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点击次数:34发布时间:2016/8/23 22:10:50


更新日期:2016/8/23 22:10:50

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402-71-1 英文名称:TPCK 规格:BR,98% 包装:100毫克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物长期经营生化检测试剂盒及抗体(免费代测).分子学生物试剂盒.比色法,IFCC推荐法,化学氧化法,速率法.高效液相色谱法.可见分光光度法.紫外分光光度法.酶标法检测试剂盒等检测试剂盒.诚信经营,价格实惠,服务周到,质量保障!提供各种实验代测服务. Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司全国热线:400-991-0197网址:www.qiyibio.com

"Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711   英文名称:TPCK   规格:BR98%   包装:100毫克      熔点: 106108 °C

储存条件: 28"

EK0544   hVEGFR-ELISA     VEGFR2/KDRELISA试剂盒   Human VEGFR2/KDR ELISA Kit  96 tests                

EK0561   hECad-ELISA 人钙粘附蛋白ELISA试剂盒       Human E-Cadherin ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0563   hCT1-ELISA  人心营养素-1ELISA试剂盒 Human Cardiotrophin-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0573   hCD40L-ELISA     人可溶性CD40LELISA试剂盒   Human soluble CD40L ELISA Kit  96 tests                

EK0575   hEGVEGF-ELISA  人内分泌腺来源的血管内皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒       Human EG-VEGF ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0581   hRes-ELISA   人抵抗素ELISAELISA试剂盒    Human Resistin ELISA Kit     96 tests                 Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711

EK0584   hTNF      TNFβELISA试剂盒       Human TNFβ ELISA Kit     96 tests                

EK0588   hVEGFC-ELISA     VEGF-CELISA试剂盒     Human VEGF-C ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0641   hSurv-ELISA  人生存素ELISA试剂盒       Human Survivin ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0642   hTSP2-ELISA TSP2ELISA试剂盒  Human TSP2 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0644   hCD105-ELISA      CD105ELISA试剂盒       Human CD105 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0658   hAPP-ELISA  APP ELISA试剂盒   Human APP ELISA Kit   96 tests                

EK0663   hBAFF-ELISA       BAFF ELISA试剂盒       Human BAFF ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0667   hPCad-ELISA P-CadherinELISA试剂盒 Human P-Cadherin ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0702   hCD40-ELISA       CD40ELISA试剂盒  Human CD40 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0706   hNCAM-ELISA      CD56/NCAM-1ELISA试剂盒  Human CD56/NCAM-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0744   hcMet-ELISA c-Met/HGFRELISA试剂盒      Human c-Met/HGFR ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0756   hErbB2-ELISA       ErbB-2/Neu2ELISA试剂盒      Human ErbB-2/Neu2 ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0757   hFeuA-ELISA "人胎球蛋白AELISA试剂盒

"      HumanFetuin-A ELISA Kit     96 tests                

EK0770   hHBEGF-ELISA     人肝素结合表皮生长因子ELISA试剂盒   Human HBEGF ELISA Kit     96 tests                

EK0777   hIL6Ra-ELISA       IL-6RaELISA试剂盒      Human IL-6Ra ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0779   hIL7-ELISA    IL-7ELISA试剂盒   Human IL-7 ELISA Kit   96 tests                 Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711

EK0799   hIL27-ELISA  IL-27ELISA试剂盒        Human IL-27 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0807   hCSF1R-ELISA     CSF1R/M-CSFRELISA试剂盒      Human CSF1R/M-CSFR ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0816   hKal3-ELISA  Kallikrein 3ELISA试剂盒 Human Kallikrein 3 ELISA Kit       96 tests                

EK0829   hRANK-ELISA      Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK)ELISA试剂盒   Human Receptor Activator of NF-κB (RANK) ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0850   hMPO-ELISA 人过氧化物酶ELISA试剂盒       Human Myeloperoxidase (MPO) ELISA Kit  96 tests                

EK0859   hPAI1-ELISA  PAI-1ELISA试剂盒  Human PAI-1 ELISA Kit 96 tests                

EK0867   hDKK1-ELISA       DKK-1ELISA试剂盒       Human DKK-1 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0873   hPECAM-ELISA    PECAM-1/CD31ELISA试剂盒       Human PECAM-1/CD31 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0884   hBMP7-ELISA       BMP-7ELISA试剂盒       Human BMP-7 ELISA Kit      96 tests                

