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    • 易推广高级版会员:16
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    • 企业类型:经销商 【已认证】
    • 注册资金:人民币500万 【已认证】
    • 产品数:11132

上海航欧机电设备有限公司 主营产品:传感器,测速电机,接近开关,电子尺,编码器,控制器,分析仪,光纤,光栅,插装阀,报警灯,电缆,拖链,分配器,马达,减速机,继电器,缓冲器进口五金



当前位置: 易推广 > 仪器仪表 > 专用仪器仪表 > 其他专用仪器仪表 > 上海航欧机电设备有限公司 > 产品展示 > 仪器仪表 > ADEL SYSTEM接口



品牌名称:$brandModel.Title(进口品牌)型号:PFAL2410 原产地:中国大陆 发布时间:2020/6/6 7:18:43更新时间:2024/10/18 16:00:59


产品完善度: 访问次数:0



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企业类型:经销商 【已认证】

注册资金:人民币500万 【已认证】









Qualitrol  035-071-01       查询现货         油位计

Wilden      04-1010-55       查询现货         泵膜片(特氟龙)

Wilden      04-1060-51       查询现货         泵膜片(氯丁备隔膜片)

HAMMELMANN       04.02727.0009         查询现货         薄膜

DOMNICK HUNTER DH)     040AA      查询现货         滤芯

DOMNICK HUNTER DH)     040AO      查询现货         滤芯

Elfin 040C0909-7P1C     查询现货         按钮盒

Elfin 040C0926-7EP4        查询现货         按钮盒

BARKADALE     0417-094  8131-PL2-B   查询现货         开关

Qualitrol  042-17-01         查询现货         油流指示器

HENGSTLER     0497621  查询现货         計時器

BARKSDALE      0499-002 查询现货         托架

ETTINGER         05.06.159         查询现货         铜螺柱

ETTINGER         05.43.705        查询现货         铜螺柱M3x5

ETTINGER         05.44.412         查询现货         ETTINGER

ETTINGER         05.49.430         查询现货         ETTINGER

ETTINGER         05.49.625         查询现货         铜螺柱

ETTINGER         05.82.050         查询现货         ETTINGER

ETTINGER         05.83.050         查询现货         隔离套

ETTINGER         05.83.065         查询现货         隔离衬套3,4 x 6 x 6,5 mm

ETTINGER         05.84.040         查询现货         隔离袖套

ETTINGER         05.84.090         查询现货         隔离套

HEADLINE        050-11-A  查询现货         滤芯

wera         05008706001PH0*100MM     查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05008712001(PH1*200MM)   查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05008735001(PH2*300MM)   查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05008735001PH3*150MM     查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05008740001PH4*200MM     查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         0505127200190mm         查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05059766001PH1*152MM     查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05059786001(PH2*152MM)   查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05059802001PH3*152MM     查询现货         螺丝刀

wera         05073403001  查询现货         /消磁器

Norelem  05080-011        查询现货         挂钩夹钳

Elfin 050ASL     查询现货        

Elfin 050ASL3   查询现货         开关

Elfin 050ASL500FI01         查询现货         闪光安装置

Elfin 050DSL     查询现货         闪光安装置

Elfin 050DSL     查询现货         闪光安装置

Elfin 050F02     查询现货         ELFIN

Elfin 050F11     查询现货         门限开关

Elfin 050FC3C  查询现货         开关

Elfin 050FI01    查询现货         开关

Elfin 050FI10    查询现货         开关

Elfin 050KFM   查询现货         Elfin

Elfin 050PE13  查询现货        

Elfin 050PE136C       查询现货        

Elfin 050PE13C         查询现货        

Elfin 050PE8   查询现货         开关

Elfin 050PEL3C         查询现货         ELFIN

Elfin 050PEL3C-24   查询现货         ELFIN

Elfin 050PVDE 查询现货         ELFIN

Elfin 050S003   查询现货         开关

GLACIER  0510DU   查询现货         衬套

wera         05134001001  查询现货         工具挂板

SAMSON  0520-0499  700cm2       查询现货         自控阀隔膜

HENGSTLER     0522070  查询现货         编码器

Norelem  05280-01 查询现货         保护帽

HENGSTLER     0532496  查询现货         编码器

OILCONTROL   054201100420000  查询现货         溢流阀

OILCONTROL   05422510043500A R1/3 查询现货         液压阀

NASS MAGNET         0554 001-00/7090 AC110V/50HZ    查询现货         电磁线圈

Norelem  05650-050041 查询现货         压钳

HENGSTLER     0565276  查询现货         编码器

LEGRAND         05808       查询现货         熔断丝

WORCESTER    05BAT13-6666TTBWG     查询现货         换向阀

FPZ   06 W 200 230/400-50 IP55 L50       查询现货         风机

SPECK       06.0107   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.0253   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.0288   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.0738   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.0749   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.1200   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.1225   查询现货         密封圈

