9013236Tubing set, vacuum, 200, 0CNY
9013224Gripper set, V-handler, BR3000CNY
9013197Tubing, L1 outlet, auto vac,BR8000 v1.00CNY
9011702Cable, PCON98 to AC-box (level sensor),CNY
9011681Dispenser drive, BR8000CNY
132635NeXtal Stock Zinc chloride (50)0,1M Zinc chloride - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)CNY
132578NeXtal Stock PEG 2,000 DME (50)50% w/v Polyethylene glycol 2,000 dimethyl ether - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)CNY
800341Cosmid End-Sequencing, w/ prepCNY
800308siRNA Hairpin Run w/ prepCNY
800121Verification Sequencing, w/ prep"Double-stranded sequencing of a given sequence
QIAGEN® DNA template preparation
Design and synthesis of walking primers
Data assembly and sequence alignment
Accuracy >99.99%"CNY
132528NeXtal Stock CAPSO untit. (50)0.5M CAPSO - Untitrated - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)CNY
132510NeXtal Stock ADA untit. (50)0.5M ADA - Untitrated - 50mL (4 x 12,5 ml tube)CNY
764114PAXgene Bone Marrow RNA Tubes (50)CNY
679913ipsogen RT Kit (33)CNY
203643HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kit (250)"For 250 x 20 µl reactions: 3 x 0.85 ml HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix, containing 250 units of HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase total, 1 x 0.55 ml CoralLoad Concentrate, 2 x 1.9 ml RNase-free Water
HotStarTaq Plus Master Mix Kits offer all the benefits of great specificity, sensitivity, and performance as HotStarTaq Plus DNA Polymerase NOW in a master mix format, which offers even faster results and added convenience."CNY
201225Taq PCR Core Kit (1000)"4 x 250 units Taq DNA Polymerase, 10x PCR Buffer,* 5x Q-Solution, 25 mM MgCl2, dNTP Mix†
NEW! Now with 10x CoralLoad PCR Buffer
Taq DNA Polymerase is now supplied with CoralLoad PCR Buffer, which has all of the advantages of QIAGEN PCR Buffer but can also be used to directly load the PCR reaction onto an agarose gel without the need to add a gel loading buffer. CoralLoad PCR Buffer provides the same high PCR specificity and minimal reaction optimization as conventional QIAGEN PCR Buffer. Additionally, it contains two marker dyes: an orange dye and a red dye, that facilitate estimation of DNA migration distance and optimization of agarose gel run time."CNY
201203Taq DNA Polymerase (250)"250 units Taq DNA Polymerase, 10x PCR Buffer,* 5x Q-Solution, 25 mM MgCl2
NEW! Now with 10x CoralLoad PCR Buffer
Taq DNA Polymerase is now supplied with CoralLoad PCR Buffer, which has all of the advantages of QIAGEN PCR Buffer but can also be used to directly load the PCR reaction onto an agarose gel without the need to add a gel loading buffer. CoralLoad PCR Buffer provides the same high PCR specificity and minimal reaction optimization as conventional QIAGEN PCR Buffer. Additionally, it contains two marker dyes: an orange dye and a red dye, that facilitate estimation of DNA migration distance and optimization of agarose gel run time."CNY
180922GeneRead Adapter L Set 1plex (12)CNY
180912GeneRead Adapter I Set 1plex (12)CNY
159214QIAcard FTA Indicator Four Spots (25)CNY
159201QIAcard FTA One Spot (100)CNY
9235523Needle cleaning assembly P/N 4567-01CNY
9235300Plunger tip, syringe 2,5mlCNY
9235117Fuse F4A, v1.00CNY
9022818EZ1 Advanced XL Flip Cap Tube RackCNY
9234889Vacuum manifold, 96 sealCNY
9234862System liquid container (2l Nalgene)CNY
9239555PCBA, Laser Driver, UnlimitedCNY
9238662Lid with windowCNY
9238659Cooling compressor T2168GK, 60HzCNY