您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 检测试剂盒 > 生化检测试剂盒 > ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100


ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

点击次数:37发布时间:2016/7/28 22:40:54

ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

更新日期:2016/7/28 22:40:54

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100 100 μg 美国 Biovision进口,齐一生物代理,部分产品现货供应 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490

相关标签:ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100 



 ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:www.qiyibio.com


ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100齐一生物专业代理Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典)加拿大TRC等试剂.标准品.对照品原装产品,正品原装质量,货期短价格优惠!欢迎前来选购齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490网站:http://www.qiyibio.comER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

EK0779   hIL7-ELISA    IL-7ELISA试剂盒   Human IL-7 ELISA Kit   96 tests                 ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

EK0799   hIL27-ELISA  IL-27ELISA试剂盒        Human IL-27 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0807   hCSF1R-ELISA     CSF1R/M-CSFRELISA试剂盒      Human CSF1R/M-CSFR ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0816   hKal3-ELISA  Kallikrein 3ELISA试剂盒 Human Kallikrein 3 ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0829   hRANK-ELISA      Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK)ELISA试剂盒   Human Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK) ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0850   hMPO-ELISA 人过氧化物酶ELISA试剂盒       Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) ELISA Kit  96 tests                

EK0859   hPAI1-ELISA  PAI-1ELISA试剂盒  Human PAI-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0867   hDKK1-ELISA       DKK-1ELISA试剂盒       Human DKK-1 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0873   hPECAM-ELISA    PECAM-1/CD31ELISA试剂盒       Human PECAM-1/CD31 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0884   hBMP7-ELISA       BMP-7ELISA试剂盒       Human BMP-7 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0895   hp53-ELISA   p53 ELISA试剂盒    Human p53 ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0904   hCEA-ELISA  CEAELISA试剂盒    Human CEA ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0906   hTLR2-ELISA       TLR2ELISA试剂盒  Human TLR2 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0907   hTLR3-ELISA       TLR3ELISA试剂盒  Human TLR3 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0928   hTF/F3-ELISA       人组织因子/F3ELISA试剂盒      Human Tissue factor/F3 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0309   mBDNF-ELISA      小鼠脑源性神经生长因子ELISA试剂盒   Mouse BDNF ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0313   mBMP-2-ELISA     小鼠BMP-2ELISA试剂盒    Mouse BMP-2 ELISA Kit      96 tests                 ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

EK0326   mEGF-ELISA 小鼠表皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒       Mouse EGF ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0333   mEPO-ELISA 小鼠促红细胞生成素ELISA试剂盒   Mouse EPO ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0336   mFAS-ELISA  小鼠凋亡相关因子ELISA试剂盒       Mouse FAS ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0351   mFN-ELISA   小鼠胚胎纤维连接蛋白ELISA试剂盒       Mouse Fibronectin ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0361   mG-CSF-ELISA     小鼠粒细胞集落刺激因子ELISA试剂盒   Mouse G-CSF ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0365   mGM-CSF-ELISA  小鼠粒细胞巨噬细胞刺激因子ELISA试剂盒   Mouse GM-CSF ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0371   mICAM-1-ELISA   小鼠细胞间粘附分子ELISA试剂盒   Mouse ICAM-1 ELISA Kit     96 tests                

EK0375   mIFN-γ-ELISA    小鼠IFN-γELISA试剂盒   Mouse IFN-γ ELISA Kit     96 tests                

EK0378   mIGF-1-ELISA      小鼠IGF-1ELISA试剂盒     Mouse IGF-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0381   mIGF-2-ELISA      小鼠IGF-2 ELISA试剂盒    Mouse IGF-2 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0383   mIGFBP-1-ELISA  小鼠IGFBP-1ELISA试剂盒 Mouse IGFBP-1 ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0387   mIGFBP-3-ELISA  小鼠IGFBP-3ELISA试剂盒 Mouse IGFBP-3 ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0391   mIL-1α-ELISA     小鼠IL-1αELISA试剂盒    Mouse IL-1α ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0394   mIL-1α-ELISA     小鼠IL-1αELISA试剂盒    Mouse IL-1α ELISA Kit      96 tests                

4801044  careHBV PCR ASSAY V2             CNY                           

4825014  careHIV-1 RT-PCR ASSAY           CNY                           

4847024  careUU PCR ASSAY V2        CNY                           

130813    NeXtal CubicPhase 2w Mo µplate (2)          CNY                           

130712    NeXtal Tubes MBClass II Suite            CNY                            ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

130701    NeXtal Tubes Classics Suite         CNY                           

4505063  artus HAV LC RT-PCR Kit (24) CE              CNY                           

4506065  artus HBV LC PCR Kit (96) CE            CNY                           

85300     TissueLyser II (100-240 V, 50/60Hz)           CNY                           

81520     Centrifuge 4-16S (220V, 50Hz)            CNY                           

76405     Allprotect Tissue Reagent Kit (100ml)   100 ml Allprotect Tissue Reagent, Allprotect Reagent Pump       CNY                           

74624     RNeasy Protect Cell Mini Kit (50)        CNY                           

28104     QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (50)      For purification of 50 PCR reactions: 50 QIAquick Spin Columns, Buffers, Collection Tubes (2 ml)  CNY                           

28051     MinElute 96 UF PCR Purification Kit (4)      4 MinElute 96 UF PCR Purification Plates    CNY                           

9232730  Tip-removal plate, v1.03              CNY                           

9236433  Internal drawer receptable, TWI          CNY                           

9239137  Foot, tower base, TWII        CNY                           

9239088  User Manual, BioSprint 96            CNY                           

9239071  Valve 3-way, Kloehn             CNY                           

9232631  Bottle, 500-ml, red fitting             CNY                           

9238785  Swing-out rotor  72 x 15 ml complete        CNY                            ER-Hunt Green 货号9548-100

9017095  Probeholder w-drive copper foil BR 8 RD           CNY                           

9232551  Wide-Mouth 60ml Packaging Bottle             CNY                           

9238926  Linear guide, BS15        CNY                           

9238925  Cylinder hinge brass, BS15           CNY                           

9238922  Tip comb holder, BS15         CNY                           

9238908  Heating block assembly, BS96              CNY                           

9238707  Temperature sensor              CNY                           

9232330  Cable, power, dilutor 1-4, BR8000        CNY                           

9232320  Cable set, PS 220V, BR8000         CNY                            





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