SPECK       06.1321   查询现货         密封圈

HONEYWELL    060-6827-04    查询现货         放大器

Norelem  06010-208       查询现货         滚花螺母

GLACIER  0608DU   查询现货         衬套

Elfin 060EPV    查询现货         按钮上盖

Elfin 060PMG  查询现货         Elfin

Elfin 060SFP     查询现货         WALL BRACKET

GLACIER  0610DU   查询现货         衬套

Norelem  06160-410        查询现货         把手

Norelem  06160-416        查询现货         螺母(十字槽)

HUMPHREY     062-4E1-39       查询现货         电磁阀

Norelem  06212-408x30 查询现货         螺钉

Norelem  06240-308        查询现货         不锈钢蘑菇头按钮

Aignep      06300 3/8-3/8 查询现货         球阀

Norelem  06443-1061X20        查询现货         锁紧把手

HYDAC     0660 D 005 BH4HC 查询现货         滤芯

HYDAC     0660 D 005 ON         查询现货         滤芯


ADEL system工厂上海航欧中国区


意大利ADEL SYSTEM开关电源SCE12ADELSYSTEM电源、ADELSYSTEM开关电源、ADEL SYSTEMADEL SYSTEM电源供应器、ADELSYSTEM模块、ADEL SYSTEM接口上海航欧机电设备有限公司专业从事进口机电设备、仪器仪表等疑难备品备件的销售,是经营世界各地进口设备机电配件的现代化企业。




优势进口产品主要有:传感器,测速电机,接近开关,电子尺,编码器,控制器、分析仪,光纤,光栅,插装阀,电缆,拖链,分配器,马达,减速机,继电器、缓冲器和进口五金ADELSYSTEM开关电源、ADEL SYSTEM ADEL SYSTEM电源供应器、 ADELSYSTEM模块、 ADEL SYSTEM接口




Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                           


DFX1512A         Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 1A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D/P

DFX4512A         Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 3A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D/P

DFX6012A         Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 6A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D/P


DFX1524A         Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 0.5A Input: 115 - 230 Vac D/P

DFX4524A         Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 1.75A Input: 115 - 230 Vac        D/P

DFX6024A         Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 3A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D/P



Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                           


FLEX6005A       Switching Power supply Output: 5Vdc 5A Input: 115 - 230 Vac       D

Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                           

FLEX6012A       Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 6A Input: 230 Vac      D

FLEX17012A     Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 14A Input: 230 Vac    D

FLEX28012A     Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 20A Input: 230 Vac    D

Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                           

FLEX6024A       Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 3A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D

FLEX9024A       Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 5A Input: 115 - 230 Vac     D

FLEX17024A     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 7,5A Input: 115 - 230 Vac D

FLEX28024A     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 14A Input: 115 - 230 Vac   D

FLEX50024A     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 25A Input: 115 - 230 Vac   D

Switching power supplies - Input 230-400–500 Vac 2 and 3 Phase                 

FLEX9024B       Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 5A (2 Phase)      D

FLEX17024B     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 7,5A (2 Phase)   D

FLEX28024B     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 14A (2 Phase)    D

FLEX50024B     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 25A (3 Phase)    D

Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                             

FLEX17048A     Switching Power supply Output: 48Vdc 3,8 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          D

FLEX28048A     Switching Power supply Output: 48Vdc 7,5 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          D

FLEX50048A     Switching Power supply Output: 48Vdc 12,5 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac       D



Switching power supplies - Input 400–480 Vac 3-Phase         


PST2440B         Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 40A    D

"PST series" Switching power supplies - Input 400–480 Vac 3-Phase (Driver Applications)           

