【BSA-HRP抗体】齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品原装产品,正品原装质量,货期短价格优惠!欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com【BSA-HRP抗体】
9010524 Plate turntable, module CNY 【BSA-HRP抗体】
211354 QuantiFast Pathogen PCR +IC Kit (400) CNY
211031 QuantiTect Virus +ROX Vial Kit (50) CNY
9012759 Magnetic Stirrer, 5 position CNY
9012752 Set of Tubing for Olympus PK80 CNY
9010331 Cover , NTP-Reader, Plato 1/3, (9194) CNY
9010085 Modul, SamTrak, 12 Racks, P3xxx CNY
979201 PyroMark Q24 Plate (100) For sample analysis of template DNA on Q24 CNY
979008 PyroMark Wash Buffer (conc., 200 ml) For washing and neutralizing the immobilized DNA. CNY
311714 BioMag Streptavidin (50ml) BioMag streptavidin suspension (5 mg/ml) CNY
9002273 PyroMark Q24 Advanced, PrioPLUS CNY
9002200 QIAxcel Advanced, PrioPLUS, no PM "QIAxcel Advanced Instrument
Installation of QIAxcel Advanced & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Repair Center service, response 7-10
Loaner available in 2 days*
No Preventive Maintenance included
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)" CNY
206662 Type-it CNV Probe PCR +qC Kit (100) CNY
206402 QIAGEN LongRange PCR Kit (100) For 100 PCR rxns a 50 µl: Enzyme Mix (Taq and Proofreading Enzyme, (5 u/µl), 10 x PCR Buffer for increased fidelity (contains dNTP´s), 25 mM MgCl2, 5 x Q-Solution CNY
9012730 Cable, flat band, X, 2300 mm CNY
979003 PyroMark Q96 Sample Prep Tool Cover (10) Consumables for use with magnetic tool for isolation of single stranded DNA. CNY
978746 PyroMark CpG Assay (200) CNY 【BSA-HRP抗体】
9012702 Motor, Y-drive, BCR, P1/3/7 CNY
929702 QX Buffer Tray CNY
330421 RT² Easy First Strand Kit (12) CNY
9010540 Tischplatte Plato-7 (9194) CNY
68163 DNeasy Plant Maxi Kit (24) 24 DNeasy Maxi Spin Columns, 24 QIAshredder Maxi Spin Columns, RNase A, Buffers, Collection Tubes (50 ml) CNY
9012781 Upgrade Y2K from Rufas 3.4 to Winrufas CNY
9010051 Plate stacker CNY
60704 QIAamp DSP Virus Kit (50),CE CNY
59935 #EpiTect MethyLight Assay Hs-TMEFF2(100) "10-fold primer TaqMan probe mix, for real-time MethyLight PCR
For TaqMan probe-based real-time quantification of methylated or unmethylated CpG sites" CNY
301807 HiPerFect HTS Reagent (6 x 1 ml) CNY
301707 HiPerFect Transfection Reagent (4x1 ml) CNY
59760 EpiTect Fast 96 LyseAll Bisulfite Kit CNY
206624 Type-it CNV SYBR Green PCR Core Kit(400) CNY
9012739 Peristaltic Pump outlet tubing 1.25 CNY
133242 NeXtalStock Sodium malonate pH 4.0 (200) CNY
NG0329 碱性磷酸酶染液 50片 染色
NG0330 酸性磷酸酶染液 50片 染色
NG0331 酸性酯酶染液 5.0ml×4 染色
NG0332 中性酯酶染液 5.0ml×4 染色
NG0333 碱性酯酶染液 5.0ml×4 染色
NG0334 双重酯酶染液 5.0ml´4 染色
NG0335 快速血细胞染液 50ml×2 染色
NG0336 糖元染液 10ml×4 染色
NG0337 苏木素染液 50ml×1 染色
NG0338 伊红染液 100ml×1 染色 【BSA-HRP抗体】
NG0339 H-E染液 染色
NG0340 瑞氏染液 50ml×2 染色
NG0341 瑞氏-姬姆萨复合染液 50ml×2 染色
NG0342 姬姆萨染液 染色
NG0343 巴氏染液脱落细胞染色 染色
NG0344 快速H-E组织细胞及脱落细胞染液 10ml×4 染色
NG0345 革兰氏染液 50ml×4 染色
NG0346 抗酸染液 50ml×2 染色
NG0347 细胞活性鉴别染液 20ml 伊文斯蓝法
NG0348 血管通透性测试染液 20ml 美蓝法
NG0349 过氧化物酶染液 5ml 染色
NG0350 磷酸盐缓冲液 8元/100ml 建成
NG0351 碳酸盐缓冲液 8元/100ml 建成
NG0352 Tris-HCl缓冲液 20元/100ml 建成
NG0353 醋酸钠/醋酸缓冲液 8元/100ml 建成
NG0354 巴比妥钠/盐酸缓冲液 20元/200ml 建成 【BSA-HRP抗体】
NG0355 硼砂/盐酸缓冲液 20元/200ml 建成
NG0356 氯化钾/盐酸缓冲液 8元/100ml 建成
NG0357 柠檬酸钠/盐酸缓冲液 12元/100ml 建成
NG0358 饱和苦味酸 20元/100ml
NG0359 Xmol/L盐酸 6元/100ml
span �e'��d��`ly:宋体;Times New Roman";Times New Roman"'>管/96样 CBB法
NG0327 尿糖试剂 100ml 班氏法
NG0328 尿粪隐血测试盒 100T 联苯胺法