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Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体

点击次数:14发布时间:2016/7/21 21:07:59

Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体

更新日期:2016/7/21 21:07:59

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体 货号:QY-14932 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 【Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点.欢迎咨询齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.comAnti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体

QYD749  呋喃妥因快速检测卡    50T/    1ppb       5-8min    组织、水产、蜂蜜             

QYD750  呋喃唑酮快速检测卡    50T/    0.5ppb    5-8min    组织、水产、蜂蜜             

QYD751  呋喃它酮快速检测卡    50T/    0.5ppb    5-8min    组织、水产、蜂蜜              Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体】

QYD752  氯霉素快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.05ppb   30min-30min-15min      组织、水产、蜂蜜       饲料兽药监察所(畜牧产品安全检测中心)、农产品质量安全检测中心、水产研究所检测中心、水产市场质量安全检测中心、出入境检验检疫局等   

QYD753  恩诺沙星快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.1ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD754  环丙沙星快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.1ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD755  喹诺酮类(QNS)快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.1ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD756  磺胺多残留快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.5ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD757  磺胺十五合一快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.5ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD758  磺胺七合一快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.5ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD759  磺胺三合一检测试剂盒       96T/    0.2ppb    45min-15min  动物、水产组织、蜂蜜             

QYD760  四环素快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.05ppb   30min-30min-15min      禽类、水产组织、牛奶             

QYD761  链霉素快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.1ppb    30min-30min-15min      肌肉组织、蜂蜜          

QYD762  喹诺酮快速检测卡       50T/    2ppb       5-8min    组织、水产、蜂蜜             

QYD763  磺胺类快速检测卡       50T/    20ppb     5-8min    组织、蜂蜜、牛奶、尿液、血清             

QYD764  氯霉素检测卡       50T/    0.1ppb    5-8min    蜂蜜、水产、组织             

QYD765  黄曲霉B1快速检测试剂盒  96T/    0.02ppb/0.01ppb    30min-15min  谷物、饲料、牛奶       饲料兽药监察所(畜牧产品安全检测中心)、农产品质量安全检测中心 

QYD766  玉米赤霉烯酮快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.3ppb    30min-15min  谷物、饲料、牛奶              Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体】

QYD767  黄曲霉M1快速检测试剂盒 96T/    0.5ppb    30min-15min  谷物、饲料、牛奶             

QYD768  黄曲霉总量快速检测试剂盒       96T/    0.1ppb/0.02ppb      30min-15min  谷物、饲料          

QYD769  伏马毒素快速检测试剂盒    96T/    0.5ppb    30min-15min  谷物、饲料          

QYD770  赭曲霉毒素A检测试剂盒   96T/    0.1   30min-15min  粮食作物(玉米、大米、豆类、花生、麦类等)、、饲料等        

QYD771  伏马菌素B1检测试剂盒     96T/    10    30min-15min  粮食作物(玉米、大米、豆类、花生、麦类等)、饲料等         

QYD772  伏马菌素B1检测试剂盒     96T/    100  30min-15min  牛奶、奶粉、炼乳等          

QYD773  呕吐毒素快速检测试剂盒    96T/    3ppb       30min-30min-15min      谷物、饲料          

QYD774  黄曲霉B1快速检测卡  50T/    1ppb/2ppb/3ppb     5-8min    谷物、饲料、牛奶             

QYD775  玉米赤霉烯酮快速检测卡    50T/    10ppb/30ppb   5-8min    谷物、饲料、牛奶             

QYD776  呕吐毒素快速检测卡    50T/    20ppb/50ppb   5-8min    谷物、饲料、牛奶             

QYD777  猪瘟病毒抗体检测试剂盒    96T*2/       CSFV Ab       30min-30min-10min      猪血清    畜牧局(畜牧兽医局/畜牧兽医站)、畜牧产品检测站、动物疾病预防控制中心    