PST4810B         Switching Power supply Output: 48Vdc 10A - 35A max. D



AC / DC and DC / DC Converters "Not Isolated" - Low Voltage Input AC or DC 24 V          

Input: 24V                 

SW053LC Switching Power supply Output: 5Vdc 3 A       D


SW103LC Switching Power supply Output: 10Vdc 3 A     D


SW125HP          Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 5 A     D


SW243LC Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 3 A     D

SW245HP          Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 5 A     D

SW247HP          Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 7 A     D

Input: 48V                 

SW245HP/48    Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 3A - Input 48Vdc        D



AC/Dc and DC/DC Converters "Not Isolated"- Low Voltage Input Ac or DC- Adjustable output Vdc +/-10%                  

Input: 24V                 

PFAL2410 Switching Power supply Output:24Vdc 10A     D

PFAL2420 Switching Power supply Output:24Vdc 20A     D

Input: 48V                 

PFAL2420/48    Switching Power supply Output:24Vdc 15A - Input 48Vdc       D

Input 6-28Vac/8-39Vdc            

PFALVP3   Vout Adjustable from 1.25 - 27 Vdc 2 A      D



Switching power supplies - Input 115–230 Vac                                                           


SCM4012A       Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 3.5 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P

SCM7512A       Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 6.3 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P

SCM10012A     Switching Power supply Output: 12Vdc 8.5 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P


SCM4024A       Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 1.8 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P

SCM7524A       Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 3.2 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P

SCM10024A     Switching Power supply Output: 24Vdc 4.5 A Input: 115 - 230 Vac          P


Product group 2       DC / DC Converter 



STEP-UP DC/DC Converters "Not Isolated"- Low Input Vdc- Adjustable output Vdc +/-10%          

Input: 12V                 

SUP3-1224        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 12V out. 24V 3A       D

SUP6-1224        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 12V out. 24V 6A       D

Input: 12V                 

SUP3-1230        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 12V out. 30V 3A       D

Input: 12V                 

SUP3-1240        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 12V out. 40V 3A       D

Input: 24V                 

SUP3-2448        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 24V out. 48V 3A       D

SUP6-2448        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 24V out. 48V 6A       D

Input: 24V                 

SUP3-2460        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 24V out. 60V 2,5A   D

SUP6-2460        STEP-UP Dc/Dc ing. 24V out. 60V 6A       D


SUP ISO           

DC/DC Converters "Isolated"- Low Voltage Input DC to DC - Adjustable output Vdc +/-10%                 

Input 12Vdc              

SUP30-12/24    Switching Power supply Input 10 - 18 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 1.3 A       P

SUP50-12/12    Dc/Dc Converter Input 10 - 15 Vdc Output: 12 Vdc 4.2 A (Isolated) P

SUP50-12/24    Switching Power supply Input 10 - 18 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 2.1 A       P

Input 24Vdc              

SUP30-24/24    Switching Power supply Input 18 - 36 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 1.3 A       P

SUP50-24/24    Switching Power supply Input 10 - 18 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 2.1 A       P

SUP70-24/24    Switching Power supply Input 18 - 36 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 3 A P

SUP100-24/24 Switching Power supply Input 18 - 36 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 4.2 A       P

SUP200-24/24 Switching Power supply Input 18 - 36 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 8.4 A       P

Input 48Vdc              

SUP30-48/24    Switching Power supply Input 36 - 72 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 1.3 A       P

SUP70-48/24    Switching Power supply Input 36- 72 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 3 A   P

SUP150-48/24 Switching Power supply Input 36 - 72 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 6.3 A       P

SUP200-48/24 Switching Power supply Input 36 - 72 Vdc Output: 24 Vdc 8.4 A       P

SUP200-48/12 Switching Power supply Input 36 - 72  Vdc Output: 12 Vdc  16.7 A        P

DINSUP    Support for Din Rail "SUP Line"        D


Product group 3       DC-UPS         



DC-UPS - ALL IN ONE = Battery Charger + Continuity BackUp Module + Power Supply in one unit               

Input 115-230-270 Vac                                                       

CBI123A DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation D

CBI123A-NiCd DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac, NiCd battery enabled, no Temperature Compensation     D

CBI126A DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 6A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation D

CBI126A-NiCd DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 6A In 115-230-270 Vac, NiCd battery enabled, no Temperature Compensation     D

