您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 检测试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂盒 > Anti-CD3CD3抗体



点击次数:13发布时间:2016/7/19 21:35:01


更新日期:2016/7/19 21:35:01

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Anti-CD3CD3抗体 货号:QY-11002 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490





【Anti-CD3CD3抗体齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司专业经营高效液相色谱法、可见分光光度法、紫外分光光度法、酶标法检测试剂盒齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490【Anti-CD3CD3抗体

QY-L0237       川翠定甲       Bonvalotidine A             20mg                   

QY-L0238       刺囊酸510-30-5   Echinocystic acid 510-30-5       20mg                   

QY-L0239       查斯马宁5066-78-4      Chasmanine    "5066-78-4

"      20mg                   

QY-L0240       粗壮女贞苷N95%       "Ligurobustoside N

"             20mg                   

QY-L0241       催吐萝芙木定3911-19-1      Mitoridine       3911-19-1       20mg                   

QY-L0242       车叶草苷       ASPERULOSIDE          20mg                   

QY-L0243       大车前苷104777-68-6  Plantamajoside       104777-68-6   20mg                   

QY-L0244       高车前苷17680-84-1    Homoplantaginin     17680-84-1     20mg                   

QY-L0245       高车前素1447-88-7      Hispidulin       1447-88-7      20mg                   

QY-L0246       大黄素甲醚521-61-9    Emodin-3-methyl ether   521-61-9 20mg                   

QY-L0247       大黄酸478-43-3    Rhein      478-43-3 20mg                   

QY-L0248       大黄酚481-74-3    Chrysophanic acid  481-74-3 20mg                   

QY-L0249       大黄素518-82-1    Emodin   518-82-1 20mg                   

QY-L0250       双醋瑞因13739-02-1    1,8-Diacetoxy-3-carboxyanthraqui 13739-02-1     20mg                   

QY-L0251       大黄素-8-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷23313-21-5     Emodin-8-O-β-D-glucopyranoside      23313-21-5     20mg                    Anti-CD3CD3抗体】

QY-L0252       土大黄苷155-58-8      Rhaponticin   155-58-8 20mg                   

QY-L0253       芦荟苷1415-73-2  barbaloin 1415-73-2      20mg                   

QY-L0254       芦荟大黄素481-72-1    Aloeemodin     481-72-1 20mg                   

QY-L0255       地奥司明520-27-4       Diosmin  520-27-4 20mg                   

QY-L0256       香叶木素520-34-3       Diosmetin       520-34-3 20mg                   

QY-L0257       丹参酮Ⅰ568-73-0 Tanshi I   568-73-0 20mg                   

QY-L0258       丹参酮IIA磺酸钠 Tanshi IIA-sulfonic sodium           20mg                   

QY-L0259       丹参酮IIA568-72-9      Tanshi IIA      568-72-9 20mg                   

QY-L0260       丹参素钠67920-52-9    Sodium danshensu  67920-52-9     20mg                   

QY-L0261       丹参素76822-21-4       Danshensu      76822-21-4     20mg                   

QY-L0262       二氢丹参酮Ⅰ87205-99-0     Dihydrotanshi I      87205-99-0     20mg                   

QY-L0263       隐丹参酮35825-57-1    Cryptotanshi   35825-57-1     20mg                   

QY-L0264       丹参新酮 27210-57-7 Miltirone       27210-57-7   20mg                   

QY-L0265       丹酚酸A96574-01-5     Salvianolic acid A   96574-01-5     20mg                   

QY-L0266       丹酚酸B115939-25-8    Salvianolic acid B   115939-25-8   20mg                   

9019173  Peltier module, PyroQ96              CNY                           

9011886  Holder, tip rack 2, accessory unit         CNY                           

9011853  Tip change system, BR8000         CNY                           

9237083  Installation, BR plus 2 integrations        CNY                           

9236941  SlideShett,  SamTrak MDx         CNY                            Anti-CD3CD3抗体】

9019124  Fan - peltier, PyroQ96ID              CNY                           

9019117  Fan - rear, PyroQ96ID          CNY                           

9019070  PyroMark Thermoplate Low, PyroQ96ID    Holder for placement of PyroMark Q96 Plate Low on heat block during annealing step prior to PyroMark Q96 ID analysis.      CNY                           

9019009  Plunger unit, EZ1xl        CNY                           

9019007  Magnet unit, w reflector, EZ1xl            CNY                           

9018962  QX, Air compressor             CNY                           

9018943  Adapter, MagNa Pure LC 32-Well Plate        CNY                           

9022711  Lid, Silver, DML3000           CNY                           

9016004  BioSprint 15 microtube tray   "tray on which the microcentrifuge strips sit during a run.

None of our protocols use microtubes so this is an accessory that most likely KF customers would use. We do not ship this tray with the instrument"       CNY                           

9016002  Magnet head for deep well plate, BS96         CNY                           

9015863  EZ1 DNA DRD BLD Card     Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 protocols for dried blood samples      CNY                           

9015825  Upg. Kit, V-Motor position, BR8 (ISI22)             CNY                           

9015794  Software Twister II V2.0   CLARA  V2.3.x            CNY                           

9015637  AC fuse, 230 V, 4A, M48             CNY                           

9015607  LiquiChip Maintenance Kit            CNY                           

9015541  Filter, w.glue and cleaning            CNY                           

9015531  Controller, temperature          CNY                           

9019164  Tool, O-Ring change, Qsym         CNY                           

9019162  Cable kit - X/Y, PyroQ96MD        CNY                            Anti-CD3CD3抗体】

9019156  Motor - X/Y, PyroQ96MD            CNY                           

9019149  Fan - IPC 40x40, PyroQ96MD            CNY                           

9014555  Power Supply Grounding Kit        CNY                           

9014435  LiquiChip Fluid Module IS            CNY                           

9022193  Transport Lock, PyroQ24            CNY                           

9022056  Tool, o-shoot test liquid 100ML, RGQ         CNY                           

9021980  Set, purge filters (10), QX            CNY                           

9021670  Adapter, tubes, 2 ml, v2, Qsym            CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

