您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂 > 钼酸钠CAS:10102-40-6



点击次数:12发布时间:2016/8/27 20:00:15


更新日期:2016/8/27 20:00:15

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:钼酸钠CAS:10102-40-6 英文名称:Sodium molybdate dihydrate 规格:AR,99% 包装:100克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 钼酸钠CAS:10102406齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物专业经营销售通用试剂.分析试剂.标准物质.合成试剂.中间体.催化剂.生化试剂等化学产品,我们致力于以专业化的视角,提供丰富专业产品资料及其相关技术开发资讯,产品内容覆盖分析化学.无机化学.有机化学.生命科学.材料科学等领域.已迅速发展成为国内科学试剂的运营商,是国家重点实验室指定供应商,并与国内多家科研单位紧密合作. 钼酸钠CAS:10102406齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司客服热:400 9910 197/021-6034 8496网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

"钼酸钠CAS:10102406   英文名称:Sodium molybdate dihydrate   规格:AR99%   包装:100      熔点: 100°C

比重: 3·28

储存条件: RT

溶解性: 微溶于水,不熔于丙酮。

用途: 用于制造生物碱、油墨、化肥、钼红颜料和耐晒颜料的沉淀剂、催化剂、钼盐,也可用于制造阻燃剂和无公害型冷水系统的金属抑制剂,还用作镀

敏感性: 易吸潮

介绍: 5%水溶液在25℃时,pH910。比重3·28100℃时失去结晶水而成为无水物。有毒。"

9237135       #Twister I, Full Agreement, no PM    The Full Agreement BR Twister I provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Twister I. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).       CNY                          

9237109       Protocol Dev./Opt., on-site (5-days) The QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Protocol Development/Optimization On-Site Visit includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 5 days by a QIAGEN Instrumentation Service Specialist to write and/or opimize protocols for the BioRobot System. Parts, consumable chemistries, and accessories not included. Custom protocols are the sole responsibility of the customer and neither warrantied nor guaranteed.     CNY                          

9237102       Upgrade, BR plus 2 ext. devices       Upgrade BioRobot with two approved integration devices    CNY                          

9232974       Card, x-main, peristaltic XPUPG             CNY                          

9232972       YZ 96 CPU Board/Driver Unit         CNY                          

9232947       Springcontact, RoboVac, BR8000           CNY                          

9236408       Storage Platform TW I, deep well            CNY                          

9232918       Board, PCON, auto vac, BR8000           CNY                          

9236334       Green LSR           CNY                           【钼酸钠CAS:10102406

9236324       Fan, LiquiChip             CNY                          

9236151       Locator Plate, 96 well,pos 2,BR RP        CNY                          

9230820       Rack for reagents, Universal (zig-zag)             CNY                          

9230718       Predilution-Rack 320x2ml Rose-80         CNY                          

9230365       Cable,Interface,flat,(Syr.)-Incub.-Read.          CNY                          

9021284       Safety lock, waste drawer, v1, Qsym              CNY                          

9238611       Rubber seal, centrifuge motor            CNY                          

9238477       Tubing, OLF pump head, RapidPlate              CNY                          

9238245       Tray for Reaction         CNY                          

9238191       Upgrade App., DirectPrep 96           CNY                          

9237721       EZ1, Full Agreement    The Full Agreement EZ1 provides full service coverage for the BioRobot EZ1. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).      CNY                          

9240676       Bimba Cylinder, Latch Lock, AP98          CNY                          

9240668       Nut, Flangeless,1/4-28, Blue, AP             CNY                          

9240632       Power Supply, 48VDC 4.0 AMP, AP96         CNY                          

9240605       Pressure Gauge, Digital, AP196/98          CNY                          

9240602       Sensor, Sick, Waste Btl. Present, AP              CNY                           【钼酸钠CAS:10102406

9240561       Control Pad, Eppendorf, AP196/98         CNY                          

9240558       Temp sensor, Bowl, Eppendorf, AP196/98            CNY                          

9240540       Right Angle Con., SiNug, Motor, AP96/196           CNY                          

9240535       Motor Assy, SiNug, 23, Pump, AP96/196             CNY                          

9240517       Cable, Dual, USB transition, AP196/98          CNY                          

9240195       Holder, click'n go cassettes, HSPS           CNY                          

9240101       Re-Installation, BR MDx    The Re-Installation, BR MDx facilitates quick implementation of system back into lab routine by minimizing instrument set-up phase. It covers hardware and software check of instrument and provides user with operator refesher overview.  Re-installation includes labor and travel costs. Re-installation performance process is documented on a GMP/GLP-compliant Field Service document. CNY                          