CBI1210A         DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation         D

CBI1210A-NiCd        DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac, NiCd battery enabled, no Temperature Compensation D

CBI1235A         DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 35A In 115-230-270 Vac - MODbus connection        D

CBI1235AP       DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 35A In 115-230-270 Vac (parallel connection enabled)    D

CBI1235AR       DC-UPS Out 12 Vdc 35A In 115-230-270 Vac - (Battery charging redundancy, MR220 module required)       D

Input 115–230-270 Vac                                                      

CBI243A DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation D

CBI243A-NiCd DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac, NiCd battery enabled, no Temperature Compensation     D

CBI245A DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation D

CBI245ATB       DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temperature Compensation, Time Buffering 5'     D

CBI245ATB1     DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac, no NiCd battery, with Temp. Compensation, Time Buffering 0.5 min in Low batt; UPS Enabling   D

CBI245A-NiCd DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac, NiCd battery enabled, no Temperature Compensation     D

CBI2410A         DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac-No Battery start-up,No NiCd battery,Yes Temperature compensation   D

CBI2410ATB     DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac-No Battery start-up,No NiCd battery,Yes Temperature compensation,Time Buffering 5'      D

CBI2410A-NiCd        DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac-No Battery start-up,Yes NiCd battery,No Temperature compensation         D

CBI2410A/S      DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac-Yes Battery start-up,No NiCd battery,Yes Temperature compensation D

CBI2420A         DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 20A In 115-230-270 Vac - MODbus connection        D

CBI2420AP       DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 20A In 115-230-270 Vac (parallel connection enabled)    D

CBI2420AR       DC-UPS Out 24 Vdc 20A In 115-230-270 Vac - (Battery charging redundancy, MR220 module required)       D

Input 115–230-270 Vac                                                      

CBI485A DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac-No Battery start-up,No NiCd battery,Yes Temperature compensation      D

CBI485A-NiCd DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac-No Battery start-up, Yes NiCd battery,NoTemperature compensation     D

CBI485A/S        DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac -Yes Battery start-up,No NiCD battery,Yes Temperature compensation   D

CBI4810A         DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac - MODbus connection        D

CBI4810AP       DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac (parallel connection enabled)    D

CBI4810AR       DC-UPS Out 48 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac - (Battery charging redundancy, MR220 module required)       D

Input 115–230-270 Vac                                                     

CBI2801224A DC UPS Out 12-24 Vdc(selectable)280W In:115-230-277Vac Modbus    D

Input 230 - 400 - 500 Vac                                                             

CBI2801224B DC UPS Out 12-24 Vdc(selectable)280W In:230-400-500Vac Modbus    D


Accessories for CBI         

RTCONN Connector for position 5 (Start from battery) with Two Wires (2 m)      

RJTEMP451      Temperature compensation probe with connector 1m (For all CBI models except for CBI280)    

RJTEMP453      Temperature compensation probe with connector 3m (For all CBI models except for CBI280)    

RJTEMP111      Temperature compensation probe with RJ11 connector 1m (Specific for CBI2801224A and B)   

RJTEMP113      Temperature compensation probe with RJ11 connector 3m (Specific for CBI2801224A and B)   

ERJ.CBI.004     Paralleling Cable Connector RJ45/RJ45 1m (Suitable for CBI1235A,2420A,4810A and for Modbus connection on CBI280)   


Demo Kit                                       

CBI demo Kit    Demonstrative panel composed of CBI1210A and Batt1.2 for Show room   


Input 400 Vac                                                           

UPS2410B         DC-UPS, 400Vac in, 10A 24 Vdc out        D

UPS2410B/RS DC-UPS, 400Vac in, 10A 24 Vdc out - RS232    D



Switching power supplies and Battery Charger - Input 115–230 Vac                                                        


PSM123A Out Load 13.8 V 3A; Battery 13.3; 0.1A       D


PSM241A Out Load 24 V 1.5 A; Battery 27 V ; 0.1A D



Switching power supplies and Battery Charger - Input 115–230 Vac                                           


UPL5512A         Out Load 13.8 V 4 A; Battery 13.4 ; 0.23A   D

UPL10012A      Out Load 13.8 V 6A; Battery 13.3; 0.5A       D


UPL5524A         Out Load 27.6 V; 2A; Battery 26.5; 0.16A        D

UPL10024A      Out Load 27.6 V 3A; 27.V; 0.5A        D


Product group 4       Battery Charger      



CB - Battery chargers. They Test and Recharge the battery Input 115–230-270 Vac                


CB123A    Battery Charger 3 Level Out 12 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac   D

