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    • 注册资金:人民币500万 【已认证】
    • 产品数:11132

上海航欧机电设备有限公司 主营产品:传感器,测速电机,接近开关,电子尺,编码器,控制器,分析仪,光纤,光栅,插装阀,报警灯,电缆,拖链,分配器,马达,减速机,继电器,缓冲器进口五金



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品牌名称:$brandModel.Title(进口品牌)型号:德国EES电源 原产地:中国大陆 发布时间:2020/4/4 9:06:13更新时间:2024/10/18 16:00:59


产品完善度: 访问次数:0



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企业类型:经销商 【已认证】

注册资金:人民币500万 【已认证】






 德国EES电源EES变压器EES控制变压器 EES电机滤波单元EES正弦过滤器


Elektra Elektronik GmbH & Co Störcontroller KG


德国EES电源EES变压器EES控制变压器 EES电机滤波单元EES正弦过滤器


EES 1976年在德国的巴克南建立,建立之初,主要生产故障报警器,用于发电和配电设施的监控。








通过数年的发展,EES 已经开发了个不断增长的产品系统,用于检测,处理,运行和故障报警状态的传输。世界是由决定着我们日常生活的复杂过程组成的,这些过程有些可见,有些是不可见的。



这正是EES 建立个标准的意义之所在,他们生产故障指示器,设立远程控制工程,确保重要的和必要的过程信息可靠地传递到正确的领域,快速,准确,目了然。



主要产品如下:Article-No.   Type Description      Variant / Functionality

Simple telecontrol systems

Unidirectional 2-wire transmission system ZS8

92ZS8AGE8DA ZS8A-GE8DA    ZS8A Basic module receiver 8xDO  8 digital outputs

92ZS8AGS8DE ZS8A-GS8DE     ZS8A Basic module transmitter 8xDI       8 digital inputs

92ZS8AEM1AA         ZS8A-EM1AA   ZS8A Expansion module 1xAO 1 analog output 0-20 mA

92ZS8AEM1AE          ZS8A-EM1AE    ZS8A Expansion module 1xAI  1 analog input 0-20 mA

92ZS8AEM8DA         ZS8A-EM8DA   ZS8A Expansion module 8xDO          8 digital outputs

92ZS8AEM8DE         ZS8A-EM8DE   ZS8A Expansion module 8xDI  8 digital inputs

Bidirectional 2-wire transmission system ZS16

92ZS168M0B   ZS16-GM8DE/8DA   ZS16 Master module 8DI/8DO         8 dig outputs 8 dig inputs

92ZS168EAB    ZS16-EM8DE/8DA   ZS16 Expansion module 8DI/8DO    8 dig outputs 8 dig inputs

92ZS164AAB    ZS16-EM 4AA   ZS16 Expansion module 4xAO 4 analog outputs 0-20mA

92ZS164AEB    ZS16-EM 4AE   ZS16 Expansion module 4xAI   4 analog inputs 0-20mA

92ZS16VK1E     ZS16-VBK2        ZS16 Connection cable 20pol. 1xMaster+1xExpansion

92ZS16VK2E     ZS16-VBK3        ZS16 Connection cable 20pol. 1xMaster+2xExpansion

92ZS16VK3E     ZS16-VBK4        ZS16 Connection cable 20pol. 1xMaster+3xExpansion

Standard Indication- and fault annunciating devices for panel mounting

LAB Led Indication module

21KSH1    Klarsichthaube IP65 96-x96mm       Transparent cover IP65 96*96mm

21KST1     Sichttüre IP42 96 x96      Transparent door IP42 96*96mm

21LAB081011  LAB08-1/24      LED-Indication module    f. LAB16-1-/SSM-product family

21LAB0810D2 LAB08-1/48      LED-Indication module    f. LAB16-1-/SSM-product family

21LAB0810E3  LAB08-1/60      LED-Indication module    8 inputs

21LAB0810F5  LAB08-1/110    LED-Indication module    8 inputs

21LAB0810H5 LAB08-1/125    LED-Indication module    8 inputs

21LAB0810J7   LAB08-1/220    LED-Indication module    8 inputs

21LAB0810U7 LAB08-1/230    LED Indication module     8 inputs

21LAB081IMR1        LAB08-1IMR/24       LED-Indication module    8 Inp. NC progr. CR inverted

21LAB081M11          LAB08-1M/24  LED-Indication module    8 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081MD2         LAB08-1M/48  LED-Indication module    8 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081ME3          LAB08-1M/60  LED-Indication module    8 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081MF5 LAB08-1M/110         LED-Indication module    8 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081MJ7 LAB08-1M/220         LED-Indication module    8 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081MR1         LAB08-1MR/24         LED-Indication module    8 inputs NC progr. Collect. RP

21LAB081MRU         LAB08-1MR/230      LED-Indication module    8 inputs NC progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161011  LAB16-1/24      LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610D2 LAB16-1/48      LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610E3  LAB16-1/60      LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610F5  LAB16-1/110    LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610H5 LAB16-1/125    LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610J7   LAB16-1/220    LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB1610U7 LAB16-1/230    LED-Indication module    16 inputs

