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Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member

点击次数:20发布时间:2016/7/21 22:14:11

Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member

更新日期:2016/7/21 22:14:11

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤抗原-1抗体 货号:QY-15502 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤-1抗体齐一生物专业经营销售通用试剂.分析试剂.标准物质.合成试剂.中间体.催化剂.生化试剂等化学产品,我们致力于以专业化的视角,提供丰富专业产品资料及其相关技术开发资讯,产品内容覆盖分析化学.无机化学.有机化学.生命科学.材料科学等领域. Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤-1抗体已迅速发展成为国内科学试剂的运营商,是国家重点实验室指定供应商,并与国内多家科研单位紧密合作. 齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤-1抗体齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司经营试剂种类众多:覆盖分析化学品,无机化学品,有机化学品,生物化学品,材料化学品等.试剂信息齐全:包含试剂特性描述,详细质量信息,应用方法.标准科研 用途以及正在开发的前沿应用欢迎前来选购。齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

QY-L0049       次乌头6900-87-4  Hypaconitine   6900-87-4      20mg                   

QY-L0050       新乌头2752-64-9  Mesaconitine   2752-64-9      20mg                   

QY-L0051       乌头302-27-2       Aconitine 302-27-2 20mg                    Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤抗原-1抗体】

QY-L0052       高乌甲素32854-75-4    Lappaconitine(p)    32854-75-4     20mg                   

QY-L0053       乙酰乌头77181-26-1    Acetylaconitine       77181-26-1     20mg                   

QY-L0054       氢溴酸高乌甲素97792-45-5       Lappaconitine Hydrobromide 97792-45-5     20mg                   

QY-L0055       乌头原碱(滴定法95%)509-20-6  Aconine   509-20-6 20mg                   

QY-L0056       新乌头原碱                  20mg                   

QY-L0057       次乌头原碱                  20mg                   

QY-L0058       草乌甲素79592-91-9    Bulleyaconitine ACrassicauline A       79592-91-9     20mg                   

QY-L0059       苯甲酸65-85-0      Benzoic acid   65-85-0   20mg                   

QY-L0060       表告依春1072-93-1      Goitrine   1072-93-1      20mg                   

QY-L0061       靛玉红479-41-4    Indirubin 479-41-4 20mg                   

QY-L0062       靛蓝482-89-3       Indigo     482-89-3 20mg                   

QY-L0063       白桦脂酸472-15-1       Betulinic acid 472-15-1 20mg                   

QY-L0064       白桦脂醇473-98-3       Betulin     473-98-3 20mg                   

QY-L0065       白桦脂醛13159-28-9    Betulinicaldehyde    13159-28-9     20mg                   

QY-L0066       表白桦脂酸38736-77-5       Epibetulinic acid     38736-77-5     20mg                    Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤抗原-1抗体】

QY-L0067       路路通酸4481-62-3      Liquidambaric acid 4481-62-3      20mg                   

QY-L0068       白花前胡甲素73069-25-7    praeruptorin A 73069-25-7     20mg                   

QY-L0069       白花前胡乙素81740-07-0    praeruptorin B 81740-07-0     20mg                   

QY-L0070       白花前胡丙素83382-71-2    Praeruptorin C       83382-71-2     20mg                   

QY-L0071       白花前胡丁素      Praeruptorin D            20mg                   

QY-L0072       紫花前胡苷495-31-8    Nodakenin      495-31-8 20mg                   

QY-L0073       欧前胡素482-44-0       Imperatorin     482-44-0 20mg                   

QY-L0074       异欧前胡素482-45-1    Isoimperatorin 482-45-1 20mg                   

QY-L0075       杯苋甾酮17086-76-9    Cyasterone     17086-76-9     20mg                   

QY-L0076       β-蜕皮激素5289-74-7 Hydroxyecdysone   5289-74-7      20mg                   

QY-L0077       表儿茶素490-46-0       L-Epicatechin        490-46-0 20mg                   

QY-L0078       表没食子儿茶素970-74-1    (-)-Epigallocatechin       970-74-1 20mg                   

9230253  Rack for reagents, Universal (zig-zag)         CNY                           

9022779  PyroMark Q24 Advanced Software             CNY                           

9235105  Manual, user, hardware BR8000 Int             CNY                           

9234863  Washer liquid container (9l Nalgene)            CNY                           

9238670  Wedge belt 5 x 513        CNY                           

9238648  Motorized lock with optic, right    "For Sigma centrifuge

Motor that controls the locks

Includes optical sensor" CNY                            Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤抗原-1抗体】

9238640  Tachogenerator             CNY                           

9242058  Tube insert, 13 mm, R, sample carr., Qsy           CNY                           

9241809  Pyro Q96 MDa, Installation   Installation and Introductory Training PyroMark is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the installation and commissioning of the instrument and the handling of the PyroMark systems hardware. It trains the user on the operation of the PyroMark software and the setup and execution of a pyrosequencing run. After the training the user will be able to prepare samples, set-up and run the instrument, analyse the results and design new assays as well as troubleshoot new assays and perform basic maintenance on the sample preparation tool and instrument. All travel and labor costs and well as material for the demonstration run are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements       CNY                           

9241162  Board, transport conversion, QX          CNY                           

9241146  RS232 Board, Eppendorf, AP196/98            CNY                           

9240993  Calibration Plate, MDD         CNY                           

9240962  PCB, connector, pipetting system, Qsym            CNY                           

9240959  Activation bar tip, handler, Qsym         CNY                           

9240948  Cable, x, portal, Qsym          CNY                           

9240825  Field Upgrade, BR EZ1 DSP         CNY                           

9240817  #Premium Cover Agreement EZ1 DSP, 1YR "Repair service delivery: onsite

Service response time (repair): 24 working hours/1 business day

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, included

Cost coverage for travel: yes, included

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included

Transportation cost coverage: not applicable"      CNY                           

9240776  Dispense Head Update, AP96        CNY                           

9022763  EZ1 Adv. XL DNA Invest. Flip-Cap Card            CNY                           

6000-5012      Lumicheck Battery Replacement Package            CNY                           

6000-5005      Micro Well Strips          CNY                           

9241774  QIAgility, Installation     The Installation and Introductory Training is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. It covers the handling of the QIAgility systems hardware and trains the user on the operation of the software. After the training the user will be able to run and install application programs and conduct a basic troubleshooting. All travel and labor costs are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements.   CNY                           

9241655  Input Rack Pins Kit, AP        CNY                           

9241360  Plastic supporters, door hinge, EZ1a            CNY                            Anti-MAGE-1/HLA-A1 protein (melanoma antigen family A member 1)黑素瘤抗原-1抗体】

9243547  Pyro Q24, PM Service   "

Service response time (repair): not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for Repair Parts : not included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, full coverage

Cost coverage for travel: yes, full coverage

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not applicable

Transportation cost coverage: yes, full coverage" CNY                           

9243112  Hard Drive, Programmed, Cheetah, AP98            CNY                           

9242770  Belt, x-drive, portal, AS, Qsym            CNY                           

9242698  RGQ, Full Agreement     "Repair service delivery: send to Regional Repair Center

Service response time (repair): 7-10 days turnaround time

Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year

Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite

Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included

Cost coverage for labor: yes, included

Cost coverage for travel: yes, included

Replacement system (Loaner) provision: yes, included (provision time 2 days)

Transportation cost coverage: yes, included"       CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