CB123A/48       Battery Charger 3 Level Out 12 Vdc 3A In 48 Vdc D

CB1210A Battery Charger 3 Level Out 12 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac D

CB1235A Battery Charger 3 Level Out 12 Vdc 35A In 115-230-270 Vac D


CB243A    Battery Charger 3 Level Out 24 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac   D

CB245A    Battery Charger 3 Level Out 24 Vdc 5A In 115-230-270 Vac   D

CB2410AC        Battery Charger 3 Level Out 24 Vdc 10A In 115-230-270 Vac D

CB2420A Battery Charger 3 Level Out 24 Vdc 20A In 115-230-270 Vac D

CB363A    Battery Charger 3 Level Out 36 Vdc 3A In 115-230-270 Vac   D


CB12245A        Battery Charger 4 Level Out 12-24 Vdc(selectable)120W In:115-230-277Vac        D


Product group 5       Battery Bank  



Enclosure + Battery                  


BATT 123 12 Vdc Battery 3.2Ah ( N.1 battery+Battery Chest)        P

BATT 123DIN   12 Vdc Battery 3.2Ah ( N.1 battery+Battery Chest) with DIN clip D

BATT 127 12 Vdc Battery 7.2Ah ( N.1 battery+Battery Chest)        P

BATT 127DIN   12 Vdc Battery 7.2Ah ( N.1 battery+Battery Chest) with DIN clip D


BATT 1.2Ah      24 Vdc Battery 1.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest)     P

BATT 1.2AhDIN        24 Vdc Battery 1.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest) with DIN clip        D

BATT 3.2Ah      24 Vdc Battery 3.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest)     P

BATT 3.2AhDIN        24 Vdc Battery 3.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest) with DIN clip        D

BATT 7.2Ah      24 Vdc Battery 7.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest)     P

BATT 7.2AhDIN        24 Vdc Battery 7.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Chest) with DIN clip        D


BATTHOLDER123     Battery chest for battery 12V/3.2Ah - without battery P

BATTHOLDER123DIN       Battery chest for battery 12V/3.2Ah - without battery with DIN clip     D

BATTHOLDER127     Battery chest for battery 12V/7.2Ah - without battery P

BATTHOLDER127DIN       Battery chest for battery 12V/7.2Ah - without battery with DIN clip     D

BATTHOLDER1212 Battery chest for battery 12V/12Ah - without battery   P


Small VRLA              

Enclosure + Battery                  


BAT1.2VRLA     24 Vdc Battery 1.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Enclosure) DIN & Wall mount         D/P

BAT3.4VRLA     24 Vdc Battery 3.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Enclosure) DIN & Wall mount         D/P

BAT7.2VRLA     24 Vdc Battery 7.2Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Enclosure) DIN & Wall mount         D/P

BAT12VRLA      24 Vdc Battery 12Ah ( N.2 batteries+Battery Enclosure) Wall mount    P


BTH1.2VRLA    24 Vdc Battery Enclosure for N.2 batteries 12V/1.2Ah - without battery, DIN & Wall mount        D/P

BTH3.4VRLA    24 Vdc Battery Enclosure for N.2 batteries 12V/3.4Ah - without battery, DIN & Wall mount        D/P

BTH7.2VRLA    24 Vdc Battery Enclosure for N.2 batteries 12V/7.2Ah - without battery, DIN & Wall mount        D/P

BTH12VRLA     24 Vdc Battery Enclosure for N.2 batteries 12V/12Ah - without battery, Wall mount   P




SFP544     Panel for EN54.4 field. Can contain batteries VRLA from 1.2 up to 18Ah and all range of DC UPS "CBI"       P


Product group 6       Interfaces        




MR220     Decoupling Module  In - Out  10 - 60 Vdc 25A        D


Product group 7       Multimediality


Power Bus                

PBI122     Gate Way (Web Server for connection to Modbus ADEL system)   D/P