EK0895   hp53-ELISA   p53 ELISA试剂盒    Human p53 ELISA Kit    96 tests                

EK0904   hCEA-ELISA  CEAELISA试剂盒    Human CEA ELISA Kit   96 tests                

204643    QuantiTect Multiplex RT-PCR Kit (200)              CNY                           

204574    Rotor-Gene Probe RT-PCR Kit (400)    The Rotor-Gene Probe RT-PCR Kit is dedicated for use with the Rotor-Gene Q cycler, providing ultrafast, highly sensitive quantification in real-time one-step RT-PCR using sequence-specific probes.       CNY                           

204363    QuantiTect Probe PCR + UNG Kit (200)      The supplied, ready-to-use master mix contains HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase, ROX passive reference dye, and a dNTP mix in an optimized buffer. The dNTP mix includes dUTP, allowing optional treatment with UNG. The UNG enzyme is provided separately. For convenience, the master mix can be stored at 2–8°C.      CNY                           

9015350  Board, terminal              CNY                           

9015349  Board, motor controller         CNY                           

9018402  Kit, purge filter, QX              CNY                           

9018389  QIAcube Tip Adapter Ring Replacement Kit        CNY                           

9012283  Power Supply, 6 amp for P 90, (7135)         CNY                           

9012180  Syringe pump inlet tubing             CNY                           

9012034  Base plate, gripper motor, handler, BR80             CNY                           

950254    Wash Reagent (VXW) (650 ml)           CNY                           

950240    Binding Additive (VX) (4.0 g)              CNY                           

38001     ConA Cartridge (1ml)            CNY                           

678291    ipsogen MLL-AF4 e11e5 Standards             CNY                            Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711

678091    ipsogen MLL-AF1p e10e2 Standards           CNY                           

34705     6xHis Protein Ladder     6xHis-tagged marker proteins (lyophilized, for 50-100 lanes on western blots)  CNY                           

33223     Factor Xa Protease (400 Units)     400 units Factor Xa Protease (2 units/ul)     CNY                           

30622     Ni-NTA Superflow Columns (12 x 1.5 ml)   For 12 6xHis-tagged protein preps: 12 polypropylene columns containing 1.5 ml Ni-NTA Superflow    CNY                           

9021359  Rubber (3), spring foot, TLyser LT             CNY                           

9013184  Tubing, retractable tubing, DISU, BR8000          CNY                           

5000-1512      L19 FIRMWARE, DML2              CNY                           

6000-2240E    Rotary Shaker I, 240V          CNY                           

9240988  Solenoide, handler, Qsym             CNY                           

677013    ipsogen NPM1 MutaScreen Kit (24)            CNY                           

676991    ipsogen WT1 ProfileQuant Standards          CNY                           

9011327  Motor,  X, with gearbox + encoder            CNY                           

9011237  Kabel Level Sensor PK80             CNY                           

9011220  Cover, bridge, BR8000          CNY                           

9010982  Shaker unit, 1-plate, color code 9170           CNY                           

158389    Puregene Blood Core Kit C           CNY                            Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-苯丙氨酸氯甲基酮CAS:402711

158222    Gentra Puregene Mouse Tail Kit (100 mg)           CNY                           

150243    REPLI-g FFPE Kit (25)  DNA Polymerase, Buffers, and Reagents for 25 x 50 μl whole genome amplification reactions       CNY                           

133289    NeXtalStock TRIS-HCl pH 8.6 (200)           CNY                           

997199    Starter Pack QIAsymphony AS            CNY                           

337829    qBiomarker SYBR ROX Mastermix 25 ml           CNY                           

� o�/p`��/�an style='                          


291025  mericon GMO Screen 35S-pat  (96)            CNY                          

291013  mericon Screen 35S Kit (24)            CNY                          

9001866       Rotor-Gene Q 5plex (PC) PrioPLUS      "Rotor-Gene Instrument

Installation of Rotor-Gene & Introductory training

Warranty extension to 3 yrs

Loaner available in 2 days*

Annual Inspections (1 onsite PM per yearr)

Priority service provision over non-contract customers

Documented installation & PM report

Unlimited number of repair service

All cost covered (travel, labor, parts)"      CNY                          

9012326       Set Peristaltic Pump Tubing Plato 3000           CNY                          

9012322       Tubing set, peristaltic pump, 1x15 cm              CNY                          

1070195       VacValve Tool (1)        CNY                          

1067933       Buffer RWT (concentrate, 80 ml)             CNY                          

133080  NeXtalStock PEG 20,000 (200)             CNY                          

38071    AIL Cartridge (1ml)            CNY                           Na-对甲苯磺酰-L-赖氨酸氯甲基酮盐酸盐CAS:4272746

38015    #WGA Cartridge (5ml)              CNY                          

204754  QuantiFast Multiplex PCR +R Kit (400)         CNY                           





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

