您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂 > L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859-02-3



点击次数:13发布时间:2016/8/24 21:14:45


更新日期:2016/8/24 21:14:45

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859-02-3 英文名称:L-tert-Leucine 规格:BR,99% 包装:1克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物长期出售上万种进口试剂.对照品.药物杂质.中检所对照品.Sigma西格玛.美国BD.赛默飞thermofisher.日本wako.TCL.默克Merck .美国AMRESCO.Invitrogen.日本荣研化学株式会社.EP(欧洲药典).USP(美国药典).BP(英国药典).加拿大TRC.美国CaTO.标准品.对照品等保证原装产品,原装质量.到货快捷安全,专业的物流配送,专人全程跟踪订单,确保货物安全.准确.及时地送达指定地点. L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023


欢迎咨询电话:021-6034 8467/6034 8496

"L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023   英文名称:LtertLeucine   规格:BR99%   包装:1      熔点: 300°C

比重: 1·038

比旋光度: 9 ° (C=3, H2O)

储存条件: RT,避光"

QY-15902    Anti-MrpL28 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein L28)线粒体核糖体蛋白L28抗体                                         L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023

QY-15912    Anti-MSH-2 (MutS homolog 2)错配修复蛋白2抗体                                        

QY-15922    anti-MLH1(Mutl homolog l gene)错配修复蛋白1抗体                                       

QY-15932    Anti-MSLN (mesothelin)间皮素抗体                                       

QY-15942    anti-MUC5AC/Mucin 5AC(Gastric Mucin M1)胃粘液素抗体                                    

QY-15952    Anti-MTR-1A (Melatonin receptor-1A)褪黑素受体/松果体素受体抗体                                        

QY-15962    Anti-mucin-1/Muc-1/CD227 antigen (Epithelial Membrane Antigen )粘蛋白-1/上皮膜抗原抗体                                        

QY-15972    Anti-MyD88 (myeloid differential protein-88)髓样分化蛋白抗体                                       

QY-15982    Anti-Myelin P0 protein( peripheral myelin prothein Zero;MPZ;MPP)外周髓磷脂P0蛋白/P0蛋白抗体                                   

QY-15992    Anti-Myosin (Smooth Muscle)鼠抗人心肌肌凝蛋白(平滑肌) 单抗                                       

QY-16002    Anti-N-AChR α4 (Nicotinic-Acetylcholine receptor α4)烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体α4抗体                                        

QY-16012    Anti-N-AChR α7 (Nicotinic-Acetylcholine receptor α7)烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体α7抗体                                        

QY-16022    Anti-Nanog胚胎干细胞关键蛋白抗体                                         

QY-16032    anti-Natrexone抗纳曲酮抗体IgG                                    

QY-16042    Anti-NAP1 (nucleosome assembly protein 1)核小体组装蛋白1抗体                                      

QY-16052    Anti-N-cadherinN-钙粘附分子抗体                                        

QY-16062    Anti-N-coR1 Nuclear receptor co-repressor 1)核受体辅助抑制因子抗体                                     L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023

QY-16072    Anti-Nephrin Protein肾病蛋白抗体                                        

QY-16082    Anti-Nestin巢蛋白/神经上皮干细胞蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16092    Anti-Nestin巢蛋白/神经上皮干细胞蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16102    Anti-Neurobeachin protein (AKAP550)蛋白激酶锚定蛋白/激酶固定蛋白抗体                                         

QY-16112     Anti-Neurocan神经粘蛋白抗体                                      

QY-16122    Anti-Neurofascin-155神经束蛋白-155                                   

QY-16132    Anti-NF-HNeurofilament triplet H)高分子量神经丝蛋白抗体                                      

QY-16142    Anti-NFKBp65(p65 NF-kappa B;p65NFKB)细胞核因子/k基因结合核因子抗体                                    

QY-16152    Anti-NF-LNeurofilament triplet L)低分子量神经丝蛋白抗体                                       

QY-16162    Anti-NF-M (Neurofilament triplet M)中分子量神经丝蛋白抗体                                    

QY-16172    Anti-NF-κBp50p50 NF-kappa B;p50NFKB)细胞核因子50/κ基因结合核因子50抗体                                     

QY-16182    Anti-NGF-R/p75NTR/CD271p75 Neurotrophin R)神经生长因子受体抗体                                         

QY-16192    Anti-NGF-β神经生长因子-β抗体                                      

QY-16202    anti-NGN3neurogenin 3; Neurog3)神经元素3抗体                                     

QY-16212    Anti-NGX6 (nasopharyngeal carcinoma/NPC associated gene 6)鼻咽癌细胞相关基因6抗体                                   

