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辐射仪Radiation MeterpalmRAD 907

辐射仪Radiation Meter

  • 价 格: 电议
  • 型号:palmRAD 907
  • 生 产 地:美洲
  • 访问:235次
  • 发布日期:2011/3/17(更新日期:2017/8/25)


  • 提示:如果您未采购满意的产品,请在网页头部搜索更优质的产品

The Huaruison Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.,s palmRAD 907 is an easy-to-use, portable radiation meter

designed to accurately detect and measure levels of

radioactivity for a multitude of health and safety applications
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palmRAD 907 辐射仪Nuclear Radiation Meter



The Huaruison Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.,s palmRAD 907 is an easy-to-use, portable radiation meter

designed to accurately detect and measure levels of

radioactivity for a multitude of health and safety applications.

Lightweight and compact in design, the palmRAD 907 is

capable of detecting and measuring alpha, beta, gamma and

x-ray radiation using a 2-inch pancake GM detector with high

sensitivity to beta and alpha sources.


Compliance and Inspection

Emergency Response

Quality Control



Alarm Threshold

Acquisition Timer

Loud Audible Chirp

palmGRAPH Software

The palmRAD 907 is an economical radiation detection

solution for non-technical personnel in government, law

enforcement or the private sector. The instrument offers the

highest sensitivity to radiation making it an excellent tool for various

applications including industrial, medical or emergency response. A slide

switch on the front panel turns the unit on or off and also allows toggling

between audible and silent chirp modes. Another slide switch allows the

user to reset total counts, or display the radiation activity in mR/hr, CPM,

CPS, or mSv/hr.

The optional stainless steel Wipe Test Plate slides easily onto the 907

positioning the depression and wipe directly in front of the GM tube at a

fixed distance of 1 centimeter. The Wipe Test Plate is removable for

general surveying or decontamination. It can also be used for protecting

the GM tube from damage and the instrument from being contaminated

while the 907 is not in use.

The Total/Timer feature takes timed readings for periods from one

minute to 24 hours for precise measurement of low-level contamination.

Our safety first calibration feature can also eliminate radiation

exposure to the calibration technician. The instrument s user-adjustable

alarms alert audibly and visually when radiation is present and when

preset exposure limits are exceeded. The dose rate or cumulative dose is

shown digitally on the instrument s LCD display. The handheld unit

comes with a protective pouch which secures to a user s belt for

convenience in operation or transportation. The palmRAD 907 meets CE

certification requirements for Europe.

The back panel of the

palmRAD 907 (shown above)

features the 2-inch pancake

GM detector.

Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation http://www.BerkeleyNucleonics.com

2955 Kerner Blvd.; San Rafael, CA 94901 415-453-9955

palmRAD 907 being used to locate

radiation and measure in uR.

Software Package Included

palmGRAPH is a Windows-compatible software

package designed to record and graph radiation measured

by the palmRAD 907 over time. When run in

conjunction with an operating palmRAD 907, the

software will notify the user when user-adjustable alert

levels are exceeded by actual radiation counts. This

software utility also allows the user to measure, record

and display radiation readings over any period of time.

View current palmRAD readings with palmGRAPH, or

display and print graphs showing changes in radiation

levels over time. palmGRAPH software is also useful for

demonstrating gross count measurement theory in a

classroom or training setting.

palmRAD 907 Specifications

Detector: Halogen-quenched Geiger-Mueller tube. Effective diameter 1.75" (45 mm). Mica window density

1.5-2.0 mg/cm

Display: 4-digit liquid crystal display with mode indicators

Averaging Periods: Display updates every 3 seconds, showing the average for the past 30-second time period at

normal levels. The averaging period decreases as the radiation level increases. User can select fast

3-second averaging period.

Operating Range: mR/hr: .001 to 100.0; CPM: 0 to 300,000; Total: 1 to 9,999,000 counts; mSv/hr: .01 to 1,000;

CPS: 0 to 5,000

Efficiency: Sr-90 (546KeV, 2.3MeV max): approx. 75%; C-14 (156KeV max): approx. 11%; Bi-210 (1.2

MeV max): approx. 64%; Am-241 (5.5 MeV ): approx. 36%

Sensitivity: 3500 CPM/mR/hr referenced to Cs-137

Accuracy: ± 15%

Timer: Can set 1-10 minute sampling periods in 1-minute increments, 10-50 minute sampling periods in

10-minute increments, and 1-24 hour sampling periods in 1-hour increments

Count Light: Red LED flashes with each radiation event

Audio: Beeper beeps with each radiation event; can be muted

Outputs: Dual miniature jack drives CMOS or TTL devices, sending counts to computer or data logger.

Submini jack allows for electronic calibration.

Anti-Saturation: Readout holds at full scale in fields up to 100 times the maximum reading

Temperature Range: -10° to +50° C , 14° to 122° F

Power: One 9-volt alkaline battery; battery life is minimum 200 hours at normal background, minimum

24 hours at 1 mR/hr

Size: 150 x 80 x 30 mm (5.9"; x 3.2"; x 1.2")

Weight: 350 grams (12.5 oz) with battery

Options: Wipe Test Plate




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