【GZD824 货号2795-25】齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“*优质的服务”
CUSABIORandox-lifescienceSantaAbcamjacksonSigmaAmrescoQiagenCaymanmilliporeinvitrogenmerkebioscienceprospec欢迎广大客户咨询,另有大量宣传海报和小礼品赠送. 齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【GZD824 货号2795-25】
9242760 #Warranty PLUS 1, Prem/RRL, 1PM,QSYM RGQ CNY
677491 ipsogen NPM1 mut A gDNA MutaQuant Stds CNY
9011164 Roller, deflection, X-drive, BR8000 CNY
9010980 BGR 1-er Shaker PK80 (1177) CNY
133215 NeXtalStock MMT pH 9.0 (200) CNY
301005 Attractene Transfection Reagent (1 ml) CNY
9012675 Peristaltic Pump, 4 channel (A04897) CNY 【GZD824 货号2795-25】
9012671 Cable, PCON98 to release valve, BR8000 CNY
9002029 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 5plex, PrioPLUS "Rotor-Gene Instrument
Installation of Rotor-Gene & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Regional Repair Center service, 7-10 day turn around time
Loaner available in 2 days*
Annual Inspections (1PM per year)
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)" CNY
9002019 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 2plex HRM, PrioPLUS "Rotor-Gene Instrument
Installation of Rotor-Gene & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
Loaner available in 2 days*
Annual Inspections (1 onsite PM per yearr)
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)" CNY
9002002 Rotor-Gene Q MDx 2plex Platform CNY
970540 UGT1A1 Pyro Kit (24) CNY
293025 mericon Corn (96) CNY
293015 mericon Soy Kit (96) CNY
929525 QX Alignment Marker 50bp/500bp (1.5 ml) CNY
206241 Type-it Microsatellite PCR Kit (70) "The Type-it Microsatellite PCR Kit is developed for fast and reliable genotypic analysis of humans, animals, plants, and bacteria using
microsatellites, STR, or VNTR markers without the need for lengthy optimization procedures
Reliable microsatellite analysis by multiplex PCR
Microsatellite assay development without optimization
Successful and specific coamplification of all fragments
Optimized protocols for any detection platform" CNY
291524 mericon Quant MON 810 (48) CNY
9001904 QIAgility HEPA/UV (PC) PrioPLUS "QIAgility HEPA/UV (PC)Instrument
Installation of QIAgility instrument & Introductory training
Warranty extension to 3 yrs
On site service, 48 hr response
Preventive Maintenance (1 onsite pipetting head service and inspection per year)
Priority service provision over non-contract customers
Documented installation & PM report
Unlimited number of repair service
All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)" CNY
9001899 QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (PC) Priority QIAxtractor, UV/HEPA (PC) Priority includes the QIAxtractor instrument, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years. One on-site pipetting head service and inspection is included for each year of the warranty; 2 pipetting head services in total. Service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with an on site service response time of 48 hours (2 working days). Performance of the installation and service visits are documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
133124 NeXtalStock TRIS pH 8.5 (200) CNY
965942 QIAamp Investigator BioRobot Kit (12) CNY
133191 NeXtalStock D-(+)-Sucrose (200) CNY
133184 NeXtalStock Citric acid pH 3.6 (200) CNY 【GZD824 货号2795-25】
9018472 Set, O-rings (10), QIAC CNY
133101 NeXtalStock Potassium sulfate (200) CNY
133091 NeXtalStock PEG 750 MME (200) CNY
9001867 Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM (PC) Priority Rotor-Gene Q 5plex HRM (PC) Priority includes the Rotor-Gene Q system, installation and extended warranty. Installation covers hardware and software installation of system and provides user with on site introductory training. Priority package extends warranty period of the system to 2 years with shipment to Repair Center Service and response turnaround time (repair) 7-10 days. One preventive maintenance visit is included for each year of the warranty; 2 preventive maintenance visits in total. Replacement system (Loaner) provision included (provision time 2-3 days) with transportation cost coverage. The service package includes all parts, labor and travel costs with installation performance and service visits documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service documents. CNY
9012422 Worktable, complet, BR9604/B CNY
9012390 Wash station, 4-probes v2.01 CNY
205113 Omniscript RT Kit (200) For 200 reverse-transcription reactions: 800 units Omniscript Reverse Transcriptase, 10x Buffer RT, dNTP Mix,* RNase-free water CNY
QYS-03379 茜素红S染色试剂盒 AlizarinRedSStainingKit 100ml
QYS-03380 人胚层检测试剂盒 HumanGermLayerDetectionKit 50reactions
QYS-03381 油红O染色试剂盒 OilRedOStainingKit 100ml
QYS-03382 人干细胞多能性检测试剂盒 HumanStemCellPluripotencyDetectionKit 50reactions
QYS-03383 碱性磷酸酶活性测定试剂盒 AlkalinePhosphataseActivityAssay 500tests
QYS-03384 碱性磷酸酶染色检测红色 AlkalinePhosphataseStainingAssayRed 500tests
QYS-03385 人间质干细胞成脂肪细胞检测试剂盒 HumanMesenchymalStemCellAdipogenesisDetectionKit 50reactions 【GZD824 货号2795-25】
QYS-03386 人间充质干细胞软骨形成检测试剂盒 HumanMesenchymalStemCellChondrogenesisDetectionKit 50reactions
QYS-03387 番红O染色试剂盒 SafraninOStainingKit 100reactions
QYS-03388 阿利新蓝染色试剂盒 AlcianBlueStainingKit 100reactions
QPH00186 人树突状细胞培养试剂盒HDC 1pack
QPH00187 小鼠树突状细胞培养试剂盒MDC 1pack
QPH00190 人造血干细胞扩增试剂盒HHSC3 1pack
QPH00191 小鼠造血干细胞扩增试剂盒MHSC3 1pack
QPH00192 人造血干细胞扩增试剂盒HHSC6 1pack
QPH00193 小鼠造血干细胞扩增试剂盒MHSC6 1pack
QY-AB1159 核蛋白与胞浆蛋白抽提试剂盒 50
QY-AB1160 线粒体蛋白提取试剂盒 50
QY-AB1161 Western及IP细胞裂解液 50ml
QY-AB1162 RIPA裂解液强 50ml
QY-AB1163 RIPA裂解液中 50ml
QY-AB1164 RIPA裂解液弱 50ml
QY-AB1165 NP-40裂解液 50ml 【GZD824 货号2795-25】
QY-AB1166 SDS裂解液 50ml
QY-AB1167 BCA蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 50ml
QY-AB1168 Bradford蛋白浓度测定试剂盒 50ml
QY-AB1169 红细胞裂解液 120ml
QY-AB1170 细胞线粒体分离试剂盒 100次
QY-AB1171 组织线粒体分离试剂盒 100次
QY-AB1172 Actin-TrackerGreen微丝绿色荧光探针 0.2ml
QY-AB1173 BCECFAMpH荧光探针 50ul
QY-AB1174 CFDASE细胞增殖与示踪检测试剂盒 2000次