QY-16222    Anti-NHE1Na+/H+ Exchanger)钠氢通道蛋白抗体                                       L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023

9001492       EZ1 Advanced XL             CNY                          

9001230       LiquiChip Workstation IS 200          CNY                          

9000852       BioSprint 96         CNY                          

4880004       PG Influenza A RT-PCR Kit (48) LE Z           CNY                          

130908  NeXtal DWBlock Cations Suite        CNY                          

4559265       artus C.trachomatisPlus RG PCR Kit(96)CE          CNY                          

4801014       careHBV PCR ASSAY             CNY                          

4803004       careHBV Mutation PCR ASSAY            CNY                          

9240599       1Brake cylinder, Elevator, AP98              CNY                          

9240582       Filter, Regulator, AP96        CNY                          

9240559       Temp sensor, Cond., Eppendorf, AP196/98           CNY                          

9240556       Shutter Door Assy, Eppendorf, AP196/98              CNY                          

9240538       Cable Assy, SiNug, Mtr-Control, AP96/196          CNY                          

9240537       Controller N2, SiNug, AP96/196             CNY                          

9240505       PC-104, AP196          CNY                           L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023

9240244       Cap, brushes, TR        CNY                          

9240103       Re-Installation, BR MDx DSP   The Re-Installation, BR MDx DSP facilitates quick implementation of system back into lab routine by minimizing instrument set-up phase. It covers hardware and software check of instrument and provides user with operator refesher overview.  Re-installation includes labor and travel costs. Re-installation performance process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document.      CNY                          

9240046       Thermostate unit, 220V, 1.04            CNY                          

9239556       Assy,Kit,Retrofit,LaserDriverBoardUnlim        CNY                          

9020027       Sensor, solenoid, 170mm, EZ1a        CNY                          

9019500       UV light system, CAS         CNY                          

9019499       ReagBlock, 8x1.5ml/2ml/1.5ml Ta/Flat/Ta              CNY                          

9241225       QIAcube, Inspection Service     "The Annual Inspection Service, QIAcube is an on-site equipment service, performed by a QIAGEN service specialist.


All required testing material and certified equipment is provided by the service specialist. During the half day-long procedure, all application-critical modules of the QIAcube are inspected and tested. Performed tests and test results are documented in a Visit Report."     CNY                          

9241218       HC2, Full Agreement, no PM    "Service response time (on-site repair):not applicable

Periodic inspection/maintenance: no, not included

Cost coverage depot repair (parts, labor, packaging, shipping): yes, full coverage


For defect DML, after customer calling QIAGEN technical service hotline before 12 am:


- A special package containing a replacement unit shall be sent to the customer within 2 working days.

- Customer shall send the defect unit to QIAGEN Regional Repair Center following the instructions attached with the packaging.  


For DML owned by customer, QIAGEN Regional Repair Center will send back the repaired original unit to customers within 7-10 working days.


PC, Monitor, Heater, Shaker, Washer, Printer and Votexer:

- A new unit shall be sent to customer within  7-10 working days at no extra cost

- Customer shall send the defect unit to QIAGEN for disposal

- On-site installation of PC and application software is not covered by the agreement"     CNY                          

9241182       Belt, Y, QX          CNY                          

9238820       Rect. carrier for 2 tubes 50 ml           CNY                          

9233269       Motor, X, BR8000             CNY                          

9237165       Power Supply XYP            CNY                          

9233156       Power Cord, USA             CNY                          

9237160       Cover LiquiChip          CNY                          

9237117       Upgrade App., DyeEx 96          CNY                           L-叔亮氨酸CAS:20859023

9237115       Upgrade App., Ni-NTA Beads         CNY                          

9237100       Calibrate BR, on-site          CNY                          

9237091       Training, BR On-site Introductory     The On-Site QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Introductory Training covers up to 16 hours of training time to refresh current users or introduce new users to the QIAGEN BioRobot Systems hardware and QIAsoft Operating System software.  Participants are given an overview of the hardware system and maintenance/troubleshooting procedures before exploring the three software environments of the QIAsoft Operating System.  Each software environment is explained in detail, and users are taken step by step through each section with explanations on how to best adjust or write new protocols for their BioRobot System.  An introduction to teaching new and exisiting slots and racks is followed by writing a new protocol which uses these with the three available pipetting options, pooling, distributing and transfer.  Users are encouraged to write protocols in the proper format creating prompts, flushes, and correct pipetting parameters.  The training concludes asprotocols are tested and run reinforcing concepts and demonstrating success.  CNY                          

9236407       Storage Platform TW I, microplate           CNY                           





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

