【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“*优质的服务”
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齐一生物销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】
9019079 PyroMark Assay Design SW 2.0 (5) "All-in-one software for design of both PCR and sequencing primers
Five additional software licenses for PyroMark AssayDesign SW 1.0" CNY 【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】
9019071 PyroMark Thermoplate, PyroQ96MD Holder for placement of PyroMark Q96 Plate on heat block during annealing step prior to PyroMark Q96 MD analysis. CNY
9019017 Tray, EZ1xl CNY
9019008 Reflector, UV lamp, EZ1xl CNY
9018934 Adapter, 24x5ml flat base Tubes CNY
9016014 X-Motor DC, Gear, 20V CNY
9016003 BioSprint 15 tube tray "he 5-tube strips sit on this tray during the run.
see page 33 of the user manual for visuals" CNY
9015972 Tube Holder, STS MDx, 15 mm (12) CNY
9015910 Luminex Maintenance Kit CNY
9015862 EZ1 DNA PRFN Card Pre-programmed card for BioRobot EZ1 paraffin section protocols CNY
9015687 Rings (10), pinching, 4.5/2.7 mm CNY
9015613 Cable, Interface, 3000 mm, PC to X-main CNY
9015606 Upgrade, LiquiChip IS 2.x CNY
9015536 Door, complete CNY
9019165 Lead screw - Y, PyroQ96MD CNY
9019163 Reagent chamber lid, PyroQ96MD CNY
9013928 Channeling Adapter BR8000 CNY 【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】
9013865 QIAsoft 4.x, BR8000 Cust. Edition CNY
9021191 Adapter, deep-well plate, BS96 CNY
9021052 Controller, Galil Motion, DCU CNY
9021009 Cap, Reagent Bottle, DCU CNY
9021005 Motor, Pipettor Z, DCU CNY
9020911 Foot assembly, SMC, QGX CNY
9020716 Optoswitch, X axis, C34 CNY
9016566 Syringe Pump, RCS1 CNY
9016487 Cable REDGE/Gateway, RS232, Kloehn CNY
9016306 Computer, standard, XP CNY
9016233 Hardware Upgrade Kit, Universal Tissue CNY
9019183 Valve - Release, PyroQ96 CNY
QY-L0261 丹参素76822-21-4 Danshensu 76822-21-4 20mg
QY-L0262 二氢丹参酮Ⅰ87205-99-0 Dihydrotanshi I 87205-99-0 20mg
QY-L0263 隐丹参酮35825-57-1 Cryptotanshi 35825-57-1 20mg
QY-L0264 丹参新酮 27210-57-7 Miltirone 27210-57-7 20mg
QY-L0265 丹酚酸A96574-01-5 Salvianolic acid A 96574-01-5 20mg
QY-L0266 丹酚酸B115939-25-8 Salvianolic acid B 115939-25-8 20mg
QY-L0267 丹酚酸C 115841-09-3 Salvianolicacid C 115841-09-3 20mg 【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】
QY-L0268 丹酚酸D142998-47-8 Salvianolicacid D 142998-47-8 20mg
QY-L0269 紫草酸28831-65-4 Lithospermic acid 28831-65-4 20mg
QY-L0270 地肤子皂苷Ic96990-18-0 Momordin Ic 96990-18-0 20mg
QY-L0271 大豆苷552-66-9 Daidzin 552-66-9 20mg
QY-L0272 大豆苷元486-66-8 Daidzein 486-66-8 20mg
QY-L0273 黄豆黄苷40246-10-4 Glycitin 40246-10-4 20mg
QY-L0274 黄豆黄素40957-83-3 Glycitein 40957-83-3 20mg
QY-L0275 对甲氧基肉桂酸乙酯24393-56-4 ethylp-methoxycinnamate 24393-56-4 20mg
QY-L0276 去氢二异丁香酚2680-81-1 Dehydrodiisoeugenol 2680-81-1 20mg
QY-L0277 异丁香酚97-54-1 Isoeugenol 97-54-1 20mg
QY-L0278 丁香油(UV98%)8000-34-8 Clove oil 8000-34-8 20mg
QY-L0279 丁香酸530-57-4 Syringic acid 530-57-4 20mg
QY-L0280 丁香醛134-96-3 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde 134-96-3 20mg
QY-L0281 丁香酚97-53-0 Eugenol 97-53-0 20mg
QY-L0282 原百部碱27495-40-5 protostemonine 27495-40-5 20mg
QY-L0283 原百部次碱169534-85-4 Protostemotinine 169534-85-4 20mg 【PBS Tablets (100 ml)】
QY-L0284 对叶百部碱6879/1/2 Tuberostemonine 1818546 20mg
QY-L0285 地榆皂苷Ⅰ35286-58-9 Ziyuglycoside I 35286-58-9 20mg
QY-L0286 地榆皂苷Ⅱ35286-59-0 Ziyuglycoside II 35286-59-0 20mg
QY-L0287 大茴香醛123-11-5 Anisic aldehyde 123-11-5 20mg
QY-L0288 党参炔苷136085-37-5 Lobetyolin 136085-37-5 20mg
QY-L0289 胆维他532-11-6 Anethole trithione 532-11-6 20mg
QY-L0290 甲基异茜草素-1-甲醚 7460-43-7 Rubiadin-1-methyl ether 7460-43-7 20mg
QY-L0291 甲基异茜草素117-02-2 "Rubiadin、
" 117-02-2 20mg
QY-L0292 羟基茜草素(95%)81-54-9 Purpurin 81-54-9 20mg