QYD778  猪蓝耳病毒抗体检测试剂盒       96T*2/       PRRSV Ab      30min-30min-10min      猪血清          

950263    Final Wash Reagent (VXF) (350 ml)            CNY                           

37561     Qproteome Sialic Glycoprotein Kit        CNY                           

133029    NeXtalStock Cesium chloride (200)             CNY                           

133021    NeXtalStock CABS untit. (200)            CNY                           

9001590  Rotor-Gene Q 6plex Platform              CNY                           

239025    GelPilot 50 bp Ladder (100)   Ready-to-use DNA marker; 600 µl (100 lanes), 9 fragments: 50 - 500 bp  CNY                           

231122    QIAGEN PCR Cloning Kit (10)     For 10 reactions: 2x Ligation Master Mix (50 ul), pDrive Cloning Vector (0.5 ug), distilled water (1.7 ml) CNY                           

9015317  Sensor, photo, EE-SX671A          CNY                           

9015305  Block, elution, M48              CNY                           

133148    NeXtalStock BICINE pH 7.5 (200)              CNY                           

1037870  Buffer TLC, 2x (50/60),G            CNY                           

4692103  RespiFinder RG Panel RUO          CNY                           

1031668  Large 96-Rod Cover (16)      Rod cover for use with BioSprint 96 Deep well Rod    CNY                           

9011958  SamTrak Rack for sixteen 12mm tubes              CNY                            Anti-Integrin α3β1整合素α3β1抗体】

9243827  RCS, Basic Agreement   "- Service response time RCS: 5 working days

- Inspection/maintenance delivery: yes, included; 1 /agreement year

- Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included

- Cost coverage for labor: yes, included

- Cost coverage for travel: yes, included

- Replacement system provision for DML: yes, included

- Transportation cost coverage for DML: yes, included


For defect units, after customer calling QIAGEN technical service hotline before 12 am:



- QIAGEN shall dispatch a specialist to repair the defect instrument at customer site within 5 working days



- A special package containing a replacement unit shall be sent to the customer within 5 working days.

- Customer shall send the defect unit to QIAGEN Regional Repair Center following the instructions attached with the packaging.  


Note: for DML owned by customer, QIAGEN Regional Repair Center will send back the repaired original unit to customers within 7-10 working days.


PC, Monitor, Heater, Shaker, Washer, Printer and Votexer:

- A new unit shall be sent to customer within  7-10 working days at no extra cost

- Customer shall send the defect unit to QIAGEN for disposal

- On-site installation of PC and application software is not covered by the agreement


The Preventive Maintenance (PM) service ensures the correct operation of the equipment. During the PM, all the instrument modules are inspected by a qualified QIAGEN service technician. The Preventive Maintenance is performed under the manufacturer guidelines and documented according to GLP / GMP"  CNY                           

37003     #Albumin/IgG Depletion Cartridges(3x1ml)         CNY                           

36311      Strep-Tactin Magnetic Beads (2x1ml)   For micro-scale purification of Strep-tagged proteins: 2 x 1 ml Strep-Tactin-charged magnetic agarose beads (10% suspension)   CNY                           

950183    Tissue Digest Reagent (DXT) (250 ml)        CNY                           

950047    QIAxtractor Virus Plasticware      The Reagent Pack, VX,  (#950407) which is used together with the Virus Plasticware Pack, QIAxtractor provides fully automated viral nucleic acid purification on the QIAxtractor. The combination of reagents and plasticware enables purification of viral nucleic acids from liquid samples, with a throughput of 8-96 samples per run.  CNY                           

218413    Rat miScript Primer Assay Set VX.X           CNY                           

9018297  EZ1 Advanced RNA Card             CNY                           

9018296  EZ1 Advanced DNA Buccal Swab Card              CNY                           

5000-1271      Y Drive Track, DML2           CNY                           

5000-1265      Mirror, DML2        CNY                           

5000-1261      PMT Socket Only, DML2            CNY                           

5050-1072 V.1       CD Rom Manual - V2 Software Tutorial I           CNY                           

5000-1508      Microplate Heater I - FuseInlet1.6A 250V            CNY                           

6000-5002      MST STM Rack (Black - 1 pos. cal.)          CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

