您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 检测试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂盒 > Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽)



点击次数:10发布时间:2016/7/20 16:18:33


更新日期:2016/7/20 16:18:33

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽) 货号:QY-13522 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490





CUSABIO   Randox-lifescience  Santa   Abcam  jackson  Sigma  Amresco  Qiagen  Cayman  millipore  invitrogen  merk  ebioscience prospec


齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490【Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长素释放肽)

QY-x737  EBTr牛胚气管                                        

QY-x738  VERO非洲绿猴肾                                   

QY-x739  MDBK牛肾细胞                                      

QY-x740  HepII猴肾                                       

QY-x741  COS-1SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾                                     

QY-x742  COS-7SV40转化的非洲绿猴肾                                     

QY-x743  LLC-MK2恒河猴肾                                        

QY-x744  MLA-144长臂猿淋巴瘤                                         

QY-x745  B95-8EBV转化的绒猴白细胞                                        

QY-x746  NISE-Sacy-12蓖麻蚕卵细胞                                          Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽)

QY-x747  ZC-7901草鱼吻端细胞                                   

QY-x748  RF/6A猴脉络膜-视网膜细胞(内皮)                                      

QY-x749  Mv1Lu貂肺上皮细胞                                     

QY-x750  Pcc4胚癌细胞                                        

QY-x751  EL4淋巴瘤                                      

QY-x752  EL4IL-2淋巴瘤                                       

QY-x753  P815肥大细胞瘤                                     

QY-x754  YAC-1淋巴瘤                                   

QY-x755  MFC前胃癌                                     

QY-x756  L1210淋巴白血病                                   

QY-x757  AtT20垂体瘤                                   

QY-x758  P388D1淋巴样瘤                                    

QY-x759  NS-1骨髓瘤                                    

QY-x760  SP2/0骨髓瘤                                   

QY-x761  SRS-82腹水瘤                                         Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽)

QY-x762  P3-NS-1/1-Ag4.1骨髓瘤                                        

QY-x763  SAC-IIB2腹水瘤                                     

QY-x764  SAC-IIC3腹水瘤                                     

QY-x765  45.6.TG1.7骨髓瘤                                         

QY-x766  S180腹水瘤                                     

QY-x767  P3-X63-Ag8骨髓瘤                                        

QY-x768  B16黑色素瘤                                   

9239496  EX XY Motor Driver w/Encoder          CNY                           

9239494  Sheath Fluid Tubing w/DeBubbler        CNY                           

9239487  EX Analog PCBA           CNY                           

9236515  Centrifuge, PM Service  "

Service response time (repair): not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY                           

9232888  Camera, bar-code, BL180, P3xxx/BR3000          CNY                           

9236636  Cover, Wash Station, BR8 RD              CNY                           

9236451  Travel Charge, additional, 1 day           CNY                           

9232725  Fitting, pumping tube, black         CNY                           

9232712  Label, BioRobot 9604            CNY                            Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽)

9236429  Sensor, plate switch, TWI            CNY                           

9239142  Installation, BR MDx DSP            CNY                           

9239070  Dilutor, Kloehn Versa3           CNY                           

9232568  Power Cord, USA         CNY                           

9238970  Target Prep, Premium Agreement  The Premium Cover Agreement TargetPrep provides full service coverage for the BioRobot TargetPrep. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day).     CNY                           

9238791  Angle rotor for 8 Falcon tubes 50 ml           CNY                           

9232328  Cable, power PCON98 board, BR8000        CNY                           

9232188  T piece, pressure relief valve, dispense        CNY                           

9238906  Upper casing, BS96              CNY                           

9231863  Elution adapter, auto vac, BR8000        CNY                           

9238681  Service manual Zent3, german             CNY                           

9238680  Grease, load-bearing bolts     This is the grease for the Sigma centrifuge. Former cat no 2000770. CNY                           

9231466  Spacer, DT-Adapter, BR8             CNY                           

9014582  QIAVac Multiwell Base          CNY                           

9022195  Reagent Chamber Lid, PyroQ24           CNY                           

9022022  Sensor, Z-axis, with cable, QXA          CNY                           

9021653  Kit, stickers, eluate drawer, Qsym        CNY                           

9021623  Gateway 2, CC-Link, DCU           CNY                            Anti-Ghrelin脑肠肽抗体(一种新的生长激素释放肽)

9021289  Yellow grease for PM, EZ1           CNY                           

9240671  Reservoir, 500ml w/cap, AP96/196              CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

