您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 检测试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂盒 > anti-CD28CD28抗体



点击次数:19发布时间:2016/7/19 21:16:31


更新日期:2016/7/19 21:16:31

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:anti-CD28CD28抗体 货号:QY-10842 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490




 anti-CD28CD28抗体是我公司重点推广产品,我公司有专业的人员进行全程指导,请放心购买,发货时均会附上质检报告单.使用说明书和推荐用法用量,提供正规发票. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网址:www.qiyibio.com


CUSABIORandox-lifescienceSantaAbcamjacksonSigmaAmrescoQiagenCaymanmilliporeinvitrogenmerkebioscienceprospec欢迎广大客户咨询,另有大量宣传海报和小礼品赠送. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490anti-CD28CD28抗体

QY-AB1123     线粒体提取试剂盒       50                               

QY-AB1124     线粒体/细胞核提取试剂盒   50                               

QY-AB1125     PBS缓冲液    500mL                               

QY-AB1126     胰蛋白酶消化液(不含EDTA 100mL                               

QY-AB1127     EDTA细胞消化液 100mL                               

QY-AB1128     胰蛋白酶消化液(含EDTA     100mL                               

QY-AB1129     青链霉素双抗溶液(100X      100mL                               

QY-AB1130     细胞冻存液    100mL                               

QY-AB1131     RPMI-1640不完全培养       500mL                                anti-CD28CD28抗体】

QY-AB1132     DMEM高糖不完全培养      500mL                               

QY-AB1133     台盼蓝拒染法细胞活力检测试剂盒    100 assays                                 

QY-AB1134     MTT细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒      25mL(1000 assays)                                  

QY-AB1135     MTT细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒      50mL(2000 assays)                                  

QY-AB1136     L-谷氨酰胺    100g                                  

QY-AB1137     L-多聚赖氨酸(Poly-L-lysine)       5mg/ml1ml                             

QY-AB1138     D-多聚赖氨酸(Poly-D-lysine)      5mg/ml1ml                             

QY-AB1139     蛋白提取和SDS-Page凝胶电泳试剂盒     25                               

QY-AB1140     SDS-PAGE凝胶配制试剂盒 100mL                               

QY-AB1141     5×SDS-PAGE蛋白上样缓冲液  1mL                                 

QY-AB1142     10×SDS-PAGE电泳液 500mL                               

QY-AB1143     10×电转移缓冲液       500mL                               

QY-AB1144     丽春红染色液       25mL                                 

QY-AB1145     WB封闭液     100mL                               

QY-AB1146     WB一抗稀释液     100mL                               

QY-AB1147     WB二抗稀释液     100mL                             

QY-AB1148     10×WB洗涤液     100mL                               

QY-AB1149     抗体清除液    100mL                             

QY-AB1150     考马斯亮蓝染色试剂盒(常规法) 100ml                                 anti-CD28CD28抗体】

QY-AB1151     ECL化学发光试剂盒    50ml                                  

QY-AB1152     蛋白酶抑制剂混合物cocktails(1000×)     100μL                              

1022064  GFP-22 siRNA (5 nm)          CNY                           

1018996  PCR Buffer, 10 x (22ml/30),KG           CNY                           

1064605  MagAttract M48 DNA Manual Kit  (200)           CNY                           

1066851  PG FMDV RT-PCR Assay (48) LE Z           CNY                           

1061054  HBV PCR REAGENT I         CNY                           

1061069  UU PCR REAGENT II          CNY                           

1061079  NG PCR REAGENT II         CNY                           

9019886  Lid, label 4CH, RG3              CNY                           

9019875  Cover, main, silver, RGQ              CNY                           

9019836  IPC Hard Drive PCA6751,  PyroQ96ID             CNY                            anti-CD28CD28抗体】

9019769  Valve, shutoff, V2, QX          CNY                           

9019756  Valve, solenoid, V2, QX        CNY                           

9019734  Sensor, Z, with cable, V2, QX             CNY                           

9019728  Board, motor control, Y, V2, QX          CNY                           

9013832  Reagent Holder, 1-bottle Holder for accommodating 1 bottle (5 ml). For use with QIAGEN Protease on the BioRobot MDx worktable       CNY                           

9013824  BGR Tischplatte P3041 Robotec(SN602)            CNY                           

9013719  RS 232 Servicecabel             CNY                           

9013506  96-well Thermostat Base Plate1.02              CNY                           

9013484  Cooling and heating system, BR3000           CNY                           

9013442  Centrifuge, strip adaptor set          CNY                           

9013434  Maintenance kit, annual, BR9600 (A)           CNY                           

9019723  Transport lock, EZ1xl           CNY                           

9019656  Hose w. quick lock socket, PyroQ96VW            CNY                           

9019581  Pulley, Idler Y-axis, Cxx        CNY                           

9019554  Rail, Z-axis 138 mm, Cxx             CNY                           

9019552  Rail, X-axis 444 mm, CQx           CNY                           

218060    miScript Reverse Transcription Kit (10)              CNY                           

216513    FastLane Cell Multiplex Kit (200)         CNY                           

204254    QuantiFast Probe PCR Kit (400)          CNY                            anti-CD28CD28抗体】

9019440  Solid State Relay           CNY                           

9019433  Transformer 2x115VAC O/P 2x11VAC         CNY                           

9019431  Kit, lock ring 36W incl. lockknob, RG3              CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

