第 十 九 届 中 国 全 电 展
The 1 9th China Int ernational Electric P ower& Electric Engineering and Smar
2019年4月21日-23日 | 上海新博览中心21-23
April 2019 | Shanghai New International Expo Center
地点:上海新博览中心 主
办单位 Hosted by:
中国电器工业协会 China Electrical Equipment IndustryAssociation
中国电工技术学会 China Electrotechnical Society
承办单位 Organized by:
隆高展览(上海)有限公司 Ronco Expo (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
由中国电器工业协会、中国电工技术学会、中国内燃机工业协会、上海电器行业协会、上海德瑞展览策划有限公司主办,隆高展览(上海)有限公司承办的“EPOWER2018第18届中国全电展”于2018年5月3日在上海新博览中心隆重开幕,展会为期三天。全电展依托十余载成功运营经验为托,链接发电行业上下游,吸引了来自45个国家及地区的1043家中外展商参展,展出面积达到46500平方米,三天的展期共接待来自全球45个国家和地区的观众27662人,其中国外观众2640人,参观入场总人次达到69976人次。Hosted by China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association,Chinese Electrotechnical Society, China Internal Combustion Engine Industry Association, Shanghai Electrical IndustryAssociation and Shanghai Deray Exhibition Planning Co., Ltd., and organized by Ronco Expo (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the18th China EPOWER exhibition was grandly held on May 3-5, 2018 at Shanghai New International Expo Center.Relying on over ten years successful operation experience, EPOWER exhibition linked the upstream and downstreampower generation industry, it attracted 1,043 domestic and overseas industry leading enterprises from 45 countries andregions, and exhibition area exceeded 46,500 square meters. During the three-day exhibition period, it totally received27,662 visitors from 45 countries and regions around the world, which included 2,640 foreign visitors, and the totalperson-time was 69,976.
“EPOWER中国全电展”展品囊括发电、变电、输配电、分布式能源、终端应用、风能、数据中心等设备与技术,通过展区的优化设置将“电能生产、输配电、智能应用”有效地统一起来,更好地联通了上下游产业链和市场,为来自世界各地的行业用户提供一个集采购、考察、交流于一体的平台。Exhibits of China EPOWER included power generation, power transformation, power transmission and distribution,distributed energy, terminal application, wind energy, and data center equipments and technology. Through the optimizationof exhibition area, "generation of electrical energy, power transmission and distribution, and intelligent application " hasunified effectively, and better linked the upstream and downstream industry chain and market, provided a procurement,inspection, and communication platform to industry users from all over the world.
东芝三菱,万马股份,西门子,江苏亚威,泰豪电力,易事特,正尔科技,许继晶锐,卓聪,南京电气,长虹集团,罗达莱克斯,爱博精电,上海神洁,浙江远亚,浙江天铂,顶威,上海热像、KEPCO、linkK、FLOW OIL、Abloy、上海钱锐、以色列ELSPEC、上海上器、康明斯、卡特彼勒、科勒电力、瓦锡兰、三菱、沃尔沃遍达、雅柯斯电力、珀金斯、美奥迪、曼恩、泰豪、博威、开普、首帆、潍柴、玉柴、菱重、威尔信、萨瓦尼、科克、华丰动力、康沃动力、上柴等企业参展,为现场观众带来了新产品和服务。Toshiba Mitsubishi,Zhejiang Wanma, Siemens,Jiangsu Yawei,Tellhow Smart Power,East Grouo,Zhenger,XJ Jingrui,NanjingElectric,Changhong Plastics Group,ROTAREX,Firetec,Accuenergy,Shenjie Environmental,Zhejiang Yuanya,HangzhouTianbo,KEPCO,LINKK,FLOW OIL,Abloy,RongQin Bus,ELSPEC,Shanghai Electric,Cummins,Caterpillar,KohlerPower,Wartsila,Mitsubishi,Volvo Penta,Aksa Power,Perkins,Mecc Alte,MAN,Pauway Power,Wuxi Kipor,MpmcGroup,Weichai Power,Guangxi Yuchai,FG Wilson,Sanvani,Googol,Power HF,Kangwo Power,Shanghai Diesel and othercompanies exhibited, and brought the latest products and services to visitors.
Industry bigwigs ignite the intelligent engine and trigger new driving forces of enterprise development
As one of the important activities at the exhibition, the evnet organizer invited professor Ma Zhao, the specially invited expert of state “TheRecruitment Program of Global Experts”, Smart Distribution Automation Chief expert of China Electric Power Research Institute, speciallyinvited expert of state “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts”, professor Zeng Pingliang of Hanzhou Electronic Science andTechnology University, the specially invited expert of state “The Recruitment Program of Global Experts” and some other experts to bepresent at Electric Power & Electric Engineering Equipment Forum, and delivered keynote speech on new energy application,the forumgathered many industry leaders, technical experts, terminal business users, insiders, investment institutions, distributors, and mediaagencies, built a production, study and research communication platform, developed comprehensive exchanges around hot topics in theindustry, and established business cooperation and docking opportunity. The 8th China Data Center Industry Development Conference andbranch meetings, Distributed Energy and Energy Storage Forum, and the 3rd Non-road Ignition Generator Set Conference held at thesame time was also unusually brilliant.
A series of activities before exhibition, improve the visitingenthusiasm of Chinese and foreign businessmen
In order to build an industry one-stop trade, exchange and display platform of"competitiveness, influence and authority" power energy, China EPOWERexhibition has worked hard to develop the " application client". Through a year,the organizer has carried out 20 roadshows in 13 cities around the world, andgot more than 40 industry associations and industry alliances vigorouslysupport and positive response from the united Arab emirates, Indonesia, SouthAfrica, Thailand, Russia, Iran, India, Bangladesh, Argentina, Pakistan and othercountries along the " The Belt and Road " and China.In the face of the change of industry development environment, and specialcharacteristic opportunities and challenges, the only way to realize the hard change was adhering to the spirit of enterprising, positiveattitude and the development of innovative ideas, involving in the development of structural optimization, change of the pattern of economicdevelopment and developing management practice of power conversion. China EPOWER will walk with you all the way.
地 址:上海市闵行区联航路1188号浦江智谷2号楼3楼B座
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联系人:闫树青 158 2145 7585(手机/微信)
邮 箱:shpdyan@126.com