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点击次数:17发布时间:2016/7/24 14:02:22


更新日期:2016/7/24 14:02:22

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70蛋白抗体IgG 货号: QY-25220  0.5ml/1500 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70抗体IgG齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70抗体IgG


低价格现货供应,欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.comAnti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70抗体IgG

QT-00438       洋葱假单胞菌       ATCC 25416       上海       820        

QT-00439       荧光假单胞菌                  上海       460        

QT-00440       荧光假单胞菌       ATCC 13525       上海       820        

QT-00441       恶臭假单胞菌                  上海       460        

QT-00442       恶臭假单胞菌       ATCC 17485       上海       820        

QT-00443       黄杆菌属       ATCC 21047       上海       820        

QT-00444       近平滑假丝酵母               上海       460         Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70蛋白抗体IgG

QT-00445       黑曲霉    ATCC 16404       上海       460        

QT-00446       黑曲霉    ATCC 16404   2 美国 MBL     1950             

QT-00447       黑曲霉    ATCC 16404   5 美国 MBL     3000             

QT-00448       桔青霉               上海       460        

QT-00449       黄曲霉               上海       460        

QT-00450       毛霉                  上海       460        

QT-00451       杂色曲霉                  上海       460        

QT-00452       蜡样芽孢杆菌                  上海       460        

QT-00453       环状芽孢杆菌                  上海       460        

QT-00454       粘质沙雷氏菌                  上海       460        

QT-00455       肠炎沙门氏菌                  上海       820        

QT-00456       福氏志贺氏菌(Shigella flexneri)              上海       460        

QT-00457       致病性大肠埃希氏菌               上海       820        

QT-00458       副溶血性弧菌                  上海       460        

QT-00459       空肠弯曲菌    ATCC 33291       上海       820        

QT-00460       乙型溶血性链球菌                  上海       460         Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70蛋白抗体IgG

QT-00461       寄生曲霉                  上海       460        

QT-00462       构巢曲霉       ATCC 24919       上海       460        

QT-00463       赭曲霉               上海       460        

QT-00464       黄绿青霉                  上海       460        

QT-00465       桔青霉    ATCC 1109         上海       820        

QT-00466       桔青霉               上海       460        

QT-00467       圆弧青霉                  上海       820        

QT-00468       岛青霉               上海       460        

QT-00469       鲜绿青霉       ATCC 10515       上海       820        

9019474  Lid, UV, polycarb, C1x          CNY                           

9238884  Stepper motor, turntable, BS96            CNY                           

9238866  BR MDx, Premium Agreement      The Premium Cover Agreement MDx provides full service coverage for the BioRobot MDx. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 24 hours (1 working day). CNY                           

9238857  Basic Cover Agreement Plato3, 1yr       The Basic Cover Agreement Plato3 provides full service coverage for the Plato3 platform. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.       CNY                           

9238838  #Twister I, Basic Agreement, no PM    The Basic Cover Agreement BR Twister I provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Twister I. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.  CNY                           

9241220  QIAxcel, Installation      "The Installation, QIAxcel is an on-site service, conducted by a QIAGEN Service Specialist. During the installation, the QIAxcel hardware is set up according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

This installation covers the handling of the QIAxcel systems hardware and familiarize with the basic instrument and software functions of the BioCalculator software. All travel and labor costs and well as material for the demonstration run are included. The service is documented in accordance with GMP/GLP requirements."  CNY                           

9241195  Cable, RS232, Belkin F2N209-06-T, 1.8m           CNY                           

9241186  Sensor, interlock2, with cable, QX              CNY                           

9238831  BR 8000, Basic Agreement    The Basic Cover Agreement 8000 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot 8000. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Basic Cover Agreement, the response time is 5 working days.       CNY                           

9238822  Rect. carrier for 1 tube 100 ml             CNY                           

9237194  Reservoir RapidPlate             CNY                            Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70蛋白抗体IgG

9237171  Heater Block XYP         CNY                           

9233168  Mixer Board           CNY                           

9237154  Drive Mechanism XYP         CNY                           

9237110  Upgrade App., QIAamp 96 DNA Blood On-site application Upgrade for standard QIAGEN QIAamp 96 DNA Blood including kit    CNY                           

9237095  Training, HiLight On-site       On-site Training 1 day HiLight      CNY                           

9237084  Installation, BR plus 3 integrations        CNY                           

9236414  Plate Stacker TW II              CNY                           

9232973  Level Detector Board P7-8 channels            CNY                           

9232954  LSW Board (Level sensor waste)         CNY                           

9232921  Comparator board 1.02 w/clot detection             CNY                           

9236337  Digital Board          CNY                           

9236155  Tool, calibration, syringe, RapidPlate           CNY                           

9235702  Cables, Shaker, RCS1           CNY                           

9235626  Lead Screw Nut, MP Holder LH, Shaker8000             CNY                           

9235297  Plunger tip, syringe 250µl             CNY                           

9235122  Fuse T1A, v1.00           CNY                            Anti-HSP-70/FITC荧光素标记HSP-70蛋白抗体IgG

9235121  Fuse T2,5A, v1.00        CNY                           

9235119  Fuse F3.15A, v1.00              CNY                           

9238667  Front panel            CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

