您的位置:首页 > 产品展厅 > 仪器仪表 > 流量仪表 > 射线检测仪器 > 辐射仪Pressurized μR Ion Chamber Survey Meter
Model 451P 辐射仪Pressurized μR Ion Chamber Survey Meter
High sensitivity μR measurements of exposure and exposure rate
Available with dose equivalent energy response (SI units)
Fast response to measure radiation from leakage, scatter beams and pinholes
Ergonomic, anti-fatigue handle with replaceable grip and wrist strap
Excel add-in for Windows ® for data logging and selection of instrument operating
parameters (optional)
Low noise chamber bias supply for fast background reading
Choice of bright, highly visible colors
Easy touch keys
The Model 451P state-of-the-art ion chamber survey meter is a hand-held battery
operated unit designed for use in both rugged and normal environments. The
Model 451P features a pressurized ionization chamber, providing enhanced
sensitivity and improving energy response to measure gamma and X-ray radiation.
The Model 451P employs microprocessor and LCD technology. The ergonomic
handle, features a large diameter cushioned grip and is designed to reduce fatigue
associated with extended use. The case is constructed of lightweight, high strength
materials and is sealed against moisture. The user must specify R or Sv when
The display features an analog bar graph, 2 1/2 digit digital readout, low battery
and freeze mode indicators. User controls consist of an ON/OFF button and a
MODE button. The unit is auto-zeroing and auto-ranging. The display features
circuitry that automatically activates the backlight in low ambient light conditions.
The RS-232 interface can be connected directly to a computer for use with the
Excel add-in for Windows ® , enhancing the functionality of the instrument. The
software allows for data retrieval, user parameter selection and provides a virtual
instrument display with audible (requires sound card) and visual alarm indication.
The software may be customized by the user for specific applications.
The Model 451P is used in a wide range of medical and health physics applications.
The Model 451P was designed to measure leakage and scatter around diagnostic
X-ray and radiation therapy suites. Also, the Model 451P is ideal for site surveys
and is regularly used by X-ray manufacturers, government agencies, state
research labs, biomedical technicians, and in airports for baggage inspection
equipment maintenance.
• Ideal for a wide range of applications including NDT, X-ray, and environmental
• Auto-ranging and auto-zeroing
• RS-232 communications interface
• Measures rate and dose simultaneously
• Tripod mount for stationary, area monitor applications
• Freeze mode indicates peak reading
• Programmable flashing display
• Automatic, ultra-bright LCD display
• Separate integrate mode
• Excel add-in for Windows ® (optional)
• Real-time data logging
• Downloading of 2700 data sets stored in instrument
• Virtual instrument display with audible and visual alarm indication
• Supports user instrument configuration and parameter selection
• User selectable modes
Radiation Detected
Beta above 1 MeV
Gamma and X-rays above 25 keV
Operating Ranges
0-500 μR/h or 0-5 μSv/h
0-5 mR/h or 0-50 μSv/h
0-50 mR/h or 0-500 μSv/h
0-500 mR/h or 0-5 mSv/h
0-5 R/h or 0-50 mSv/h
Within 10% of reading between 10% and 100%
of full scale indication on any range, exclusive
of energy response. Calibration source is 137 Cs
Chamber: 300 cc volume pressurized air
ionization chamber to 6 atmospheres
Automatic Features
Auto-zeroing, auto-ranging, and auto-backlight
Response Time
Analog response time from 10% to 90% of
reading for a full scale step increase is dependent
on operating range. Response time for a step
increase in radiation exposure rate from
Step increase,
background to
Time to reach 90% of
final value (seconds)
400 μR/h 4.8
4 mR/h 3.3
10 mR/h 4.3
40 mR/h 4.5
100 mR/h 2.7
1 R/h 2
4 R/h 2.7
The following table shows time measured from
10% to 90% of final value for a step increase or
decrease in exposure rate such that a range change
does not occur. These values are the response
times for the various ranges:
Range 10% - 90%
0-500 μR/h (5 μSv/h) 5
0-5 mR/h (50 μSv/h) 2
0-50 mR/h (500 μSv/h) 1.8
0-500 mR/h (5 mSv/h) 1.8
0-5 R/h (50 mSv/h) 1.8
Power Two 9-volt alkaline, 200 hours operation
Display LCD analog/digital with backlight
Analog100 element bar graph
graph is divided into five major segments, each
labeled with the appropriate value for the range
of the instrument
Digital 2 1/2 digit display is followed by a significant
zero digit depending on the operating range of
the instrument. The units of measurement are
indicated on the display at all times. Digits are
indicators are also provided on the display
Warm-Up Time
Less than two minutes for initial operation when
the instrument is in equilibrium with ambient
Relative Humidity 0 to 100%
Geotropism Negligible
Typical Energy Dependence
16 Nitrogen gamma rays are 110% to 120% of
indicated readings as determined at the University
451P Models
Model 451P-RYR 451P w/standard chamber
Model 451P-YGG 451P w/standard chamber
Model 451P-DE-SI-RYR 451P w/Dose
Equivalent chamber
Model 451P-DE-SI-YGG 451P w/Dose
Equivalent chamber
Suffix designation RYR = Red/yellow/red
Suffix designation YGG = Yellow/gray/gray
Options Model 451EXL Excel add-in for Windows ®
and RS-232 interface cable
Model 190HPS Single Unit Carrying Case
Model 190HPC Multiple Unit Carrying Case
Model 62-103 137 Cs 10 μCi Check Source
Modes Integrate mode operates continuously 30
seconds after the instrument has been turned on.
Integration is performed even if the instrument
is displaying in mR/h or R/h
Freeze mode will place a tick mark on the bar
graph display to hold on the peak displayed value.
