胞大部分又贴回瓶底,表明细胞活力正常,剩余漂浮的细胞可以去掉,留 10ml 培养液培养观察,细胞生长至汇合度 80%,进行消化传代;如细胞还是不贴壁,将细胞离心收集转到新培养瓶,原培养瓶加部分培养液继续培养,中间注意观察,我们的技术人员会一直跟踪指导,直到问题解决。




BD 产品涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学、免疫学和蛋白质组学等诸多领域,旗下拥有Clontech Discovery labware Pharmingen Falcon 等质品牌,值得称赞的是每一个品牌在其所在的领域都是其中的佼佼者。 




GIBCO 作为细胞培养的金字招牌,是在此领域的领导者,现在是Invitrogen的一部分。Gibco可以提供*为广泛的品种以满足用户不同的需求,每一种产品都通过*为严格的品质管理。同时,Gibco也可按客户的要求对培养基的配方进行改动,或完全按客户的配方进行生产。 


Eca-109管癌细胞 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司是一家专业生产和销售各种生化试剂,细胞株、原代细胞、菌种、医药中间体,标准品和对照品的大型化学科技公司. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490Web:www.qiyibio.com


9241123Shim StockCNY

9240984PCB, p&c, cooling device, QsymCNY

9240983Cooling device, eluate drawer, QsymCNY

9240952Handler, QsymCNY

9240950PCB, xyz, portal, QsymCNY

9240836QIAcube, Full Agreement, no PM"Repair service delivery: onsite

Service response time (repair): 48 hours/2 business days

Periodic inspection/maintenance: not included

Inspection/maintenance delivery: not applicable

Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, included

Cost coverage for travel: yes, included

Replacement system (Loaner) or PC repair provision: not included

Transportation cost coverage: not applicable"CNY

9240684Pogo Stick Kit, AP196/98CNY

9240802Performance, IQ/OQ, EZ1CNY

9240782Update, Weigh Cell, AP196CNY

9240779500 ml Reagent #6 Update, AP98CNY

9240770Assy, Capper Shuttle, AP96CNY

92407678 OUT Relay, F2-08TRS, AP96CNY

924076532 IN Module, D2-32ND3, AP96CNY

9241778RGQ, Inspection Service"The Annual Inspection Service, Rotorgene-Q is a Regional Repair Center equipment service, performed by a QIAGEN service specialist. 

All required testing material and certified equipment is provided by the service specialist. 

During the half day-long procedure, all application-critical modules of the Rotorgene are inspected and tested and an OTV check is conducted. Performed tests and test results are documented in a GMP/GLP-compliant Report."CNY

9241730BR Universal ApplicationPack VeterinaryCNY

9241394C-Nut set, EZ1aCNY

9240749Belt, Shaker, APCNY

9243644Guided Valid Support, QuantiPlex/OPHyresThe QIAGEN Quantiplex/Quantiplex HYres Guided Validation Support service includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 2 days by a QIAGEN Specialist.  A QIAGEN specialist will provide an introduction to the Quantiplex/Quantiplex HYres chemistry utilized in the process, review the Handbook and User Manual, as well as hands-on operation to match the lab’s forensic workflow. The Guided Validation service includes experimental design consulation, internal validation documentation support, and QIAGEN sponsored data templates.  The QIAGEN Specialist will also aide the customer in running some samples to initiate the validation process.  Enough consumable chemistry and accessories (QIAGEN or other vendors) should be purchased by the customer to cover the validation experimental design and are not included in the cost of validation support.CNY

9243642Pyro Q24, Repair Fee"Repair service delivery send to Regional Repair Center

Service response time (repair) 7-10 days turnaround time

Periodic inspection/maintenance: 0

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage"CNY

9243540LiquiChip, PM Service"Service response time (repair): not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage"CNY

9243114Flow Control Valve, Weigh Cell, APCNY

9242862QIArent&go - Rent out fee QSSP CabinetCNY

9242676QS RGQ, InstallationThe Installation, QIAsymphony RGQ facilitates the quick implementation of the QIAsymphony RGQ into the lab routine by minimizing the instrument start-up phase. It covers the hardware and software installation of QIAsymphony RGQ instruments and provides the user with an introductory training. The installation includes or labor and travel costs. The performance of the installation process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.CNY