9239856       Pneumatic Cylinder, v2.0           CNY                          

QY-L0749    3,5,6,7,8,3,4-七甲氧基黄酮   5,6,7,8,3,4-heptemthoxyflavone        20mg                   

QY-L0750    漆黄素528-48-3       Fisetin    528-48-3      20mg                   

QY-L0751    芹菜素520-36-5       Apigenin 520-36-5      20mg                   

QY-L0752    肉桂醛104-55-2       Cinnamaldehyde   104-55-2      20mg                   

QY-L0753    肉桂醇104-54-1       Cinnamyl alcohol  104-54-1      20mg                   

QY-L0754    肉桂酸621-82-9       Cinnamic acid      621-82-9      20mg                   

QY-L0755    拟人参皂苷F1169884-00-0   "Pseudoginsenoside F11

"      69884-00-0  20mg                   

QY-L0756    拟人参皂苷RT598474-78-3   Pseudoginsenoside RT5      98474-78-3  20mg                   

QY-L0757    人参皂苷RC11021-14-0 Ginsenoside Rc     11021-14-0  20mg                   

QY-L0758    人参皂苷RD52705-93-8 Ginsenoside Rd    52705-93-8  20mg                   

QY-L0759    人参皂苷Rb141753-43-9       Ginsenoside Rb1        41753-43-9  20mg                   

QY-L0760    人参皂苷Rb211021-13-9       Ginsenoside Rb2  11021-13-9  20mg                   

QY-L0761    人参皂苷Rb368406-26-8       Ginsenoside Rb3  68406-26-8  20mg                   

QY-L0762    人参皂苷Rg1 22427-39-0      Ginsenoside Rg1   22427-39-0       20mg                   

QY-L0763    (S)人参皂苷Rg252286-74-5    Ginsenoside Rg2   52286-74-5  20mg                    【钼酸钠CAS:10102406

QY-L0764    (R)人参皂苷Rg2       (R)-Ginsenoside Rg2        20mg                   

QY-L0765    人参皂苷Rg314197-60-5       Ginsenoside Rg3   14197-60-5  20mg                   

QY-L0766    20(R)人参皂苷Rg3 20(R)Ginsenoside Rg3      20mg                   

QY-L0767    人参皂苷Rh163223-86-9       Ginsenoside Rh1   63223-86-9  20mg                   

QY-L0768    人参皂苷Rh278214-33-2       Ginsenoside Rh2   78214-33-2  20mg                   

QY-L0769    人参皂苷Rh3105558-26-7     Ginsenoside Rh3   105558-26-7       20mg                   

QY-L0770    人参皂苷Re51542-56-4  Ginsenoside Re     51542-56-4  20mg                   

QY-L0771    人参皂苷Rf52286-58-5   Ginsenoside Rf     52286-58-5  20mg                   

QY-L0772    25-羟基原人参二醇  25-OH-PPD        20mg                   

QY-L0773    人参二醇19666-76-3      Panaxadiol     19666-76-3  20mg                   

QY-L0774    人参三醇32791-84-7      Panaxatriol    32791-84-7  20mg                   

QY-L0775    人参皂苷F153963-43-2  Ginsenoside F1     53963-43-2  20mg                   

QY-L0776    人参皂苷F262025-49-4  Ginsenoside F2     62025-49-4  20mg                   

QY-L0777    人参皂苷CK39262-14-1      20(S)-Ginsenoside Ck 39262-14-1        20mg                   

QY-L0778    人参皂苷RO34367-04-9 GinsenosideRo     34367-04-9  20mg                   

QY-L0779    (R)原人参二醇     20(R)Protopanaxdiol        20mg                    【钼酸钠CAS:10102406





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  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