21LAB161IMR1        LAB16-1IM/24 LED-Indication module    16 inputs NC progr. CR inverted

21LAB161IMRU       LAB16-1IM/230        LED-Indication module    16 inputs NC progr. CR inverted

21LAB161M11          LAB16-1M-24V         LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MD2         LAB16-1M/48  LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161ME3          LAB16-1M/60  LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MF5 LAB16-1M/110         LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MH5         LAB16-1M/125         LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MJ7 LAB16-1M/220         LED-Indication module    16 inputs/ progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MR1         LAB16-1MR/24         LED-Indication module    16 inputs NC progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MRF5       LAB16-1MR/110      LED-Indication module    16 inputs NC progr. Collect. RP

21LAB161MRU         LAB16-1MR/230      LED-Indication module    16 inputs NC progr. Collect. RP

21LAB16CS31  LAB16-mit BUS         LED-Indication module without E/A         ABB-Procontic CS 31

21LAB16MODB        LAB16-mit BUS         LED-Indication module without E/A         Modbus RTU

Standard Fault annunciator SSM-C

55SSM08C111 SSM08C1-24/24       Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       8 digital inputs

55SSM08C153 SSM08C1-48-60/48-60     Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       8 digital inputs

55SSM08C154 SSM08C1-110-220/110    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       8 digital inputs

55SSM08C155 SSM08C1-110-220/220    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       8 digital inputs

55SSM08C15H          SSM08C1-110-220/125    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       8 digital inputs

55SSM16C111 SSM16C1-24/24       Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       16 digital inputs

55SSM16C153 SSM16C1-48-60/48-60     Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       16 digital inputs

55SSM16C154 SSM16C1-110-220/110    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       16 digital inputs

55SSM16C155 SSM16C1-110-220/220    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       16 digital inputs

55SSM16C15H          SSM16C1-110-220/125    Standard fault annunciator 2 Fct. outputs       16 digital inputs

55LSM88C111 LSM8/8C1-24/24      Combined operation fault annunciator   8 + 8 digital inputs

55LSM88C153 LSM8/8C1-48-60/48-60   Combined operation fault annunciator   8 + 8 digital inputs

55LSM88C154 LSM8/8C1-110-220/110  Combined operation fault annunciator   8 + 8 digital inputs

55LSM88C155 LSM8/8C1-110-220/220  Combined operation fault annunciator   8 + 8 digital inputs

55LSM88C15H          LSM8/8C1-110-220/125  Combined operation fault annunciator   8 + 8 digital inputs

Complex Fault annunciator systems for switchboard panel mounting

BSM- Basic fault annunciator

Relaymodule for BSM with CAN-Bus

58MSMRM16100    MSM-RM-16-1-00    Relay module with BSM CAN Bus    16 NO Contacts

58MSMRM16200    MSM-RM-16-2-00    Relay module with BSM CAN Bus    16 NO Contacts

58MSMRM16500    MSM-RM-16-5-00    Relay module with BSM CAN Bus    16 NO Contacts

58MSMTM16100     MSM-TM-16-1-00    Transistor module with BSM CAN Bus    16 Transistor outputs

BSM 2 Generation devices       Please see BSM tab          BSM-C or BSM-P


USM- Basic fault annunciator

USM 2 Generation devices      Please see USM tab


FSM10 Drop flap fault annunciator

58FSM1001110        FSM10--24        Drop flap fault annunciator     10+6 dig. Inputs RS232 CAN DCF

58FSM1004440        FSM10-110       Drop flap fault annunciator     10+6 dig. Inputs RS232 CAN DCF

58FSM1005550        FSM10-220       Drop flap fault annunciator     10+6 dig. Inputs RS232 CAN DCF

58FSM100E330        FSM10-60         Drop flap fault annunciator     10+6 dig. Inputs RS232 CAN DCF

58ZPK2P/PC     FSM/BSM-Serie Programmierkabel          Connection fault annunciator Western 4pol.  with PC(RS232) Sub D 9pol.


Voltage Monitoring Relays

11EUW3000U  EUW3 Spg-Rel. 3-phasig  EUW3 Voltage-Relay. 3-phase          Overvoltage 50-460V


11EUW4000Q  EUW4 Drehstrom-UnterspgWächter      EUW4 3-phase-voltage monitor      Overvoltage 71-105V


11EUW4000U  EUW4 Drehstrom-UnterspgWächter      EUW4 3-phase-voltage monitor      Overvoltage 270-460V AC


11EUW4000U2         EUW4 Drehstrom-UnterspgWächter      EUW4 3-phase-voltage monitor      Overvoltage 160-300V AC


11EUW4SA0S   EUW4 U-Spg.Wächter 3xca.50%Un         EUW4 3-phase-voltage monitor


11EUW4SA1S   EUW4 S1  EUW4 3-phase-voltage monitor      Overvoltage 20...40V AC