5000-1324Motor 230V, SKR1CNY

206045Type-it Fast SNP Probe PCR Kit (800)"Features

 Outstanding separation for reliably high call rates

 For difficult SNP loci and for low amounts of template

 Validated using TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays 

 Up to 40% time savings due to fast-cycling procedure

 Convenient master mix format and optimized protocol"CNY

9001911PyroMark Q24 MDx, PriorityPyroMark Q24 MDx, Priority includes the Pyromark Q24 MDx system, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with on site introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years with shipment to Repair Center Service and response turnaround time (repair) 7-10 days. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Replacement system (Loaner) provision included (provision time 2-3 days) with transportation cost coverage. The service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with installation performance and service visits documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. (In the event of shipping logistic limitation, QIAGEN reserves the option to repair the instrument on-site. Response time 48 Hrs)CNY

965842QIAamp 96 DNA Swab BioRobot Kit (12)For 12 x 96 DNA preps: 12 QIAamp 96 Plates, Buffers, QIAGEN Proteinase K, AirPore Tape Sheets, Tape Pad, S-Blocks, Racks with Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml), CapsCNY

133186NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 4.0 (200)CNY

133185NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.8 (200)CNY


9018554Cover, front, left, EZ1aCNY

QY-07470OPGL (Osteoprotegerin ligand)骨保护蛋白配体(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04270P311 protein增生性瘢痕相关蛋白(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07690PARP(poly ADP-ribose polymerase)多腺苷二磷酸多聚酶抗原 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-02700Visfatin-1 (PBEF1)(NT) Human 内脂素/内脏脂肪素(人:N端多肽)、内脏脂肪素、 又称:前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-02720Visfatin-1 (PBEF1)(NT) hu、 mo、 rat、MK内脂素/内脏脂肪素(人、大、小鼠、猴同源:N端多肽)、内脏脂肪素、前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-02730Visfatin-2(CT)hu、mo、rat、MK内脂素/内脏脂肪素(抗人、大、小鼠、猴:N端多肽)前B细胞克隆增强因子、内肥素、腹脂素 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07310PEDF (pigment epithelium-derived factor)色素上皮源性因子(多肽抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07390PAP2c (Phosphatidic acid phosphatase 2c)磷脂酸磷酸酶2C(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-06890PEPT1 (Peptide-transporters 1)肠道肽转运蛋白(小肽转运蛋白)多肽 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07480PTEN/MMAC1一种肿瘤抑制基因抗原 0.5mg/650
QY-04200PIBF(progesterone induced blocking factor)孕激素诱导阻断因子(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-0665RPIWIL1(piwi-like 1)piwi 样1蛋白(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-05300PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma)过氧化酶活化增生受体γ(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04900PP2Ac蛋白磷酸酶4(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-03780Runx3一种新发现的抑癌基因(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-02780RRAD (Ras-related associated with diabetes )RRAD(多肽抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07830SDF-1/CXCL12 (stromal cell derived factor-1)基质细胞衍生因子-1(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-02110shank1(SH3 and multiple anleyrin repead domins protein 1)shank1抗原 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04440slc22A17 (solute carrier famili 22)溶质转运蛋白家族22成员17(多肽抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04960SLC24A5 (solute carrier family 24, member 5)可溶性载质转运蛋白SLC24A5(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04730solute carrier family 1溶质携带物家族-1(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-04780SLC6A4 (solute carrier family 6)钾依赖钠钙交换蛋白6(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-06150Survivin细胞凋亡抑制因子的一种(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07260BIRC5/Survivin variant细胞凋亡抑制因子4(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-06350SSA/RO (ribonucleoprotein complex,RNP)核糖核蛋白抗原SSA(抗原) 0.5ml/6501mg/1100
QY-02760SSB/La(Sjogren syndrome type B antigen)(抗原)抗干燥症SSB/La蛋白抗体 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07180Smad2(Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2)Smad 2/3(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100
QY-07170SPAG5/map126 (sperm associated antigen 5)抗精子相关抗原5(抗原) 0.2ml/1280
QY-07700SP-A (pulmonary surfactant-associated glycoprotein A)肺表面活性蛋白A(抗原) 0.5mg/650
QY-07700SP-A (pulmonary surfactant-associated glycoprotein A)肺表面活性蛋白A(抗原) 0.5mg/6501mg/1100





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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

