您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂 > 酸性氧化铝CAS:1344-28-1



点击次数:9发布时间:2016/8/27 23:12:58


更新日期:2016/8/27 23:12:58

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:酸性氧化铝CAS:1344-28-1 英文名称:Activated alumina 规格:FCP,100-200目 包装:500克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490



 酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物您实验的好伙伴为您提供“品质的产品”和“*优质的服务”齐一生物专业代理日本wako品牌试剂、RandoxLife ScienceSantaAbcamSigmaAmrescoQiagenmerke、欢迎广大客户咨询,另有大量宣传海报和小礼品赠送.网站:www.qiyibio.com QQ741653262;电话181214 53965

酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281   英文名称:Activated alumina   规格:FCP100200   包装:500      储存条件: RT

9016147       #App. Package, M48, Genetic Screening        CNY                          

9016145       #App. Package, M48, Inf. Dis. (CD)              CNY                          

9016121       Maintenance Kit, RoboVac, BR8000 II,SBS         CNY                          

9019171       Heating block, PyroQ96MD             CNY                          

9011915       Tubing set,  BR96OO, 1.02            CNY                          

9011892       Tubing, teflon, M6, 2.5 x 0.5 mm, 0.65 m              CNY                          

9011887       Holder, tip rack, front unit          CNY                          

9011881       Front unit, BR9600             CNY                          

9011878       Shaker adapter, microplate Adapter for accommodating four 96-well plates or othe labware with the same base dimensions) on the 4-plate shaker system; not for use with the robotic handling system   CNY                          

9011862       Worktable right, BR8000 v1.01        CNY                          

9019147       IPC Hard Drive - no software, PyroQ96        CNY                          

9019072       PyroMark Plate Hotel, PyroQ96MD              CNY                          

9019062       PyroMark Q24 Software    For use with PyroMark Q24 instrument.Software for setting up a run and analyzing mutations and CpGs    CNY                          

9019000       Cover, rear, EZ1xl              CNY                          

9018998       Cover, front, top, EZ1xl             CNY                           【酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281

9018956       Reagent Block, 24x2ml Flat-Base Tubes         CNY                          

9018945       Adapter QIAGEN BioRobot M48 Tubes              CNY                          

9022706       Clevis Pin, X-pulley, DML3000        CNY                          

9016062       Tubing Set, Wash pump, BR8000 I          CNY                          

9016031       Tubing, retractable, DISU, BR8 RD v2           CNY                          

9015712       DISU Retraction Mechanism BR8,complete           CNY                          

9015654       Communication cable RS485, BR M48          CNY                          

9015594       PM Kit Biorobot EZ1         CNY                          

9019160       Valve - Dispense, PyroQ96MD        CNY                          

9014206       Tubing Set, Waste Sys., BR8 RD             CNY                          

9014139       Sensor; 4l-Bottle; Vac.-Cont.; BR8000           CNY                          

9014118       Tubing, vacuum, textile reinforced, 3m             CNY                          

9014061       Magnet, 96-well, Type A           CNY                          

9021199       Transport Box  PyroMark Q24              CNY                          

9021163       QIAxcel ScreenGel Software            CNY                          

35370    Penta-His Alexa Fluor 647 Conjugate      125 ul Penta-His Alexa Fluor 647 Conjugate, 200 ug/ml       CNY                           【酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281

9018300       EZ1 Advanced Test Card          CNY                          

9018293       EZ1 Advanced DNA Blood Card            CNY                          

QY-06510    Connexin-43(Cx43)间隙连接蛋白43(多肽片断抗原)             0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06520    Connexin-45(CX45)间隙连接蛋白45(抗原)              0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06520    Connexin-45(CX45)缝隙连接蛋白45(抗原)              0.5/6501mg/1100                           

QY-07090    Anti-Collagen II II 型胶原(抗原)            0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-10090    CXCR1 (CXC-chemokine receptor 1)细胞表面趋化因子受体1抗原         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-07320    COX-2 (Prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase-2)前列腺素氧化环化酶2(抗原)         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                           

QY-06970    c-phycocyanin(C-PC)C-藻蓝素(藻蓝蛋白)          0.5mg/1280                      

QY-07430    CTGF (connective tissue growth factor)结缔组织生长因子(多肽抗原)          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-05730    Cyclin E周期素E/原癌基因抗原          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                       【酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281

QY-04970    Dnmt3a(cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 3A)DNA甲基转移酶-3α(抗原)               0.5mg/650                        

QY-01710    Dengue Virus antibody CAS:Envelope protein登革热病毒蛋白(多肽抗原)          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-02820    Cyclin C周期素 C(抗原)         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-07910    CGRP (calcitonin gene related peptide, CGRP)降钙素基因相关肽          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06140    CULLIN (Cdc53/CUL)             0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-04610    CYP450(Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase)细胞色素P450单氧化酶(多肽抗原)           0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-04880    CXorf36(uncharacterized protein Cxorf36 precursor) 脱羧酶蛋白体3 cxorf36抗原          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-03990    Deltex-1(DTX1) (Deltex protein 1)抗原          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-04280    DISC1disrupted in schizophrenia1)(NTDISC1 N端抗原              0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-04300    DISC1disrupted in schizophrenia1(CT)DISC1 C端抗原           0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-04210    DR3/TRAMP (death receptor-3)DR3 死亡受体(抗原)               0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-07140    E7 protein/HPV 16 (Human papillomavirus type 16)人乳头瘤病毒16E7蛋白抗原             0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-01650    EGF-R Epidemal growth factor receptor)表皮生长因子受体(抗原)         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-01650    EGF-R Epidemal growth factor receptor)表皮生长因子受体(抗原)         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06130    Eukaryotic aspartyl protease(Rice)天冬氨酸蛋白酶家族蛋白(水稻蛋白的一种)(抗原)            0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-07110     FAM3B/PANDER(PANcreatic DERived factor)一种新型的胰岛细胞因子(抗原)             0.5mg/6501mg/1100                       【酸性氧化铝CAS:1344281

QY-07880    Fabp2 (fatty acid binding protein 2, intestinal)脂肪酸结合蛋白2(抗原)          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-05000    ECG2 (sophagus cancer-related gene-2)食道癌相关基因(抗原)               0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06660    Fibronectin (FN) 纤维连结蛋白(多肽抗原)               0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-07340    FGF-7/KGF Keratinocyte growth factor precursor)成纤维细胞生长因子-7/纤维母细胞生长因子 (抗原)          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-02300    FGFR(bFGF-R;FGFR-1;FGF receptor-1;c-fgr)碱性成纤维细胞生长因子受体-1(抗原)          0.5mg/6501mg/1100                      

QY-06750    FGFR2Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 2)成纤维细胞生长因子受体2抗原         0.5mg/6501mg/1100                       





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
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  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