The unit will continue to read and display current
radiation values
Model 451P Typical Energy Dependence
Indicated/ Actual
Effective (keV)
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
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北京华瑞森科技发展有限公司 专业维修德国R280型手持式αβγX多功能放射性检测仪,GAMMA-SCOUT多功能数字核辐射仪,维修900型数字核辐射仪, 维修美国Alert型αβγ和X辐射检测仪,专业维修Inspector Radalert 100、Inspector Alert、Inspector EXP、Monitor 4辐射检测仪
北京华瑞森科技发展有限公司 现货供应:核辐射 化学 生物一体化多功能检测系统,X线摄影低对比度模体-对比度细节模体CDRAD 2.0,临床乳腺机IQ QA/QC性能测试模体, 锥形束CT/3D QA/QC性能测试模体, CT剂量模体,CT剂量仪,全身X线模体, X射线诊断计量仪,剂量/剂量率/kv/脉冲/曝光时间测量仪,QUART noniu X射线光野照射野一致性测量仪,QUART实时焦点检测仪(针孔相机),QUART 数字减影DSA QA性能测试模体,X射线机性能测试模体,CT机性能测试模体,X线机性能检测仪,CT机综合性能测试仪,伸缩杆型低高能散漏射线剂量/剂量率测量仪,HR-3211便携式伸缩杆型高剂量辐射测量仪,辐射防护用χγ辐射剂量率仪,卧式运动塌车负荷心电分析系统,HRS-MS环境辐射监测系统软件,固定式辐射监测仪,固定式辐射报警仪,区域辐射连续监测仪,在线xγ辐射监测仪,测氡仪, 6150AD-b,高灵敏度环境级γ剂量率仪,环境级γ剂量率仪,,FH40G,FHZ672E-10,环境γ剂量率测量系统,FH40GX,FH40TG,伸缩杆型高剂量辐射测量仪,RE-2000S,半自动型热释光剂量计读出仪,全自动型热释光剂量计读出仪,Harshaw6600全自动热释光自动测量系统,Harshaw5500热释光元件自动测量系统,HARSHAW TLD3500手动热释光测量仪,RG-50钢铁样品放射性含量分析仪,EUROPROBE肿瘤外科手持核素针式探测器,γ探针,擦拭测试计数仪,井型NaI咖玛计数仪,移动式核辐射应急监测车系统,加压电离室辐射巡测仪,RadEye-PRD高灵敏度便携式辐射探测仪,RadEye-B20携式辐射探测仪,HR9511型高精度Xγ核辐射检测仪,HR9511型核放射性检测仪, R280型手持式αβγX核多功能放射性检测仪,废旧钢铁废纸废塑料核辐射检测仪,电离室剂量仪,放射剂量仪,远红外线发射率测试仪,TSS-5X远红外线放射率测试器,远红外测试仪,远红外线放射率测试器,红外线放射率测试仪,氡钍及氡钍射气析出率测量仪,氡钍分析仪, CF-901便携式大流量空气取样器, 150L卧式运动踏车心电分析系统,N2型中子巡测仪,中子雷姆计,中子剂量当量仪,Triathler液体闪烁计数器, 美国Alert 型金属制品核辐射检测仪,Alert 型金属核辐射检测仪,EXP型手持式商品核辐射检测仪,ABPM203P便携式αβ气溶胶监测仪,手脚衣服放射性αβγ核污染监测仪,PDS-100G/GN中子γ巡测仪,HDS-101Gγ谱仪,HDS-101GN手持式γ中子巡测仪,DMC2000XB电子式χγβ个人剂量监测仪, DMC2000GN中子γ个人剂量监测、RDS-30核辐射测量仪,数字视频脑电图仪,手持式放射性核辐射及金属探测仪,核辐射剂量监测仪,医用放射性核素活度计;CRC-25放射性核素活度计;CRC-55TR触摸屏医用放射性核素活度计;美国Alert型αβγ和X核辐射检测仪,美国多功能核射线仪,Inspector EXP型αβγ和X核辐射检测仪;RAD-60个人剂量报警仪;PM1208M电子腕表型γ个人剂量报警仪;中子γ个人剂量报警仪;个人剂量计1621M型 ;FJ-3200型个人剂量报警仪;FJ-2000型个人剂量报警仪;DMC2000S/DMC2000X电子式个人剂量计;热释光剂量片,热释光剂量仪;YT0608型个人剂量报警仪;固定式χγ射线辐射报警仪;进口射线防护铅衣;射线防护铅围脖、铅帽、铅眼镜、铅手套;超薄射线防护铅手套;放射剂量仪;美国GE 高压电离室核辐射监测仪,γ辐射环境连续监测系统,德国24小时动态血压监测仪;动态数字血压监测仪;表面沾污仪,MicroCont II表面沾污仪, PRM-470系列便携式中子γ线巡测仪; SAM940 NaI便携式γ谱仪; Flow-Count TM For HPLC放射性检测器;TLC放射性薄层扫描仪;锝分析仪;RDS-110多用途辐射检测仪;RDS-80表面核污染测量仪(核辐射表面沾污仪);451P/B电离室核辐射巡检仪;900型多功能数字式核辐射仪;车辆γ和中子入口辐射探测门,TM850列车车载物γ、n监测门,货物包裹γ入口核辐射探测门,个人剂量读出器,个人剂量管理软件,背包式辐射扫描
北京华瑞森科技发展有限公司HRS2012型在线x- γ辐射连续监测仪也叫固定式区域辐射连续监测仪,是一种新型的 x- γ辐射连续监测报警装置,它采用特殊设计的前置放大电路,具有灵敏度高、操作方便、自动
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