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上海佳富利传感器系统有限公司 公司和产品简介

上海佳富利传感器系统有限公司代理销售各国气体传感器、便携式气体检测仪及混凝土无损检测仪器(NDT)。包括英国ZELLWEGER(Impluse XP, Impact Pro)、NEOTRONICS、CITY TECHNOLOGY、KOLECTRIC( MC-1000、INDY- K8)、PPM TECHNOLOGY、美国JAMES、HUMBOLTD、瑞士PROCEQ、丹麦GERMANN、韩国OTRON (SGS801可燃元件)、瑞士MEMBRAPOR(Gas sensors)。除此之外,公司采用进口机芯、组装和制造各种气体传感器(4~20mA或RS485输出)、WB5危险气体集中报警仪,漏氯报警仪、硫化氢泄漏报警仪等监控系统及检测天然气;工业用传感器包括:一氧化碳传感器(CO)、可燃气体传感器 (Flammable),高浓度可燃气体(100%VOL)、氧气传感器 (O2)、硫化氢传感器 (H2S)、氢气传感器 (H2)、氯气传感器 (CL2)、氯化氢传感器 (HCL)、二氧化硫传感器(SO2)、甲醛(CH2O)、氨气传感器(NH3)等传感器。〈EM〉〈FONT color=#000000〉电化学〈/FONT〉〈/EM〉〈FONT color=#000000〉〈EM〉4~20mA电路板(变送器模块),可配各种毒气(电化学)及可燃气体元件。〈/EM〉〈/FONT〉
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〈DIV id=Layer3 style=”Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 105px; WIDTH: 625px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 398px; HEIGHT: 268px”〉
〈P class=main1〉    公司成立于九十年代初,是一家合资的技术型专业公司, 隶属于煤炭科学研究总院上海分院。代理销售国外多个著名公司的各种气体传感器、检测仪和混凝土、水泥、沥青和土工方面的试验检测仪器和设备。用于房屋建筑、道路和桥梁方面的数显回弹仪( Digital Rebound Hammer )、钢筋定位仪(MC-1000,MC8020, MC8010)、超声波检测仪( Ultrasonics )、钢筋锈蚀测量仪( Gecor 8 )、混凝土雷达( Datacan MK II ) 等无损检测仪器。〈/P〉〈/DIV〉
〈P class=main1〉公司曾为国内各部委、科研院所、高等院校、大型企业集团、各省市建设工程质量监督站提供了高质量的检测仪器和设备,供科研、教学、生产使用。如:国家建筑工程质量检验中心、大庆油田、上海宝山钢铁集团、同济大学、河海大学、冶金建筑研究总院、石油天然气研究设计院,北京市和上海市的建筑工程质量监督总站等多家著名企业事业单位。由于我们合理的价格和良好的服务,在历次世界银行、亚洲银行贷款的项目招标中,我公司代理的仪器多次中标。〈/P〉
〈P class=main1 align=justify〉〈FONT color=#cccc33〉 〈FONT color=#003333 size=3〉Shanghai Gainforce Sensors & Systems Co., Ltd established in the early 1990. The company is engaged in manufacturing and sales of gas monitoring systems, and also acts as the distributors of many overseas companies. Our company is engaged in sales and manufacture toxic gas monitoring, and as distributor, distribute and sell gas sensors and instruments, such as the companies, City Technology, Zellweger Analytic, Neotronics, Membrapor ect.. 〈/FONT〉〈/FONT〉〈/P〉
〈P class=main1 align=justify〉〈FONT color=#003333 size=3〉〈BR〉WB5 Fixed Monitoring Alarm System are capable to used in the industrial field for the preservation of life and property, the monitoring systems are capable to monitoring multi-point system configuration (1-5 fixed gas monitors) and can transmit a 4-20mA signal or RS485 digital output to any control device or PLC. The monitor has the added ability of stand-alone operation, activating alarms or fans and can also shut down a system.. It can test the gas as follows:〈BR〉Combustible gase Detector(SG02); Oxygen Detector(SG13-O2); Sulfur Dioxide Detector(GS23-SO2); Hydrogen Detector(SG33-H2); Carbon Monoxide Detector(SG43-CO); Chlorine Detector(SG53-CL2); SG63(:H2S); Hydrogen Sulfide Detector(SG73-H2S);(Hydrogen Chloride Detector(SG63-HCL); Nitric Oxide Detector(SG83-NO); Nitrogen Dioxide Detector(SG93-NO2); Ammonia Detector(SG104-NH3)〈/FONT〉〈/P〉
〈P align=justify〉〈FONT color=#003333 size=3〉As distributors of many overseas companies, such as James, Kolectric, Proceq etc.. Company is also engaged in sales of non-destructive testing equipments (concrete, cement, aspha〈/FONT〉〈FONT color=#003333 size=3〉lt and soil) for years. 〈/FONT〉〈/P〉

