您的位置:易推广 > 化工原料 > 化学试剂 > 生化试剂 > 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司 > 产品展示 > 生化试剂 > 海因CAS:461-72-3



点击次数:6发布时间:2016/8/28 16:46:18


更新日期:2018/4/2 11:33:35

所 在 地:中国大陆


简单介绍:海因CAS:461-72-3 英文名称:Hydantoin 规格:BR,98.5% 包装:100克 齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司销售:021-6034 8496;181214 53965;173021 04490




 海因CAS:461723齐一生物销售:0216034 8496181214 53965173021 04490

齐一生物专业经营销售通用试剂.分析试剂.标准物质.合成试剂.中间体.催化剂.生化试剂等化学产品,我们致力于以专业化的视角,提供丰富专业产品资料及其相关技术开发资讯,产品内容覆盖分析化学.无机化学.有机化学.生命科学.材料科学等领域.已迅速发展成为国内科学试剂的运营商,是国家重点实验室指定供应商,并与国内多家科研单位紧密合作. 海因CAS:461723齐一生物科技(上海)有限公司客服热:400 9910 197/021-6034 8496网站:http://www.qiyibio.com

"海因CAS:461723   英文名称:Hydantoin   规格:BR98.5%   包装:100      熔点: 218223°C

比重: 1·356

储存条件: RT

用途: 应用于化工、医药、纺织、生化等领域。

介绍: 微溶于水,溶于碱性氢氧化钠溶液,溶于碱,微溶于醚。"

9238821       Rect.  carrier for 2 Falcon tubes 50 ml          CNY                          

9019469       COMB CASTING 0.2MM X 52 WELLS            CNY                          

9243649       Acceler. Valid Support, Other Quant. Sys       The QIAGEN Accelerated Validation Support Other Quantification System service includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 5 days by a QIAGEN Applications Specialist.  A QIAGEN specialist will provide hands-on user reaction setup, and best practices.  The Accelerated Validation service includes guidance on the laboratory’s validation experimental design, internal validation documentation support, and QIAGEN sponsored templates.  The QIAGEN Specialist will also aide the customer in running some samples to initiate the validation process.  The customer is responsible for final documentation and report using QIAGEN prepared templates provided with the final product. Enough consumable chemistry and accessories (QIAGEN or other vendors) should be purchased by the customer to cover the validation experimental design and are not included in the cost of validation support. Please indicate which protocols to validate (Plexor HY, Quantifiler Human, Quantifiler Y, Quantifiler Duo)       CNY                          

9233373       Spring, gas-driven, cover, BR8000          CNY                          

9233339       Valve, throttle              CNY                          

9237335       BR MDx, Full Agreement   The Full Agreement MDx provides full service coverage for the BioRobot MDx. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. The agreement also includes one annual preventive maintenance visit, with costs for labor and parts covered. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).      CNY                          

9237148       XYP Fan              CNY                          

9237136       #Twister II, Full Agreement, no PM  The Full Agreement BR Twister II provides full service coverage for the BioRobot Twister II. Costs for service visits are fully covered including travel, labor, and parts. With a Full Agreement, there is a priority response time of 48 hours (2 working days).       CNY                          

9237128       Upgrade App., RNeasy 96, BR8000              CNY                          

9237119       Upgrade App., MagAttract Miniprep              CNY                          

9237105       Protocol Dev./Opt., on-site (1-day)  The QIAGEN BioRobot Systems Protocol Development/Optimization On-Site Visit includes all travel and labor charges for a site visit up to 8 hours by a QIAGEN Instrumentation Service Specialist to write and/or opimize protocols for the BioRobot System. Parts, consumable chemistries, and accessories not included. Custom protocols are the sole responsibility of the customer and neither warrantied nor guaranteed.     CNY                          

9236419       Buzzer, TWI         CNY                          

9236411       Fingers, deepwell, kit, TWI        CNY                          

9232967       Board, X-main adapter, BR8000 v1.00          CNY                          

9232951       Bar code reader adapter Board, E10084        CNY                          

9236360       Syringe Cylinder with Seal  "syringe cylinder and seal for Luminex. We apparently do not sell the seal separate from the cylinder. These items are replaced at annual PM's, but customer's may want to replace them more often and would be responsible for paying for them on their own then.

