【人白蛋白-HRP抗体】齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司经营试剂种类众多:覆盖分析化学品,无机化学品,有机化学品,生物化学品,材料化学品等.试剂信息齐全:包含试剂特性描述,详细质量信息,应用方法.标准, 科研 用途以及正在开发的前沿应用欢迎前来选购。齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.com
133235 NeXtalStock Sodium citrate pH 5.0 (200) CNY 【人白蛋白-HRP抗体】
59496 EpiTect MethyLight PCR +ROX Kit (200) CNY
59305 EpiTect MSP PCR Kit (100) CNY
59144 EpiTect Plus FFPE Bisulfite Kit (48) CNY
929562 QX Size Marker 250 bp - 4 kb v2.0(50 µl) CNY
929550 QX DNA Size Marker pUC18/HaeIII (50 µl) CNY
929529 QX Alignment Marker 50 bp/5 kb (1.5 ml) CNY
972824 PyroMark Gold Q96 CDT Reagents (6 x 96) For performing pyrosequencing reaction on the Q96 MD in combination with the capillary dispensing tips (CDT) CNY
133222 NeXtalStock Sodium ac. pH 4.0 (200) CNY
133219 NeXtalStock Sodium ac. H2O (200) CNY
52926 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini QIAcube Kit (240) CNY
9012692 Source rack (128 pos) for tubes 16 mm CNY
9012665 Pipetting system upgrade 1, BR3000 CNY
9002022 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex Platform CNY
970012 PyroMark Q24 CpG p16 (4 x 24) For quantification of methylation level in region +148 to +174 in exon 1 of the gene. CNY
133203 NeXtalStock Imidazole-HCl pH 8.0 (200) CNY
293013 mericon Soy Kit (24) CNY 【人白蛋白-HRP抗体】
9001919 PyroMark Q96 MD Automated, Priority PyroMark Q96 MD Automated, Priority includes the PyroMark Q96 MD Automated instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with a service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
133115 NeXtalStock Sodium sulfate (200) CNY
965662 QIAamp Virus BioRobot 9604 Kit (12) For 12 x 96 nucleic acid preps: 12 QIAamp 96 Plates, RNase-free Buffers, QIAGEN Protease, AirPore Tape Sheets, Tape Pad, S-Blocks, Racks with Collection Microtubes (1.2 ml), Carrier RNA, Caps CNY
9240670 Reservoir, 1000ml, AP96/196 CNY
9240644 External BCR, Metrologic MS9521, AP CNY
9240636 Power Entry Module, AP196/98 CNY
9240616 Fuse, 5.0A, FNM, AP96 CNY
9240607 Fiber Optic Sensor Cable, 5M, AP98 CNY
9240590 Purge Solenoid, Overflow Jar, AP96/196 CNY
9240573 Centrifuge RT-7, Sorvall, 115V, AP96 CNY
9240551 Main PCB, Eppendorf, AP196/98 CNY
9240533 Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, CapU/D, AP96 CNY
9240524 Cable, Motor, Axis#1, Capper U\D, AP98 CNY
9240347 Autopure, Basic Agreement "Repair service delivery: onsite
Service response time (repair): 5 business days
Periodic inspection/maintenance: yes, 1/agreement year
Inspection/maintenance delivery: onsite
Cost coverage for repair parts: yes, included
Cost coverage for labor: yes, included
Cost coverage for travel: yes, included
Replacement system (Loaner) provision: not included
Transportation cost coverage: not applicable" CNY
9240243 Brushes, with spring (2), TR CNY
NG0360 Xmol/L硫酸 6元/100ml
NG0361 Xmol/L草酸 6元/100ml
NG0362 Hank’s液 24元/200ml
NG0363 2,4-二硝基苯肼 8元/100ml
NG0364 4.0mol/L氢氧化钠 8元/100ml
NG0365 任氏液 6元/100ml
NG0366 超氧化物歧化酶SOD检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0367 丙二醛MDA检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0368 黄嘌呤氧化酶XOD检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0369 总抗氧化能力T-AOC检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0370 羟自由基检测试剂盒 1管 比色法 【人白蛋白-HRP抗体】
NG0371 髓过氧化物酶MPO检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0372 过氧化氢酶CAT检测试剂盒 1管 紫外比色法
NG0373 谷胱甘肽-S转移酶GSH-ST检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0374 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶GSH-PX检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0375 氧化型谷胱甘肽GSSG检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0376 谷胱甘肽还原酶GR检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0377 还原型谷胱甘肽GSH检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0378 巯基-SH检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0379 单胺氧化酶MAO检测试剂盒 1管 紫外比色法
NG0381 一氧化氮NO硝酸还原酶法检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0382 一氧化氮合成酶诱导型检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0383 一氧化氮合成酶总NOS检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0384 乳酸LD血清、组织检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0385 乳酸LD全血检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0386 乳酸脱氢酶LDH检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0387 ATP酶钠钾、钙镁ATP酶检测试剂盒 1管 比色法 【人白蛋白-HRP抗体】
NG0388 钠钾、钙镁ATP酶中任一项检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0389 超微量ATP酶检测试剂盒 1管 比色法
NG0390 钠钾、钙镁ATP酶中任一项检测试剂盒
NG0391 琥珀酸脱氢酶SDH检测试剂盒 1管 比色法