Source: Glen"       CNY                           【海因CAS:461723

9232920       Card, x-main, PCON, v1.04            CNY                          

9232914       PCB, RS232, X-main         CNY                          

9236349       375mA Fuse sensor distribution Board            CNY                          

9236332       Compressor         CNY                          

9236322       Air Solenoid         CNY                          

9236162       O-Ring, replacement kit, RapidPlate        CNY                          

9236152       Locator Plate, Tips, BR Rapid Plate         CNY                          

9236147       Disposal Chute, side, BR Rapid Plate              CNY                          

9230778       Spritzschutz Waschstation Plato 7            CNY                          

9230776       Scannerdeckel Rose 80             CNY                          

9230405       Pipetting Position Ground Plate         CNY                          

9230189       Safety shield for size 0        CNY                          

9022808       LED Barrel, QXA              CNY                          

9238656       Cable, 50-channel              CNY                          

9238647       Mechanical lock with optic, left         CNY                          

9238631       Keypad, foil         CNY                           【海因CAS:461723

9242083       Insert, 2.0ml v2, samplecarr. (24), Qsym         CNY                          

QYD745       己烯雌酚快速检测试剂盒     96T/   0.02       30min-30min-15min    尿样/组织/饲料        

QYD746       地塞米松快速检测试剂盒     96T/   0.1ppb   30min-30min-15min    禽类组织、饲料             

QYD747       三聚氰胺快速检测试剂盒     96T/   1ppb      30min-15min 乳制品、动物组织、饲料、水产             

QYD748       呋喃西林快速检测卡      50T/   1ppb      5-8min   组织、水产、蜂蜜         

QYD749       呋喃妥因快速检测卡      50T/   1ppb      5-8min   组织、水产、蜂蜜          【海因CAS:461723

QYD750       呋喃唑酮快速检测卡      50T/   0.5ppb   5-8min   组织、水产、蜂蜜         

QYD751       呋喃它酮快速检测卡      50T/   0.5ppb   5-8min   组织、水产、蜂蜜         

QYD752       氯霉素快速检测试剂盒  96T/   0.05ppb 30min-30min-15min    组织、水产、蜂蜜   饲料兽药监察所(畜牧产品安全检测中心)、农产品质量安全检测中心、水产研究所检测中心、水产市场质量安全检测中心、出入境检验检疫局等    

QYD753       恩诺沙星快速检测试剂盒     96T/   0.1ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD754       环丙沙星快速检测试剂盒     96T/   0.1ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD755       喹诺酮类(QNS)快速检测试剂盒   96T/   0.1ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD756       磺胺多残留快速检测试剂盒 96T/   0.5ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD757       磺胺十五合一快速检测试剂盒    96T/   0.5ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD758       磺胺七合一快速检测试剂盒 96T/   0.5ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD759       磺胺三合一检测试剂盒  96T/   0.2ppb   45min-15min 动物、水产组织、蜂蜜        

QYD760       四环素快速检测试剂盒  96T/   0.05ppb 30min-30min-15min    禽类、水产组织、牛奶        

QYD761       链霉素快速检测试剂盒  96T/   0.1ppb   30min-30min-15min    肌肉组织、蜂蜜             

QYD762       喹诺酮快速检测卡   50T/   2ppb      5-8min   组织、水产、蜂蜜         

QYD763       磺胺类快速检测卡   50T/   20ppb    5-8min   组织、蜂蜜、牛奶、尿液、血清             

QYD764       氯霉素检测卡    50T/   0.1ppb   5-8min   蜂蜜、水产、组织         

QYD765       黄曲霉B1快速检测试剂盒   96T/   0.02ppb/0.01ppb 30min-15min 谷物、饲料、牛奶   饲料兽药监察所(畜牧产品安全检测中心)、农产品质量安全检测中心      【海因CAS:461723

QYD766       玉米赤霉烯酮快速检测试剂盒    96T/   0.3ppb   30min-15min 谷物、饲料、牛奶         

QYD767       黄曲霉M1快速检测试剂盒  96T/   0.5ppb   30min-15min 谷物、饲料、牛奶         

QYD768       黄曲霉总量快速检测试剂盒 96T/   0.1ppb/0.02ppb   30min-15min 谷物、饲料       

QYD769       伏马毒素快速检测试剂盒     96T/   0.5ppb   30min-15min 谷物、饲料       

QYD770       赭曲霉毒素A检测试剂盒    96T/   0.1  30min-15min 粮食作物(玉米、大米、豆类、花生、麦类等)、、饲料等          

QYD771       伏马菌素B1检测试剂盒       96T/   10   30min-15min 粮食作物(玉米、大米、豆类、花生、麦类等)、饲料等            

QYD772       伏马菌素B1检测试剂盒       96T/   100 30min-15min 牛奶、奶粉、炼乳等            

QYD773       呕吐毒素快速检测试剂盒     96T/   3ppb      30min-30min-15min    谷物、饲料       

QYD774       黄曲霉B1快速检测卡    50T/   1ppb/2ppb/3ppb  5-8min   谷物、饲料、牛奶         

QYD775       玉米赤霉烯酮快速检测卡     50T/   10ppb/30ppb       5-8min   谷物、饲料、牛奶          





  • 会员类型:免费会员
  • 工商认证: 【已认证】
  • 最后认证时间:
  • 法人:
  • 注册号:
  • 企业类型:生产商
  • 注册资金:人民币500万

